Two weeks after the U.S. elections, emotions are still raw, divisions are deepening, and media/social media is flooding our consciousness with continuous friction.

However, there’s a lot more to observe than we’re generally allowing. Let’s break it down:

Division and Despair

Many say they’re cutting out their friends and relatives because they voted for the opposite party, on the basis of having such different values. There’s a lot of despondency, fear, and gloating, on the “winning” side.

I admit, I had my despondency. Deep sadness, and then at times outright anger! I couldn’t function for most of a week… I was so angry, I wouldn’t even meditate for several days (which of course made things worse). Then, last week I got back on track, and yet it was still a rollercoaster. I had my moments when I actually considered that “cutting out” exercise myself… and yet I generally didn’t, unless someone was really out of hand.

Turning Inward: Watching the Ego

Instead, I observed.

I watched my ego, where it went, what triggered it.  I took note, and considered the triggers. And then I looked at why I’d so desperately not wanted to live in the timeline where the outcomes looked like this.

I really had seen it coming, and I did everything to “try and change that” energetically. Yet, the messages kept coming, and I kept ignoring them.

Ultimately, this is what many of us in the consciousness realm have known was coming for years. We’ve been in a hurry-up-and-wait mode, sometimes full of direction, sometimes feeling like we were to take one road to suddenly get upended to follow another.

I know for the past 15 years, I’ve constantly been pushed, more and more urgently, to be the calm in the storm, and to teach others to do the same. I’ve progressively gotten bigger and bigger experiences in which to practice this… and I knew from that pattern that the storm was coming.

In the middle of all of that? Top priority: Know how to discern guidance from ego, and to follow guidance above all else… transcending everything I see, hear, and take in from what appears around me. Also to learn how to observe the ego vs. getting lost in it. A small shift that makes a huge difference.

The Kraken… Within the Shadows

So, it seems we’ve begun the big kahuna of storms.

As much as I knew it was coming, I realized there had been a part of me that hadn’t really wanted to “release the Kraken.” Yet, funny, even in using that terminology, if you look at lore, many believe that that the Kraken metaphorically represents Human Consciousness.

I would even venture to say the Kraken would actually represent the Shadow of Human Consciousness. It’s a collective that all of us make up individually… so it’s related to each one of us, and simultaneously collectively.

Many of us want to sit back and claim, “I wasn’t a part of this; it wasn’t MY choice!” And yet, if one lives by the tenet that we create our reality – and thus, “having is evidence of wanting” – then at some level, we wanted this mess to come to surface.

That’s the toughest pill to swallow for most, including myself, at moments.

It’s not something many of us prefer at the conscious level, but it’s what we require to progress. Full Tower mode (from the tarot), tearing down ALL that doesn’t serve us. Deep down, we’ve known it was coming, and we’ve put it off for as long as we would allow ourselves to.

So regardless of who anyone cuts out, or where any of us move, it will still reach us. We will have no choice but to rebuild, from the inside out.

Unfortunately, for those who believe they’re on the “right side” with the winners of this election – because by some miracle they believe it’s going to automatically get better and smoother – there will be another set of harsh realizations that will come later. Because there IS a lot more darkness to come, as the Kraken is surfacing. And every piece of Shadow that is unrecognized, unrealized, excluded, and unloved will become bigger and more powerful, before it gets resolved.

Moving Forward… Step by Step (or Inch by Inch)

So what do we do?

The requirement, as I understand it, is to work this from the inside out. Dedication to our Shadow work. It’s time to stop avoiding it, and stop projecting it onto others. That’s what has made the collective Shadow rise to the surface.

Overall, realize that when we say, “We are all one,” we’re all part of the Wholeness… that means ALL of us, and ultimately, we’re all in this together. Division creates more exclusion and grows the power of the Shadow. It’s time to stop growing that, and start putting our focus on the end result: unity and wholeness. It’s something we tend to lose sight of again and again when the going gets tough. We all have individual acting roles to play in our lives; but remember, do actors who play adversaries in a role hold on to that when the costumes come off? Typically not. This is a play we’re all in together, playing the roles we agreed to play. Maybe if we start to see through that illusion, we can start to move through this more quickly.

If that’s uncomfortable (which it is to most of us), to start, take a breath. Do your inner work. If you don’t know what that is or need help with that, let’s talk. And if you want a quick primer, check out this video on my YouTube channel called 3 Keys to Being Calm in the Chaos (and some thoughts) that can provide additional insight and ways to get through.


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