The past three weeks have been just SO huge!
I’ve had no big external events to quantify that. However, every moment of every day, every part of me has been… shifting, for lack of a better word.
The experience on 12-12-12 at Pilot Mountain (read my blog post about that day) truly changed me in ways I can’t describe. I see everything – everything – differently, MUCH moreso than before. For the past three weeks, I’ve done the minimum of what I typically do in the public’s eye; I’ve skipped my Webcasts for the past two, I haven’t been as active in answering posts online or in email. I didn’t schedule any sessions between Christmas and New Year’s; I’ve stayed as close to home as much possible (which is very unusual for me), stayed completely in the moment… and simply sat in love and joy as much as possible.
On the front end, I didn’t have a clue as to why I was feeling the need to be so…quiet. Anyone who knows me personally would know how out of character that is for me! However, looking back over the past three weeks, I can see the shift that’s happened… and now, I understand it.
First and foremost, I released all residual resistance of the “old world” that remained within me. Some things came to light that truly surprised me… bits and pieces of deep, unhealed, unresolved parts of the “old” me. I stayed present… I watched it come up, process through, and release, without giving any of it any more energy, any resistance. That was a challenge for some of it… but I persevered, let go, let go, let go… and watched it flow away.
Secondly, I felt like it was important – REALLY important – to have this “quiet time”; to be completely present in the moment to spend it with my husband and children. Through that, there were some things that came up to resolve and flow away, as well.
Throughout this time, I’ve had many, many pieces to a puzzle I didn’t know was there start coming together. I can’t describe my understanding of the paramount importance of what’s going on with us, individually and collectively… and how little of what we waste so much time, energy, and drama on doesn’t serve us in the highest and best way! It’s like I’ve gotten a pair of glasses when I didn’t know I needed them; I thought I had seen things clearly before… and yet, everything has become far, far more crystal clear, with a different depth of understanding.
And through this new ability to see in such a different, clearer way, I’ve just been observing… and now I’m processing the world through a different set of eyes.
In releasing those final parts of me that held those last bits of hesitation and trepidation on committing all the way to what is to come for me – for what I’ve signed up to do, A to Z – I’ve finally arrived to a place of living fully in the moment; enjoying everything here and now, and seeing the beauty of all of it! I cherish what I have, who is in my life, all that has been provided… and I marvel at HOW MUCH has changed in this world in just the past 3 years; in 2012, it was like we finally reached the top of the mountain with the snowball, and somewhere along the line, we got over the peak, and started to roll downhill. Wheeeee…. things have been changing at an exponentially rapid pace; new understandings around the world, so many who are awakening spiritually to what is within (and what has always been), to our connectedness… and to the EXTREME SPORT that we’ve decided the “apex” of this existence would be! We’ve come to the Class 5 rapids… to the 40% downhill grade… to the point of jumping off the cliff into the clouds without clearly seeing what’s beyond. That’s how we decided we’d do it, collectively. Many of us have a piece of understanding of the big picture… but no one of us – no one – has conscious remembrance of all of it yet. My understanding is that the only way for us to get there – to remember all of it – is to work on ourselves, to clear our partitions within to see the whole of the self, so we could see our individual whole picture FIRST; until then, the context cannot be understood.
So many focus so much attention and energy on everyone else, on where everyone else is, what others think, what others say, what should be done for _______, and the victimhood existence of being helpless in what others “are doing to them” (or, in the equivalent, of what can/should be done FOR them) … that relatively little time and effort is being taken to focus on the Self. Along with that, what’s being avoided in such an existence is stepping fully into the Truth of WHO WE ARE… each and every one of us. Of taking the reins, and in doing so, taking full responsibility for our entire reality as it is, individually, and releasing the expectations that someone else has to “take care of” ANYTHING for us.
In the efforts of the lessons of duality for which this existence has been created (essentially boiling down to exploring the concept in a zillion ways, as the Divine, of what would happen if there could possibly be a “me” and a “not me”), we have done a stupendous job of disempowering ourselves … of believing that the answers, the solutions are outside of us, and in turn convincing ourselves and each other that some are less special/powerful/brilliant/magical/Divine than others. And the habit of that has become to depend on others… because the ego tells us that we couldn’t possibly have the answers inside of us! Even in what is considered the “spiritual world” (as if there’s ANYTHING that isn’t spiritual)… a vast majority still believe that getting the answers from what is considered to be an archangel, an ascended master, or even on this plane of consciousness someone who has been deemed a guru in some way, shape, or form is BETTER than getting the answers from within. Even more of a vast majority still believe that what is considered “God” – the Divine, Spirit, Source, etc. – is a completely external entity to themselves… and still disempower themselves to that external deity. So many spend so much time listening to what others have to say in what they “should” do, how they “should” act, and what they “should” believe, that they completely miss the point that what’s most important is to spend time clearing out the muck on the inside, release all the self-limiting thoughts, words, and actions that are holding them back (especially self judgment), and dusting off the mirror to look at themselves straight on to remember their own Truth. Once we have resolved all of that self judgment that limits us in every single way, we can finally realize the brilliance of what we actually are; and that ALL of us here are LITERALLY the angels, archangels, ascended masters… and fully the Divine.
My understanding is that we’ve come to a point in our progression where enough of us have started to remember that we are, each and every one of us, fully responsible for ourselves and for our reality; enough of us have started LIVING the full acceptance that each one of us is the Divine, and in doing so, have taken full responsibility for our own individual journeys. In reaching this “tipping point,” we’ve been able to slightly shift the inspired road ahead of us as we continue on into this “New Age.” We agreed to certain collective “checkpoints” on this timeline… and we’ve passed a major checkpoint over the past month that is now allowing us to proceed with a far “lighter” version (though no less extreme) of the planned mass Awakening than the road we had previously been following.
I am honored to have “been there” consciously to understand this shift in direction; many have had an unidentified feeling of exuberance of “Whew, we passed THAT point…” and mistakenly credit that feeling to the seamless passing of the 12/21/12 date in the 3D reality to which so many gave so much energy! In fact, the acceptance of the shift came into this reality earlier than that.
Upon stepping back over the past month, I have observed the freneticism that still pervades our world. There’s still a LOT of work to do, and my understanding is that it will still be VERY uncomfortable for many who try to further delay that full self-realization and self-empowerment… because what we try to repress and/or ignore because it’s uncomfortable will quickly be PUSHED upon us, whether we like it or not (see my October ’12 blog, The “Storm’s” Just Beginning… How to Smooth Out the Edges As We Go…).
And just think… this is a far, far more easy and graceful way of progression (as I tell so many with whom I work, “easy and graceful” is all a relative thing)…
Upon realizing all of this, I’ve finally been able to embrace the full commitment of what it is I volunteered to do. Essentially, it’s quite a varied and inspired array of powerful ways to help others to look in the mirror, once and for all, so they will see the Divine within.
And when I say it’s inspired… let’s say I’m really taking the bull by the proverbial horns… LOL!
I know my life is changing, and will transform even more radically as we move forward. I’ve joked over the past several years of remembering my Self that I’ve (re)discovered I’m apparently quite the audacious spiritual adventurer, in being reminded of what I’ve signed up to do. It will actually be that way for many of us in some way, shape, or form… some moreso than others, depending on what we’ve agreed to do during the climax of this magnificent symphony! So, part of my quietude over the past several weeks is the pervading feeling that I’ve needed this period to step back, take a deep breath, and prepare… to stay saturated in love and gratitude for where I am, RIGHT NOW, in every moment…as I prepare to take the leap off of the next cliff, even without having full conscious remembrance of what’s below… except that I’ve CHOSEN to go there!
So, no need for any “new year’s resolutions” – it’s more like a “new age pledge”… and that simply is to BE ME, the whole shebang, fully and completely! I will live every single moment beyond the scope of what we can imagine today, to live in faith and love at a much, much higher level than ever before, and to be ready to dive from a new cliff at every given moment! I accept, commit to, and embrace what my soul’s purpose is, to all of the elements for which I volunteered – regardless of what that might look like from the 3D level – even though I don’t even know the full scope of it yet. I accept and embrace not only pushing my boundaries, but in releasing boundaries (and “boxes”) altogether…
This is truly a new age… and the fun is just beginning. Change is how we CHOOSE to experience it.
How about you?