I’ve been working on several posts regarding the shifting of our perspectives at Christ-mas-time, away from specific belief systems to that of a simple, heartfelt celebration of Divine Consciousness (a remembering of the REAL use of the word “Christ” – well before Jesus – and how it applies to EVERYONE, across the board), unity, and unconditional love. However… as much as I have to say, I’ve found that I’ve been slow to write, slow to share.
And so, I guess I was given the motivation this morning… because here I am!
I woke up to a balmy, beautiful morning… in the 50’s when I woke up. That’s the beauty of North Carolina; we typically have spurts of weather in the 60’s and 70’s around Christmastime… and I’m completely OK with that! Anyway, I woke up in a very good mood… very cheery and celebratory, without any particular reason. In deciding that maybe, for the first time in years, I may actually do some holiday baking today – and enlist my teenage daughters to help – I felt inspired to take my dog out for the several-mile walk on which I haven’t taken her for months.
This walk is through a beautiful wooded area that I’ve experienced teeming with fae for several years now (for an experience in which I encountered who is called the Green Man in this fairy portal, see my post Knowing the NEW Door is Always Open…). I should’ve known what to expect today!
However… I’d completely forgotten that today is the Winter Solstice… quite the celebration day in many realms connected to Gaia/Earth.
My dog and I trotted happily on… whenever we do this jaunt, I use it as a walking meditation, and immediately meld in consciousness (see Trinity Energy Progression for more information on the process) with all that’s around me – elements, elementals, animals, plants/trees, etc. – in love, healing, and expansion. What a beautiful morning! How expansive everything felt! I enjoyed the holiday decorations on many of the houses I passed… and even more, I enjoyed the smell of celebration in the air… my heart opened wide.
On the second leg of the jaunt, as we rounded the corner to my favorite wooded area, I felt the pull to enter. I looked up at the brush, and there was the doorway into the wooded area that shows up to beckon me. So, we entered. We walked around… I walked along a creek that was fuller than I’ve seen it in awhile, and was surprised to see a number of fish swimming in this little creek. Of course… magical!
I finally made my way to the sideways tree upon which I love to sit and meditate when I’m called to do so in there. As soon as I sat down and closed my eyes… there was the magic. My dog began to whine a little bit… I knew she could see/feel everything, as well. But, for what at the 3D level of consciousness looked completely calm, peaceful, and somewhat winter-barren… as soon as I closed my eyes, all I could see was sparkly, brilliant decorations in vivid colors… and celebration, celebration, celebration of the elemental realm! It was at that moment, when I pondered on that (for my mind was wondering, “But it’s not Christmas…”)… that I remembered it was the Winter Solstice… the original celebration! That, combined with what we’ve so amazingly created serendipitously as not just holiday celebrations, but also us collectively walking through the doorway into the “next phase” of this evolutionary – “ascension” – process, was OF COURSE cause for great celebration! I saw so much adornment in red and green… and a rich, royal BLUE… and was reminded how our Christmas celebration is really far more connected to this ancient celebration of the solstice than anything else.
I saw the Green Man, adorned in a ceremonial costume of royal blue and white… and I laughed to myself, because gee… energetically, he felt a LOT like that of the figure we celebrate traveling throughout the world on Christmas Eve…
I bowed my head in respect, and he did the same to me.
As I sat there, observing in and feeling such joy… I was suddenly shown the portals I’ve been connecting via the “new Earth light grid” of late – Kauai, Mt. Shasta, Pilot Mountain, the Angel Tree in SC, the Mary portal in Grosse Ile, MI (my… I just realized I haven’t written about that one at all!), the portals in France and Europe, etc. – and, as I was simultaneously in ALL of those places, I understood. It was time to connect THIS portal to those, which also connected multiple dimensions within itself. So, that’s what I did. Amazing and beautiful experience!
When all was done, I took a deep breath, and… came back to this reality. I stood up, and closed my eyes for a moment more… and received a bow of gratitude from the Green Man and all of those in his realm that were present. I bowed in gratitude in return…and went on my way.
About a half mile up the road, my mind kicked in… and SLIGHTLY questioned that experience (which was unusual in itself). Just a wildly creative imagination? Perhaps.
As I came up the hill, around the corner before my last turn to go to my street, I heard the cry of a hawk. I looked to the sky to see the bird attached to the call. At first, I didn’t see anything in scanning the trees… and then, to pull my attention to it, a hawk left the branch of a tree right on the corner to fly to a neighboring tree. What was amazing: There had been THREE hawks sitting on that same branch together! As I was taking this in – I’d never actually seen THREE hawks together in the wild – another hawk took flight and flew to a nearby tree. Now, all three were watching me from three different places. The one left on the branch of the original tree was the most intent on me… and it was only about 15 feet away from me as I turned the corner. Yet, it didn’t fly away. So, I extended my heart out to it, with well wishes and love. I knew the exact moment this registered with the bird… because it was quite startled to receive such a conscious greeting from a person… and pooped from the branch. I laughed as it looked more curiously at me… and turned the corner. I was quite a bit past it when I felt the equivalent of a return greeting to me… and telepathic communication. “You are a Gatekeeper… and quite surprising…” (I pondered on that a bit, wondering what THAT meant, but realized it was simply a thought being projected). I then received the equivalent of well wishes from the bird; as I turned to look at it one more time, it took off from the branch.
Why would I ever, ever doubt? So much magic… so much excitement… so much to celebrate, for ALL of us!
More on the perspective of Christmas, coming…