ThisMomentWe’re going through a lot of deep, deep releasing of that which doesn’t serve us right now, both collectively and individually. We’re letting go of what’s left of the “old 3D” and the “old way of doing things”… which, in many cases, is causing what the ego perceives as a LOT of upheaval in day-to-day life, whether it’s losing a job or a home, releasing old relationships, manifesting a chronic or potentially terminal illness… forcing us to look dead on at whatever’s left to release… to open the door for change and higher vibration living to come.

And it’s accelerating, so we can get to the “even better stuff”!

The way we experience this shifting and crumbling away of all of this old facade is completely up to us as individuals. We can try to hold on, white-knuckled, because we’re afraid of change and the unknown… or we can let go, transcend the “crumbling,” and allow ourselves to flow with it, thus embracing the next steps of this adventure.

I know, it sounds simple! And yet, for many, there’s a lot of fear and kicking and screaming, with white-knuckled holding on, even as it all melts away. Even those of us who are more adept at staying in the flow have moments of being overwhelmed when we allow ourselves to get caught up in it… and have the moments of trying hold on, with feelings of, “Can I really do this? Can WE REALLY do this?”

My guidance, in those moments, is to simply re-center myself, close my eyes, take a deep breath, feel the Divine light coming through from my heart, spread it out through my body and beyond… and remember PRESENCE. In those moments, I also say to myself, “There is ONLY this moment… and in THIS moment, I choose Love.”

Sometimes I have to say it several times until I feel it “kick in”… and it ALWAYS helps! The importance, in the most ego-based, resistance-based moments, is to be observant of such, and transcend beyond what the 3D looks like… going back to our NATURAL state of Oneness and Love. Whether we need to do it one day at a time… one hour at a time… or one moment at a time… it’s re-training ourselves to remember the illusion is just that… illusion, all for the purpose of the greater lesson we set out for ourselves.

As always… please share, below and with others who may need this; we’re all here together! 

Much, much love to you,


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