WOW. This week has been a H-E-A-V-Y week energetically in all ways, shapes, and forms… and this goes WAY beyond those who have lost so much in terms of the storm called Sandy that ran up from the Caribbean, along the East Coast, and into the Northeastern United States… along with some other wild events around the world. There are quite a few I know who have contacted me – who had no real personal distress from anything of the sort – who asked, “What the HECK is going ON?!…” Followed by a number of issues that have come up personally. What’s happened physically has brought up MUCH to heal for us, collectively and individually, about what happens when the “old” falls away to make way for the new… and along with that, much resistance, fear, and even anger about change, and what that means for each of us.

When I had my Grand Awakening in 2009, it wasn’t too long before I was having conversations with Archangel Ezekiel (my bud LOL)… and he told me at that time that we’re coming upon a time of great change, in ALL ways… and he specifically told me that beyond the spiritual changes, there would be many physical ones, including many earthquakes, fires, and floods (I was actually “shown” this about a month before the Haiti earthquake in early 2010). Early last year or late the year before, he came to me and told me to remember to “be the calm in the storm”… and to share that with all of the others who have volunteered to be on the front end of “doing this work” during these times. At the time I understood what he meant, but I didn’t UNDERSTAND it as I do today.

We’re IN “the storm,” full throttle now. The shifting is happening faster and faster – we’re in full gear now – and it’s being reflected in our physical world in many, many ways (one BIG one was evidenced in this week’s big PHYSICAL storm).

For many it’s starting to feel out of control, like there is no ground under our feet… and it is because all that doesn’t serve us in some way, shape, or form is falling away, whether we want it to or not. The reality that is coming through is that there IS no ground under our feet; we’re in the process of creating a new, better one! This is completely without judgment; in releasing duality, there is no right and wrong… it is that the I AM self knows the plan; it knows what it is that doesn’t serve us and can look at it without the judgment and resistance of the ego… and the Higher Self is VERY tied into the various groups of collective consciousness, including that of being part of the organism Gaia… who is rebirthing herself into a new existence.

The key to remember is this: It’s OK to have moments when we’re sad, angry, upset, anxious, resistant… however, remember that part of the purpose of being on this active spiritual path is to LEARN how to DO IT DIFFERENTLY… which means not allowing ourselves to get lost in the mire, no matter HOW bad it looks; keeping the higher perspective, remembering to rise above the muck; and most importantly, keeping our center, to know that this is simply illusion. ALL of it.

I was also told several years ago to “STEP IN FAITH.” Three simple words I’ve learned have layers and layers and layers of meaning, with bigger steps – that become jumps and then huge, mondo leaps… the more I trust, the more I’m asked to trust. And I do. Does the ego have moments? Absolutely! But the more I’m shown that the more I trust the more I’m tended to… the more I trust. The more faith I have that my Higher Self has it all planned out, and that I can lose the resistance and simply be in the moment. Regardless of how much “work” we’ve done on ourselves, regardless of how far we’ve come, there will be days when something comes up and you think, “Where is THIS coming from? I thought I got rid of that a long time ago!” Or, something will come up that you had NO IDEA was resistant within you! The key is… CLEAR YOUR MIND, RELEASE JUDGMENT ON YOURSELF about it, and ask what the core underlying issue is, and ask what the specific lesson is there to learn. Then, if you don’t know how to release it… go to someone who can help you to (and then, learn how to do it yourself… because you CAN).

Also, any of us who know how to do healings to the various groups of collective consciousness, to mass consciousness, to Gaia… please do so, continuously! The more of us who can do that regularly, the more it actually helps us – and our version of it – individually. What I’m being told is that all of this has to do BIG TIME with the collective agreement to “rip off the Band-Aid”…and guess what? It’s time… and the ego is just as afraid of doing so as our Higher Selves anticipates it. So, the focus of the healings… to get the Highest Level of Divine Truth on the shifting and change, what that means for us, on how to release EVERYTHING except what serves us in the Highest and Best way… with the most grace, ease, balance, harmony, and joy. And how to be completely FLUID to change, accept and EMBRACE it…

Individually, the key is this: If we remain the calm in the storm (and, in the physical sense, the calm “after the storm”), we can be more productive in changing our perspective, which will, in turn, allow it all to flow through more quickly to a better place. There is a purpose for everything; even if we don’t see it in the moment. The key, again, is to rise above the resistance of the ego (which most often makes us blind to the bigger picture in the moment)… and know that the more fluid and positive and in love we remain, the quicker the situation and/or emotions will move on out… and we can get on to the much bigger and better things awaiting us!

1 Comment

Chris · November 2, 2012 at 3:36 pm

Good one Angela. I love it.

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