Over the past several years, I’ve watched so many, as they step into their spiritual remembrance and realize they’re ALLOWED to follow their passion, favor expression via some form of the arts – whether painting, sculpturing, music of all kinds, dancing, writing, you name it – and REALLY expand once they allow themselves to do so.
For so long, I’ve observed this, and wondered why, as our remembrance of existing in higher consciousness unfolds, this seems to be important. It’s always felt good… and it’s always felt necessary; yet, according to the “3D standards,” the arts are generally a “nice to have” vs. a “necessary” part of our existence.
However, in my heart, I’ve always felt, “Of course,” even though I hadn’t yet remembered why.
My personally favored “art” – though I love many of them – is writing. I have much to write, it comes easily to me, and I know I consciously convey so much more energetically with the energy and remembrance I infuse in my words, than the words do in themselves.
Recently, I came across an article talking about author Stephen King’s tips on “How to Be a Great Writer.” One of the 22 very good points in this article was, “Understand that writing is a form of telepathy.”
‘All the arts depend upon telepathy to some degree…an important element… is transference. Your job isn’t to write words on the page, but rather to transfer the ideas inside your head into the heads of your readers…
Words are just the medium through which the transfer happens…’
It’s sometimes been a little disheartening to see some struggle with their heart being set on some form of arts, yet their mind (ego) telling them that it’s an “unimportant” pursuit in the bigger scheme of things… as the 3D world (friends, family, culture, you name it) will tell them this is so. I’ve watched them get a good start and then see their effort falter and sometimes regress – or go completely defunct – as their ego causes them to question their worth, and tells them that they would be better suited to “put that on the back burner” to pursue “world-worthy efforts” instead; this assures the ego of the individual’s value in 3-4D society. I recently saw the lamenting of a fantastic artist I know – who REALLY infuses her intuition and Higher Consciousness/Remembrance into her art – mentioning she’d gone through a tough period of feeling down about herself because she was “just an artist.”
So, let’s step away from that for a moment, and observe it. My understanding is that our focus now is to progress BEYOND the “traditional” and REPETITIVE rise and fall of the 3-4D; time to allow the management of existence from a fully integrated consciousness, including from our 5th dimensional Self and above (TO NOTE: Yes, we ALL have that; the 1-4D versions of our Self is just a TINY piece of the whole of our consciousness, and yet, our lessons before now have been generally been to allow the separation-driven energies of the 1-4D rule our experience in those planes, while we’ve just gone about our other lessons in higher consciousness). Now, it’s time to bring it altogether, ALL consciousness apparent at ALL levels.
As I often discuss with others, all “things” that exist in the 1-4D have been Divine tools of expression that we’ve created for these kinds of lessons. We’re the Divine expressed as we are for these lessons. The separation-based existence we’ve pursued here is based from there possibly being something OUTSIDE of us – and we often and mostly forget here that all of that which is OUTSIDE of us is created from the Divine WITHIN us… simply tools that remind us how to consciously and purposely access that within ourselves. Eventually, as we remember that… we let go of the tools.
Words, art, music, and movement are some of the MOST POWERFUL tools we’ve created!
They’re based in the heart; in the intuition; and, when allowed to be fully expressed, allow the consciousness of the Higher Self to shine through… helping ALL who have exposure to it to tap into that part of themselves. It’s with these media that we convey so many feelings and understandings – and Remembrance – that are so, so, SO much bigger than the 3D representations in themselves!
As we progress down the path of our Remembrance of Higher Consciousness here in our 1-4D Self, in the 3D world, my understanding is that we’ve cycled so many times – Remembered and “fell,” to start/cycle over again – that we’ve completed these lessons, and it’s time to do things differently. We’ve gotten lost, over and over, in the pursuit of the mind, the pursuit of separation… and now it’s time to Remember the pursuit of the Spirit, the heart, and connectedness while simultaneously completing these lessons in such separation.
Since the practice of the Arts – of all kinds – brings forward, in its full glory, the reflection of the Spirit and Higher, connected Consciousness… then THAT would make it one of the MOST IMPORTANT practices to honor in the 3D world, foregoing all of the “mind-based” pursuits we’ve come to love so much, in the pursuit of separation!
Why? Because the Arts help us to Remember.
The more we allow ourselves to exist in connectedness and Oneness as we pursue our individual journeys here at the consciousness level of this particularly separation-based Universe, the FASTER we will collectively attain our goal of transcending the barriers on which we’ve previously tripped in forgetfulness. The individual connection to this connectedness that comes through via the Arts, the amazing tools in this category that we’ve created as a REMINDER here, actually help to propel our Remembrance light years beyond any separation- and mind-based activity/pursuit that we’ve created here. So yes, I fully agree that the Arts are a form of telepathy from this standpoint; and in that, I now have the answer to those I know, and to those whose paths I continue to cross, when they doubt the “validity of their existence” because as they pursue their spirituality, and their heart opens to and wants to express itself via this set of tools.
It’s one of the MOST important things for us to pursue… in helping ourselves, and in helping others Remember our connectedness. Are you up to the task of its purity? Just allow…