This was one of our dogs, River… a 98-lb bundle of love. He came to me in my meditation this morning, as a great reminder, since he was one of my huge WHYs.
Let me explain…
In this picture, he’d recently been diagnosed with terminal lymphoma. We were giving him palliative care, to keep him as comfortable as possible through his remaining days. (Here, in the picture, he was getting acupuncture, which he LOVED!).
This was several months after what I call my Grand Awakening, and I’d been flooded with all kinds of understandings, intuitive openings, and all kinds of paths. I hadn’t yet explored anything around energy healing (I don’t think I even knew what it was at the time). However, in conversation about River, a dear soulmate friend of mine suggested I learn some energy healing to help him.
I remember that I felt helpless and wanted to do what I could… and so the journey began. From the get-go, it felt right, and easy for me. I would sit with him daily, doing healing work with him… and through the day before he passed, he was vibrant, jumping in the air to catch treats, and a happy boy.
I was most honored to sit with him when he transitioned; it was one of the most incredibly intimate and loving moments I’d ever experienced (it still brings tears to my eyes now, as I type this). He was seizing; as I sat on the floor with him, hands gently on his side, and holding a loving, supportive space with him, we seamlessly connected. I felt the equivalent of him trying to jump a wall or a fence, and being frustrated at not being able to. I remember “giving him a boost,” and I told him to go free, to be free, because he was so loved, and I wanted him to be happy and free of pain.
When he left, I felt him go. That was so, so incredible.
So, why is he one of my WHYs?
Because I understand that one of the reasons he took on lymphoma in that way was so I WOULD learn energy healing, to start the exploration of quantum physics, and the reflection of the world around me to what’s in myself… and that I was ignoring things in myself so much that I had to have him take it on to show me.
It broke my heart, to understand that, as he was still only 7 years old and SUCH a loving companion!
River joined me so often for years once he transitioned; I haven’t felt him for a long time, so I was really happy to see him this morning.
And he reminded me.
Our pets tend to take on a lot of things for us, physically and emotionally, that we avoid looking at within ourselves. I’ve learned when a pet of mine has been ill or having discomfort, it’s most often been to show me something I was missing about myself.
And, what resists, persists. If I didn’t get it with one pet… I surely would get it with the next one, and it would sometimes be even uglier and more stressful.
Why would we want them to do that? Why are we often so negligent in prioritizing ourselves that things have to be shown to us by the loved ones around us?
It started to subside when I really, really committed to the path of inner mastery and what we call “self work.”
He is my ‘why’ because I strive to spare my pets, and all companions, the burden of bearing my unresolved struggles. I choose for their lives to be untouched by my unaddressed shadows. After River’s departure, I committed to align my inner self, to prevent the ripple of stress, illness, and misalignment from affecting those I hold so dear. In dedicating myself to find my center, my peace, and my authentic happiness, I also hold the space for others around me to do the same.
This is why I teach what I do; it’s why my crusade is about profound self awareness, self empowerment, self actualization… and each of us realizing that our happiness and what we create in our lives is all a reflection of what’s within us.
I’ve taken more than 13 years of my journey to continuously up-level and master doing this, so I can help others to do it for themselves, too. I’ve created a 16-week program that takes a lot of tidbits that are often taught in a multitude of different courses, added in my own experience and (Trinity Energy Progression) energy healing modality/practice, and created a journey of self mastery that is unlike the others out there.
It’s River approved, as he indicated this morning in meditation. 

If this resonates, and you’re ready to get beyond these kinds of incidences, check out my new program, and let’s set up a free call to discuss!