PullingOutHairIn terms of the status of the U.S. Presidential Elections, my guidance has been – as challenging as it can often be – to stay beyond judgment, beyond ego… and to observe for the past several months, in terms of the political landscape here in the U.S.. I’ve been actively watching the posts, listening to discussions, participating to some degree… but even moreso, I’ve been LISTENING… beyond the individual, into the collective… and focusing from the higher perspective.

When I do that, the buzz of all of the chatter just falls away, and I have moments when I can see the bigger picture much more clearly.

The tidal wave of Bernie Sanders has been amazing! He’s taken the hearts of so many awakened, and awakened others to the remembrance that WE DESERVE TO BE SERVED, AND TO HAVE A GOVERNMENT THAT SERVES US; WE DESERVE TO HAVE THE BEST.

The U.S. was founded on the premise of equality, of the intrinsic right to happiness. So many seem to have forgotten that!

On the contrary, as far back as I remember, in my adult life, election after election has progressively become more and more an act of “which is the lesser evil”; on the occasion that’s not so on the presidential level, it’s definitely been so on the other representative levels in our government. This has chipped away at our resolution, and our unity. For many, religious belief system beliefs and government have mixed… although the need for separation of such was primarily another reason the United States was founded.

We’ve prided ourselves on unity; and yet we live in pretty much the opposite. One group or another? Military says we’re right and someone else is wrong; religious belief systems say one group is right and another is wrong; ignorance says one group is right and another is wrong.

What started out as an ideal of unity has become nothing but an inordinate number of levels of separation.

In the spiritual realm, so much of our shifting today is remembering our Divinity; stepping into our power; and remembering that we ARE ALL naturally amazing, infinite beings, worthy of the best of the best of the best!

When we look at the past several decades of Awakening, so much of what’s been going on is the energy supportive of breaking the habits of living in lack, depravity, and such separation, to remember the power of wholeness and unity/Oneness; that’s a large part of what this shifting has been about!

And so… in walks Bernie Sanders, the embodiment of such wholeness and unity, and strikes a cord in so many who weren’t even aware that’s what they’ve been waiting for (both on the positive and resistant fronts!). A movement for sure… to remembering we DO deserve the government to support US, to do for US… because that’s what we created it for!

It’s the first time I’ve been guided to REALLY back someone; not because they were the “least of all evils,” but someone who truly represents that I/we deserve to have the best, work together, and live in true equality!

As “the establishment” was surprised by this movement – or uprising – the bias by “the powers that be” toward HRC and the party itself was blatant. And yet… many took part; many more awakened to this. The wave became huge; and yet, those used to working behind the veil of secrecy to manipulate the plan just moved ahead, this time pretty wide out in the open, ignoring the tidal wave that was shifting the energy of the whole.

The tidal wave maintained, WE DESERVE BETTER. WE DESERVE THE BEST.

For moments, there were so many conscious and looking right at the Emperor without his clothes on… KNOWING it, and SPEAKING of it!

Those behind the curtains had to shift, and quickly, to maintain status quo.

While so much attention lay there… there became another uprising of a wild card in Donald Trump. In the energy of “something different,” similar to Bernie Sanders… but in almost everything else standing for the blatant opposite of Bernie Sanders.

We became bipolar.

With some gross manipulation, the powers that be managed to get HRC the nomination of Presidential candidate… and they stole so, so many words from Bernie Sanders in the effort to persuade the minds and hearts of those who have had the taste of such richness to “come over to their team.”

What’s surprising is that many, many are falling right in line; falling into the habit we’ve been so comfortable living with for so many years – fear- (ego-) based threats (“You HAVE to vote for this candidate, because if you don’t, look at how DANGEROUS the other candidate is!”), and prejudicial propaganda (“Oh, how monumental; a WOMAN up for the actual PRESIDENCY!”). And there we went… so much progress from the energy of being DESERVING of being served by our government (“by the people, for the people”)… straight on back into the mentality of fear and lack (“It might be bad, but not as bad as ______”). This actually goes both ways, within parties, and between them.

It’s like suddenly, we’ve forgotten what this year has been about… and the progress we’ve made.

In a conversation I had with a respected peer the other day (another previous Bernie supporter), I was asked if I’d seen the rendition of “Fight Song” that the DNC has put out as their theme for the election. I said yes; except that there’s no candidate that actually represents its meaning as their candidate. I was asked if I’d heard the wonderful, heart-based words about unity and equality that the DNC has been using, to parrot Bernie Sanders… I responded yes, except they’re empty words and have yet to show anything of the sort with their current representation. I’ve heard so much parroting about how amazing it is that there’s a woman up for president… and yet, if we truly believe in equality, then the meat jacket just doesn’t matter – whether it’s a man, woman, or a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater is completely irrelevant – in comparison to how well the individual fits the bill. What’s so fascinating is how many have almost immediately forgotten how much this woman has in the past bent to represent the elite in ways that are obviously not in the highest and best interest of 99% of the constistuents. So, then… it’s ok to tout one kind of equality to douse the power of another?

When I step out of my ego’s bias, I have asked my guidance again and again in the past several days, going through ALL prospective ballot candidates, considering every single one… and I get a clear “NO” when asking if it’s for our collective highest and best, most progressive and productive interest to vote for/elect that individual.

So, what does that mean?

This morning, I read an article by Rolling Stone magazine that was an awesome interview with Jane Sanders (Bernie Sanders’ wife). The title was, “Jane Sanders: Why Bernie Voters Shouldn’t Get Over It” (follow this link for the full article). In the article was the best, most succinct way I’ve seen it stated:

They shouldn’t just get over it! What do you expect? How do you turn on a dime? We understand that. We understand that we earned their support and their trust. Now Hillary Clinton has to earn their support and their trust. And we will hold [the Clinton campaign] accountable because we are endorsing her.

FINALLY… HERE’S the point!!!

The reason I fell so in love with Bernie Sanders is that he’s had DECADES in politics of standing for equality, fairness, and unity. DECADES. He’s ALREADY proven himself as by the people, for the people… ALL of them, together.

If we want to stick with the two major candidates right now, Hillary Clinton started out one way… and over the years and up until recently has more and more aligned with the “dark side”… separation, exclusion, and decisions that are NOT made in the interests that are highest and best for a majority of the constituents. Donald Trump… well, he’s had NO experience in working in national politics, only experience with himself, his business, and his own limiting interests.

darkside_fullpicI understand that supposedly, Bernie Sanders made the concession in agreement that Hillary Clinton would take up some the more progressive stances within Bernie’s campaign. However, what’s important for EVERYONE to remember is that all that’s been done to date is lip service and a great, big marketing campaign to persuade everyone over via those cookies.

It might seem like a short three months… but here’s the message: PROVE IT TO US.

  • Donald Trump, stop spewing out statements that mean nothing, that have nothing to stand behind them but separation and exclusion and that are self-serving… and remember that equality and unity were truly what made the United States great! Show us how your background as a businessperson helps in the situation we’re in… and HOW you will focus on changing it.
  • Hillary, convince us! Find a way to SHOW US that you’re WORTHY of representing us in a state of unity, worthiness, and equality! Your track record hasn’t always shown that (especially the more recent times), and it’s become more and more obvious that you play in the sandbox to abide by the will of existing 1% establishment and profitable corporate interests in sacrifice to the constituents, so… it’s going to be necessary to show us by doing something, for the rest us, NOW. No promises; but actions!
  • There ARE “other party” candidates who are promising; yet though they speak a great game, they do lack the actual how-to to pull it off within the walls of our government as it stands. It’s not enough to have gotten “the most votes for a Green Party candidate” or “the most votes for a Libertarian candidate”… what has been done, how do you see the possibility of it getting done? Though many poo-pooed Bernie Sanders’ plans, many never took the time to research and realize that he actually had a literal plan for every proposal he had out there… on how to realistically attain them. For ALL candidates… what’s YOUR plan? How do you plan to work with the structure of our government to achieve your platforms?

And, for the constituents, here’s what’s for us to do:

  • STOP going back to making default decisions based on the propaganda of fear (which is completely ego-based) and a good marketing campaign or “campaign song”; stand in our Truth, from a place of worthiness, and remember that we deserve the best, and we deserve a president who truly represents the people, in equality, unity, and worthiness… not having someone represent us – and throwing us a bone every once in awhile – who we abide by because we “feel safer” with than “the other candidate.”
  • Hold the intention in your meditation, energy healing, whatever you do – to help provide support of higher consciousness that will allow the candidates to be guided to act in support of unity, equality, and support of the whole as their intentions and actions, and to have clear guidance, transcendent of ego, as to who will truly be the highest and best, most progressive and productive candidate to vote for… not from others, but from you…and LISTEN to what you get!
  • Require ALL of the candidates to PROVE IT… to TAKE ACTION between now and November… not words and slanderous commercials, but ACTION. And KEEP WATCH of them doing it!
  • Do the same of ALL of those positions up for election in local AND at the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate! For these positions, it is so commong for many to just do an eenie, meenie, mynie, mo at election time… and go with a name they’ve vaguely heard of. Let’s do our homework… and ensure that ALL who represent us at the government level do so in a way that supports the energy of worthiness, equality, and unity… and who is willing to work with all other representatives of other parties to achieve that common goal!

togetherWhen we look at things from the larger perspective, EVERYTHING is possible. As quickly as we’ve been shifting, three months can be a HUGE amount of time today. So, I’m leaving it open… and following guidance. In my perception, today we’re at Ground Zero; I recognize that all candidates are in some way a facet of me and you (or they wouldn’t exist in our reality), are all representative of the Divine (as we ALL are), and all are equally possible. Currently, I’m awaiting the message of who is highest and best to help us collectively, who gets themselves together… and who TAKES ACTION, NOW. NOT in slanderous commercial and propaganda.

What if we all did that… REALLY paid attention… and LISTENED in this way?

You might ask me, “So, what if, in November, your guidance STILL maintains there’s no one who fits the bill of being for our collective highest and best, most progressive and productive in the whole interest for whom to vote? What will you do then?”

I trust… and a lot can (and most likely will) happen between now and then… so I’ll let you know.  😉

1 Comment

Paul Monk · July 31, 2016 at 12:34 pm

I read the article with interest. I have long said, although I could/would never vote for a socialist, I felt Bernie Sanders was the only candidate running that truly believed in what he was saying. Not just saying what the current audience wanted to here.
I like and agree with your statements about finding out about the candidates at all levels. I am constantly telling people to look at what they have done in the past, not what they promise, to see what they will do in the future.
At this point, I don’t know who I will vote for, but definitely know who I won’t vote for.
I enjoyed the article.

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