These past nine days have been phenomenal beyond phenomenal… there aren’t words to describe what I have seen, felt, and experienced in myself and others around me.

So, so, so much of the gunk of the “old world” has come to the surface for so many… because it doesn’t serve us anymore. It is the energy of the past, of the lessons of duality that we have completed with flying colors! In the physical, so many have been experiencing this with cold/flu-like symptoms, odd rashes, headaches, flare-ups of “old” illnesses/injuries that might not have shown themselves for a long time… and/or many have simply felt the need to sleep, sleep, sleep… All are simply physical symptoms of detoxing these leftovers. Also, from the “non-physical” standpoint, many, MANY are having challenging, resistant situations come up (sometimes it’s a circling back around of something previously THOUGHT to have been resolved within), and are working through a lot of muck in their personal lives. SO… it might seem ugly and painful to the ego… but it’s there at the surface to RELEASE to the wind and CLEAR it from our consciousness, once and for all! (In a spiritual discussion group last night, we coined the term describing this as “a spiritual/psychic loogie”… LOL…)

This morning, at 6:15am ET, I joined with many, many others out in the ethers with the intention of melding with the “new world” while helping to bring in and anchor it into this one. What an extraordinary experience; the eternity of the void, the serenity, the peace, love, and connectedness of SO MANY with the same intention is AMAZING! (You can come and “join us,” simply by setting the intention that you join the effort with all others, outside of space and time, at the moments of focus of the “transitioning of the ages, from the old world to the new.”)

IN bringing in the new age and a new world… we remember to live in love, 100% in our Divinity and wholeness… and we can release the density, the heaviness, the separation of the old. We ARE the new world… we are ALL the catalysts to “bring it in,” in a magnificent symphony of many beautifully different, individual and yet fully integrated ways.

In moving forward, we do so with full consciousness and remembrance that WE ARE whatever we make it to be.

Yet, the continuance of this journey is very, very individual! Many will continue to “detox” and release what doesn’t serve us, once and for all… with the opportunity to remember that WE EACH have the full power to release ALL of it, physical and non-physical, and all that we need… is ourselves and the power we hold within.

Our lives will change; we may make what may seem to others to be drastic changes. Many will feel the pull to move to a new location entirely; many will leave well-established jobs, relationships, lives… simply with knowledge and acceptance that whatever the situation is doesn’t serve the individual in the Highest and Best way. The voice of the heart and Higher Self will be LOUD; if ignored, the situation will correct itself much more rapidly than has happened in the past! So the choice is to step forward with love, trust, fluidity, and acceptance of this guidance, allowing a relatively graceful and easy transition… or not, and instead have external situations pull us to the eventuality (which can manifest itself in forms of natural catastrophes and a number of what the ego considers negative and painful situations, at the individual and mass levels).

It’s ALL OK… it’s all AMAZING. It’s simply time for the heart and the Higher Self to speak up in ALL ways, and for us to remember how to LIVE that way. To live in love, fluidity, and with consciousness of the WHOLENESS and COMPLETENESS of our Oneness and the individual simultaneously.

And so a new day begins; a new dawn lights the path ahead… we are love; we are light; we are ALL.


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