I know this morning that a majority of my awakened and intelligent soul tribe will be/are upset by the results the US elections. I was initially somewhat surprised myself…and yet, I understand; before projecting on to something “out there” (whether or not you voted for the elects), here’s a higher perspective on all of this to consider:
There was no “easy choice” on the presidential front… my understanding was that the easiest choice we had at doing this next phase of collective evolution was electing Bernie, and we threw that out the window in June. At that point, I knew that regardless of our choice moving forward, none of it would be what the ego considers “easy.” It was clear that whomever would prevail would be the one to allow the “tower” of our false reality to crumble. HRC really sort of did that when the DNC forced her in to the candidacy, and blatantly showed the public the manipulation and entitlement that goes on behind the curtain. And yet… so many went into an immediate case of amnesia about the whole thing,
For our accelerated rate of evolution, it was clear that we’ve decided to rip off the Band-Aid… and via the president elect (and a majority of Congress elects), collectively look directly into that which we deny still exists within ourselves, into the heart of the darkness we’ve been pretending for so long isn’t there anymore, bring up what remains of our collective self-loathing into the light, face it, to (hopefully) resolve it, once and for all.
No more hiding from ourselves; we’ve turned the mirror around, and there’s nothing there but us.
One part of this – and it’s a really crucial part – is whatever’s left of a continued and skillfully hidden and repressed resentment and fear of the power of Divine Feminine… including in some women themselves, who, though embodying the power of creation, are still ok with allowing themselves to be punished, martyred, and/or minimized into subordination for doing so. This would have been cleanly masked with the election of HRC (even though it was truly Bernie who represents that energy, moreso than HRC). So how to bring the remainder up to the surface and out in the open? Elect someone who appears to be a misogynist along with others who basically love to focus on efforts at controlling women and their bodies, who love the idea of controlling the half of the population (and the part within themselves) that scares them.
We have a long broken system that does NOT address ALL OF US as equally Divine individuals who are part of a unified whole – whether we’re from the US or elsewhere, male, female, black, white, orange, purple, green, LGBT, short, tall, big, small, rich, poor, and everything in between – so what better way to smack ourselves in the face around that but elect someone who appears to be openly exclusionist and biased?
In spiritual development, we recognize that we’re triggered (as in triggering fear, anger, etc.) by someone who in some way reflects something we judge about ourselves back to us. If we hide it from ourselves, we won’t look at it. Therefore, what this election says is that we’re apparently ready to look at all of this straight on, too. That’s been apparent from the beginning of when Trump made it to the forefront as a candidate.
In spiritual terms, many use the term “dark night of the soul” when referring to the journey of self-realization. In many ways, that’s what it might seem we’ve chosen as our next steps. However, how “dark” it is really only depends on how much we judge and are resistant to seeing what exists of this within ourselves. It’s when we can see this part of ourselves with acceptance and from a place of love that we don’t need to have it shown to us anymore… and/or when it’s reflected back to us, we have no reaction but acceptance and love.
No one can take our power away from us but what we allow; no one can take our happiness and peace from us but what we allow. It’s our Divine Right. We choose every day, every moment, in our reality… whether we live it in love, unity, and peace… or in anything else.
As for me, I choose love, unity, peace… laughter and fun… and from that, power. Not just with others in my community, state, and country… but around the entirety of the Earth/Gaia organism and the Multiverse of which we’re a part.
I know that many of us who do all kinds of spiritual work have been accelerated in such remembrance to now stand as a lighthouse during what can potentially be quite a “dark” period of realization for many. This is the message I’ve received for years now of the importance of evolving to be able to remain being “the calm in the storm.” Now’s not the time to disappear… but to shine brighter than ever before!
Guidance has also been for years to remember how to be fully “in-dependent” – to be completely dependent on and trusting inner guidance, REGARDLESS of what the eyes see – because that’s the way to navigate and FLOW through it all! This is what I devote my time to living and teaching(/reminding)… and where we have come to is exactly why.
So, the anticipation of our path of choice is done with; now, let’s regain our centeredness, peace, and love… and proceed. Time to consciously choose where we are vibrationally in EVERY MOMENT, and BE THE CHANGE… regardless of what it looks like around you.