Looking back down the tunnel via flashlight, from the end. It might be challenging to see at this size and resolution… but the orb that clearly shows itself in the upper right, under the opening, presented itself to me as an elemental. What’s REALLY cool about this picture is in the upper right, OVER the doorway… there’s an outline of pretty much the upper half of a being showing it’s face… and I see several wispy others in here… can you?
I’ve been making a trip at LEAST once yearly to Mount Shasta since 2012; it’s now tied to me teaching the Instructor’s class of Trinity Energy Progression (for more on some of the reasoning for that, see the Trinity Website).
That’s my guidance.
Mount Shasta is… another world, another dimension entirely, if you allow it to be! I’ve written about it before (see the posts from my first trip – in this life – on my original Website, Road to Awakening, from 2012: Getting Lost to Find Our Way… (Mount Shasta Tales, Part One) and Journey Reflections from the Mountain (Mount Shasta Tales, Part Two).
So, here I am, on my yearly excursion, here a few days before the class joins me. Again… guidance. I just knew it was important to be here alone up front, even if I didn’t know why, until a few weeks ago.
There’s been so much about accepting, embracing, and integrating the darkness, remembering it as part of the light; so when I was suddenly getting loud and clear that it was important for me to go to Pluto’s Cave – a mile-long, 190,000-year-old lava tube north of the mountain – I mistakenly believed it was in relation that. Sorta, kinda… not really.
Many believe this is one of the doorways opening into the underworld civilizations of Agartha and Telos. THAT’S what I was missing!
All I know was that my guidance was to GO. I read up on getting there, on recommended preparations (bring/wear a flashlight with extra batteries, good hiking/climbing shoes, a sweatshirt, water, and a partner). However, I was getting to just go… on my own. So… I trusted.
I tried getting there earlier; there were delays and redirects. I found the parking lot to the trail to the cave, and pulled in… just at the same time another group had just gotten there. I looked over… and there were twelve earthy, vibrant young adults in their late teens and MAYBE early twenties; and one man in my age group, maybe older. I thought, “Wasn’t I supposed to do this alone?” My answer, loud and clear: “This is who you’re to be with.” I hesitated at first, and asked, “Really?” Yes, absolutely… I felt it.
I admit, at first I was a bit standoffish, because in anticipation that I’d be alone, my first planned order of business was biological. I actually booked past the group, onto the trail, and instead of taking the turnoff to the cave… I continued on, until I’d seen they’d gone ahead… and, well… took care of business! (I know, TMI, right? There will be a little tidbit later about why I’m sharing this here.)
When I got up and turned around, I made my way to the caves. It took me a few extra twists and turns (basically it’s in a pretty remote, desert area), but I found it. As I walked up, I heard voices that sounded very obviously like the opening of a spiritual ceremony. As I approached, I recognized the older man was sort of a guide to the group. He looked up at me, and asked if I’d like to join them… to which I replied, “Of COURSE! We’re here together… it was obviously arranged, so I might as well!” Then someone in the group commented about “there’s the 13th person”… and that was that; I was smudged and welcomed! The leader talked about how the spirit of the owl guards this cave, and he pointed out an owl’s nest high in the rocks at the entrance. He told us that sometimes groups get blessed with the actual presence of the owl.
We began our journey in through the beginning, where there are a holes in the ceiling from collapses, providing beautiful beams of light in the contrast to the dark. As we walked toward the first one… a big, beautiful owl soared quietly over us! After we moved past the opening… it flew by again! Such magnificence!
Mostly, we were all in awe of the beauty and energy of the tunnel itself. It was definitely a rocky slope, up and down… and the deeper we got, the blacker it got. Yet, it felt nourishing, embracing… and I could feel the presence of many in the “non-physical” along with us! Also, what I often hear in high vibration places, I just knew, in my consciousness: “It’s a little bit rough to discourage those who aren’t truly guided or ready…”
We pressed on, and I spoke with many in short spurts as we proceeded in the dark (save the single beams of the flashlights). I spoke quite a bit with the leader, nicknamed Bobbles (not sure of the spelling, but you get the idea). He started by asking me, “So what brings you here?” My answer: “Guidance.” He nodded, and said, “Good enough!” We talked about Mt. Shasta (he’s a recent transplant), about the synchronicity of us arriving together… and my half-joke was, “Yes… but I’ve learned to just allow it to happen here at Shasta… because it’s such an energetic home! I’ve never gone anyplace else where it’s so prevalent that I run in to people, we recognize each other (even though we haven’t previously met in this life), and can just say, “Hey!! Wow, it’s been LIFETIMES since we’ve seen each other… and know that it’s true!” That got a laugh of understanding from most of the group.
Bobbles said he’d intended to invite me to join them right in the parking lot, but I hurried off, and he figured I wanted to be alone… and then, when I veered off, he figured I wasn’t “taking that path.” I laughed… and told him why… and he laughed, too, and thanked me for telling him, because he’d been pretty sure I was to join them.
As we progressed in, something in me… changed. Energetically, whatever was flowing through me increased dramatically, the further we progressed into the cave. Bigger and bigger… the only thing that kept me focused in the 3D was climbing up and down somewhat steep inclines and declines, on mostly BIG rocks, in complete darkness with exception of the beams of the flashlights. I also noticed that I was unusually out of breath, and sweatier than I would typically be for this kind of climb. However, I knew somehow it was completely energetic.
About 2/3 of the way in, we got to quite an opening, and Bobbles told everyone present to find a rock for a meditation. He waited until everyone was seated, and then we all turned off our lights. Complete darkness!!!
I barely had time to “tune in”… when everything amped up energetically EVEN MORE for me… and I suddenly REMEMBERED… the “seed.”
Let me back up a moment: A month ago, I took the Trinity instructors on a retreat on an island off the southern coast of NC; a place where I had been shown there is a vortex off the end of the southeast tip… and in that vortex was the energetic presence of what I call a Lemurian crystal chamber, which is a huge crystal pyramid I’ve seen “coming up from the oceans” for several years now. We all connected with the pyramid; its presence became stronger and stronger through our energetic work throughout the weekend. The culmination of the group and the weekend was all of us had agreed to come together to energetically “activate” this particular pyramid, “when the time was right.” And so it was! In the process, I also gained remembrance – and strongly/clearly reminded – that I am energetically the Guardian of that pyramid. When the group of us activated it, I assumed some sort of energetic “seed” into my being; I understood immediately that it was to be “planted” when I came to Mt. Shasta. At the time, I didn’t know (remember) the “where” or “when”… just that I was to do that.
I’d forgotten all about it.
When we were sitting there, I remembered hearing about being the Guardian of that pyramid, and getting “the seed.” And at that moment, I knew undoubtedly that as my part of this whole synchronistic event, I was there to “plant and activate the seed”… and receive something else, which I don’t yet consciously remember. However, it was JUST as BIG! And so I just sat in my Light… and I allowed it to happen.
I could see something spectacular happening, and simultaneously, I saw how everything had come together, so perfect, with this group, this guide, to be there in THAT moment! In the energetic hugeness of seeing that, I can’t tell you when in the timeline that Bobbles talked about how much work he and others had done to energetically clear the tunnel and get it “up to par”… and that somewhere in there, he’d understood that he is now the Guardian of the tunnel/cave! Guardian of that pyramid; Guardian of that tunnel/cave. The agreement we’d had was crystal clear – that he would be there to assist me in getting in to the point that was the most advantageous to do what I’d volunteered to do – because had I truly been alone, I’m not sure I would have ventured that far in on my own.
I was overwhelmed with the hugeness, as I saw a LOT that I didn’t consciously understand, but that my heart absolutely did. Quietly weeping in joy and gratitude, and being overwhelmed in the beauty of it, Bobbles rang a bell in the darkness several times. Moments after that, the entire group spontaneously began to tone; it was definitely otherworldly, and I knew and could see fully in that moment that those young adults in the group – pretty much the same age as my oldest daughter – are incarnate with a heavy piece of consciousness IN those higher dimension locations… because I know them THERE. The toning came from the higher dimensions… and it just got bigger and bigger.
After awhile, we were instructed to turn our lights back on, and we proceeded then to the end of the main tunnel. I could feel something just changing dramatically and it was affecting me physically; I asked if it was highest and best for me to continue to the end, and I basically understand at that point, it didn’t matter either way.
So i went to the end; we stayed there for awhile and then headed back.
I noticed increasing discomfort in my body; somewhere in there it started to feel leaden… and like I said, this was actually quite a moderate kind of hike that I’m typically very comfortable taking. I’d stopped for regular water breaks, and had been well nourished before I’d gotten there. This was different… and it grew and grew. I heard some pieces of my consciousness, pieces of my “higher memory,” saying, “We can let go of the physical body now…” and I said to them, in a commanding way, from an even higher place, “NO… CONTINUE ON. ALLOW, ACCEPT, EXPAND, ASSIMILATE…WE’RE DOING THIS DIFFERENTLY NOW!” And in another moment of great realization, I knew that the young adults in the group – these beautiful, gentle lights – had agreed to be there with me to HELP KEEP ME IN THE BODY, in support. Just when it would start getting unbearable, one of them would catch up (or vice versa), and would chat with me. At some point, my flashlight batteries went dead; as I said something to that affect and started digging in my backpack for my spare batteries, someone right behind me stopped and asked, “Do you need a light to help?” And then we proceeded together for awhile. One of them asked me, “So, you just came down here to do this by yourself?” My answer: “I was just guided to come.” A hesitation, and then, “Cool!”
As we got to back to the opening, I realized the tremendous discomfort I felt was such huge resistance at some levels of me, in keeping a physical body, AT THAT MOMENT. There was a tremendous fight going on in my consciousness! I would say I felt like I was going to throw up… but it was really the equivalent of feeling like I was going to throw up and my body was going to just dissolve.
So I just sat on a rock and breathed. I focused on my light, my wholeness, the Oneness… infinite flow, regardless of a physical body or not. And I felt… different.
After I thanked everyone and left, it still took me several hours of continuous conscious processing before I could function “in/with a physical body again” – I forced myself to eat a small amount of fruit, because I had to remind myself what that felt like to eat, I forced myself to drink water, for the same reason. I came back to the house where I’m renting while I’m here… just sat on the couch in the central meditation room… and just allowed.
And here I sit… and I will soon sleep, for tomorrow’s another adventure.
A side note: Something that stood out to me as indicative of whatever the multiple things the group did while we were in there (because it was everyone there with a different yet complementary purpose, even if not in conscious remembrance of it). When we went in to the cave, the sun was, in its typical fashion, out. When we returned to the mouth of the cave, it was raining… it stopped again briefly while we were outside, and as I sit here typing this, it’s raining again, more of a constant rain. Did we have an affect in opening this drought-ridden area? I know we were at least a PIECE of that! 😉
P.S. HUGE THANKS to Baubles… to everyone there… it was great seeing you “in 3D” again! Namaste!
AND… if you want to see more perspective on following guidance, see my Living the Shift GooglePlus Hangout/podcast from 7/7/15 (in the SAME DAY) on Allowing and Flowing With Change, Without Expectations.
Suzanne · July 8, 2015 at 8:37 am
Thanks Angela
What an awesome,brave, story. Thank you for sharing all of this with me (us) It gives me hope,clarity,and connectedness. Love Suzanne
Gloria Chedraue · July 8, 2015 at 11:38 am
Thank you Angela for sharing this very awesome experience. I feel I have learned so much in my life, yet there is so much more to learn, but I have to say that since I took the Trinity class everything is moving so much faster. I will be there with all of you this week to support the class. Namaste
Patti Jimison · September 24, 2015 at 2:53 pm
I don’t think I was breathing during the reading of this….. A huge breath I took when I was finished. I am so honored to have come across this…
How do you think you stayed in yr body….. pure will?
Why do you think your conscience ness was wanting to leave yr body?
Did you plant the seed?
How wonderful an experience and thanks for writing about it.
admin · September 24, 2015 at 5:53 pm
I had so much support to “stay in the body”… it was all perfectly set up that way! So grateful for all of the support from that!
Victoria · July 3, 2022 at 10:14 am
Oh my gosh! Today is July 3rd, just found your article and guess where I am headed to today???? Plutos Cave!!!
Thank you!