Happy New Age and Rebirthing to Our World!

This morning, 12/21/12 at 6:15am ET, I joined with many, many others out in the ethers with the intention of melding with the “new world” while helping to bring in and anchor it into this one. What an extraordinary experience; we are all so AMAZING to be here at the rebirthing of our existence!

“Ascension”? Really? With All of This Mess Around Us (and Within)? Some Thoughts to Consider…

Have you looked around lately – within your own life and/or in those around you and the world in general and asked, “What IS this mess, anyway? How is THIS evolution and progression?!” Have you had hours, days, and/or weeks where you’ve started feeling extremely angry, fearful, listless, like you want to crawl out of your skin… and yet have no specific cause for it? And what about being weighted down… have you had moments when you’ve felt as if you’re completely filled with lead, like you’re wearing a suit that makes you feel like you’re carrying an extra hundred pounds or so?

Yep… I gotcha. Been there, done that.. some considerations on what’s going on…