Certifications and Practices

Here is an ever-expanding list of what I’ve been learning (Remembering) and practicing, as well as what modalities I’ve been certified to practice and/or teach over the years:

Main Practices, Current

Meditation, Harnessing, and Practicing Psychic/Spiritual Abilities
    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Trinity Energy Progression (Originator of Practice)
Ordained Interfaith Minister
Past Life Regressions
Sound and Tonal Healing Work
Crystal and Herb Work
Martial Arts

Other Certifications

Archangelic Light of the Divine Feminine
Munay-Ki/Shamanic Practice
Shamballa 13D Multi-Dimensional 13D Healing

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Main Practices, Current

These are practices I actively utilize in my practice, to which my abilities, foundation, and Remembrance have evolved:

Meditation, Harnessing and Practicing Psychic/Spiritual Abilities
Practice and Instructor

I’ve been meditating and learning methods of harnessing and practicing the access of what we call psychic/spiritual/metaphysical abilities in the 3D for more than 30 years; I regularly teach others how to “tap in,” as well, to psychic abilities of all kinds, including (but not limited to) mediumship, intuition/psychic expansion, energy healing/shifting, telepathy, multi-dimensional consciousness, conscious creation, visioning, an abundance of other activities. (See also Trinity Energy Progression, below).

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Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an  effective, scientifically researched method for reducing physical and psychological suffering while building resilience, balance, and peace of mind.

Learning to practice mindfulness provides a way of relating directly with whatever is happening in your life, a way of taking charge of your life, of consciously and systematically   noticing and responding to your own stress and pain,, and to the challenges and demands of living as well.

This starts with cultivating present-moment attention in an open, nonjudgmental way. MBSR is a nonsectarian, scientifically researched approach that is in harmony with any faith-based tradition.

I’ve taken the 8-week course and have attended multiple full-day retreats. MBSR has been an easy integration into the meditation practices I teach, by adding a crucial component of Presence consciousness.

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Trinity Energy Progression™
Originator. Instructor/Facilitator, Practitioner

This “next level,” continually evolving consciousness practice and advanced healing modality came to me in Remembrance in Fall 2011.

Trinity Energy Progression™ s an energy healing modality, a psychic/intuitive development process, and a holographic and wholistic way of being to support our massive jump in Remembrance and evolution, and help provide support to a powerful, accelerated pathway to an individual’s fulfilled potential.

Where a vast majority of energy healing modalities are based on a specific range of frequency (like a single color ray, like violet, in the prism of light), Trinity is the gateway that helps us remember how to access the ENTIRE prism of frequencies, in wholeness, as the whole of Divine Consciousness ourselves. This is why it provides an accelerated path to Remembrance and Self-Realization.

Whether you would like to “heal,” fully realize your bliss/potential, and/or help others to do the same, Trinity helps one to do so in a simple, powerful, and complete way.

Instead of accessing particular frequencies for a session (like Reiki, Archangelic Light, Shamballa, etc.), the gateway of Trinity has brought me to the practice of simply BEing the  I AM and access with the individual that will help them create what is intended. Thus, I don’t typically use any of the other “frequency-based” practices anymore, as it can be limiting vs. accessing the entirety of the spectrum. This is likened to having access to every radio, TV, and OTHER kind  of frequency “station” ever in creation, past, present, and future… and allowing whichever one (or multiple) is the most powerful and efficient for whatever creationary intent at hand to come forth in any given situation. Limitless!

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Order of Melchizedek (via Sanctuary of the Beloved)
Ordained Interfaith Minister

The Order of Melchizedek is a priesthood of individuals committed to teach and/or heal the Human Condition as it emerges into the Age of Aquarius. The order has come into physical form now because of the Earth transformation that is taking place. It last came into being in preparation for the coming of Christ.

The Order of Melchizedek does not discriminate; thus, everyone is welcomed. The Order is not a religion, but a service order. Each Priest is legally ordained under the “Sanctuary of the Beloved,” an incorporated, non-denominational church in New York State and in the United States.

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Past Life Regressions
Practitioner and Instructor, multiple approaches

Many phobias and otherwise unexplainable issues are believed to stem from residual events in other lives that continue to need resolution and release! Whether you believe in actual past lives or if you believe that they’re made up, the cause for the recall is typically a way for the brain and/or spirit to remember or heal an outstanding event or issue.

I’ve had the fortune to learn a multitude of ways to tap into the memories of past lives (my own or helping others to) from some very gifted and well-trained practitioners of various types, as well as guidance in the ethers!

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Crystal and Herb Work
Extended study and use

I found myself naturally attracted to gemstone crystals and their vibrations more than 20 years ago; I had a fascination with them for awhile, then put them away. In 2009, when I rediscovered my attunement to them, I found I still had a majority of the stones from that initial adoration period! My interest and studies have grown, and I’ve taken multiple classes in their use for healing and meditation.

As for herbs, I have been using them for decades as a full alternative to most pharmaceuticals; in fact, when I left the large corporate world in ’06, it was to build an organic herb nursery I’d started, which ran until 2009.

Herbs combine well as a supportive therapy with many others, including almost any healing or medical modality.

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Sound and Tonal Healing
Extended study and use

I’ve identified with music since I was a child, and was immersed in all kinds of musical training for years – a multitude of instruments, voice, and dance. Music has always been a healing partner to me as a part of my life, well before I realized it actually WAS healing! 

Since I started this conscious exploration, I’ve been naturally drawn to sound healing, toning, and different frequency healing practices. It’s a natural extension of expansion for me! When guided, I bring it into practice and session work; I have alchemy crystal bowls, brass bowls, chimes, and other sound healing pieces that sometimes want to jump in and enhance the meditation or energy healing session experience. I also teach others how to tone as a part of their self-work, as well.

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Martial Arts
Multiple Black Belts, Shaolin Kung Fu (current), Tae Kwon Do (past)

I have been a long-time student of martial arts. Since 2017, I have been practicing Shaolin kung fu, based on the original kung fu introduced by the Bodidharma to the Buddhist Shaolin monks in the 5th century. I am currently a practicing 3rd degree black belt.

This particular martial art is extremely focused on mastering the balance and effortless flow of body, mind, and spirit, focusing just as much on the “internal arts” as the external ones. The practice incorporates many different facets, including Tai Chi and Chi Gong, along with the balance of physicality and movement.

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Other Certifications

These are certifications and trainings I attained prior to my particular “flavor of ice cream” came together as it  is today. All were a great part on my pathway to Remembrance, in various ways:

Certified Usui Reiki Master

Reiki is an energetic frequency for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy.” So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.” (from http://www.reiki.org)

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Archangelic Light of the Divine Feminine
Certified Practitioner and Instructor

This is an energetic frequency that is a type of spiritual energy healing associated with the Divine Feminine energies. It involves a spiraling energetic light penetrating through to the core energy level to unblock emotional barriers and rebalance the energy field. This results in shifts in consciousness, relief from stress and fear, positive attitude changes, and mental clarity. Once healing at the core level has begun, it affects healing at all levels, creating a solid foundation upon which to build a strong mind, body, and spirit.

**©These Spiritual teachings came through Lorna Malmberg from the ArchAngelics (2001-2002).

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Munay-Ki/Shamanic Practices
Certified to Give and Instruct on How to Give the Munay-Ki Rites

Munay-Ki  are nine rites that are based on the initiatory practices of the Inka and pre-Inka shamans of the Andes and Amazon.

The word munay means “I love you” or “be as thou art.” The prophecies of the Ancient Americas speak about a new human, ”homo luminous,” appearing on the planet–one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki are the codes for the new human delivered in the form of energetic transmissions and received as seeds in the energetic architecture of the luminous body that surrounds the physical body, transforming our energy field into that of “homo luminous.”

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ThetaHealing is a way to reconnect our conscious path directly within our core to Creator/Source/God, who is within all of us; it enables us to tap directly into our Oneness and intuition, and then, in knowing our Oneness and unconditional love of Creator/Source/God, largely utilizes the principles of “intentioned watching” to “watch” Creator/Source/God do the actual work while in Theta state – where the mind is capable of deep and profound learning, healing, and growth – it is the brain wave where our minds can connect to the Divine and manifest changes in the material world.(Intentioned watching is something that has been proven true today in quantum physics; a great and easy-to-understand write-up of these findings is in the book The Intention Experiment, by Lynne Taggart.)

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Shamballa 13D Multi-Dimensional 13D Healing
Master Healer

Although similar to Reiki in many ways, it is an independent system, which is best described as a spiritual practice that is taught as a form of energy healing.


This system is considered to be an expansion of the Reiki energies as it combines them with Mahatma energy (also known as the ‘I AM’ Presence) and the energy of the Ascended Masters. Shamballa energy is multidimensional in nature, working not only on the physical level, but all levels. Similarly to Reiki, it travels to wherever it is required in the body and energy field. Shamballa works not only on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels, but through to the deepest levels of cellular memory, DNA and to the highest vibrations of the energy body.

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