Entering the womb…

Have you ever felt inconsistency in Time? One day might feel like a week, and then a entire week can feel like an hour… especially these days!

I’ve had this experience a LOT… and then I experienced such an insight to an extreme on this on my recent vacation with my husband, where we stopped one day to spend some time in Luray Caverns in Virginia. I hadn’t been there for more than 30 years… and I’m in a far different place consciously than I was then!
Caverns – especially ones of this size – are so womblike, so quiet and peaceful… and STILL. Time moves VERY slowly in this 7 million-year-old area under the Earth! As water drips through, stalactites grow from the top and stalagmites grow from the ground… at a rate of 1 cubic inch per 120 years.
Talk about Presence!
Some of the huge columns have such a consciousness to them, a Presence in themselves. I got the feeling that no matter how slowly we went (by OUR standards LOL), we were still walking through in between breaths, which could very well be, as they can be thousands or millions of years old.

Look at this pair… together for millenia (or more)!

This one columnar Presence in the caves is a stalactite and a stalagmite that grew from ceiling to floor and floor towards the ceiling and just missed each other; it’s like a yin/yang couple (I feel the stalagmites – the floor pieces – as masculine, for obvious reasons in their formation LOL, and the stalactites as female, “giving birth” to the male pieces below).

Completion on their own and yet together! Many meet in the middle and become on column.
When feeling these formations as active pieces of Earth consciousness, it’s wild to perceive how our embodiment in one human life is simply less than a moment in comparison. And it’s truly beautiful to feel my presence in less than a breath of these Beings. It’s nurturing, encompassing, loving, and such a part of completion!
Have you ever experienced flexibility in time experiences like this? How we perceive time and how things exist on completely different scales, but simultaneously? Do share!


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