From the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"

There’s just SO MUCH to cover about my road trip to New Mexico, that I COULDN’T WAIT to get started! This topic is VERY important for many, soooo, here I go; but first, a couple of things that are relevant to this posting, so bear with me…

Throughout my life, I have had cumulative but gradual experiences of opening up spiritually and intuitively… while I was working in the very left-brained corporate world, and then developing my own business. It was much like the exponential curve on a graph… a new type of “ability” here, a new one there…wait for it… wait for it…and then BAM! In 2009, I fell open like a book. Seriously! I tried to keep it separate from my professional life, but the more I went on and explored it… the further I opened up… and the more keeping those two parts of my life separate clashed and caused conflict. Consequently, I’ve finally accepted the inevitability… and this is now the focus and calling to which I’ve submitted, and enjoy it very much!

When I say opened up, it’s really an understatement. I started “hearing” thoughts, knowing the complex line of events to be in a moment’s contemplation, found it very easy to learn and practice energy healing, and also connected very easily to ascended masters, angels, archangels, and others of the Light (and then directly with Creator, especially once I learned ThetaHealing). About 6 months ago, I also started “connecting in” with other Beings – those who many might call “aliens”… but I simply call them Star Beings or Beings.  Those with whom I’ve connected are truly of some of purest love I have ever experienced. Regardless, here’s the thing: No matter how fantastic or out there something seemed when I was “told” it was highest Truth, it has always come to pass, in one way or the other.

Then, though I honestly never asked, last year I started receiving images and snip its of things to come, not only regarding the role I “signed up” to play, but also regarding Earth-level humanity.

Contrary to what many of the fatalists seem to want everyone to believe, it’s not about Doomsday at all…it’s absolutely phenomenal and beautiful! Is there drastic change involved? Absolutely… but change is how you want to perceive it; it can be your personal hardship or it can be your liberation! Much is very foreign as to how we’re living today… so I’ve been very reticent to share much of the insight I’ve received, except with those closest to me (though I admit, I’ve even held back some of the information from my husband – one of the most open-minded people I know – and I’m just finally feeling comfortable to share it with him NOW) . It was because of this that regardless of the amount of self clearing and healing I did, the fear of being considered a freak or judged obviously remained.

It also seems that often when I’m speaking with someone about this, and tell them that EVERYONE can do this, EVERYONE has the same ability, it just needs to be remembered… that I feel the person’s retraction, that the smile they give me is empty (“Yeah, sure…”).

So, it’s been only very, very recently that I’ve started becoming more comfortable openly discussing and utilizing my uncovered “abilities”… though there has still been some reticence unless it’s in discussion with those I know are already comfortable with the topic. However, in regards to some of the “bigger ticket” items – the humanity stuff, how I’ve “seen” the world in 1 year, 2 years, 5 years… I’m still very hesitant to share some of the details.

I was introduced to the messages of Kiesha Crowther (aka “Little Grandmother) in early 2010; hers was one set of many different visionaries and metaphysical presentations to which I had become exposed. Though I absolutely agreed with much of what she said, I never felt much of a “pull” to meet her in person or anything… until I kept on getting guidance in meditation (and then my friend got the same message to give to me) that I was to meet her. Without more of the story, all ended up pointing  right now to this workshop/retreat last week that ultimately decided my road trip to New Mexico.

Besides it feeling right, I had no idea why I was going. I was assured in meditation that it was important for me to go to this; I had to trust and accept it. I was also guided into deciding to drive the trip… because I was assured that it was all as much in the journey as the destination.

I figured, “OK, then. I guess I’m going.”

Though all of this processing happened three weeks before the event, and seemed impossible to pull off, it was amazing how easily and relatively perfectly everything fell into place, how the pavement in the road just became laid out before me. I was assured that if I just jumped off the cliff and TRUSTED, I would fly.

And so I did.

There were just so many things that worked out perfectly: when the 2-day retreat fit in, how long it would take me to go and get back… and how that fit in to the only week that I could possibly have done this in the entire month, how the weather was PERFECT the entire trip (sandwiched into difficult weather patterns and issues around the country right up until the week right before I left), how all the plans that I almost made blindly worked out perfectly in synchronicity. Too much to explain here, but you get the idea…

I had NO idea what to expect when I got to that 2-day retreat in Santa Fe… but I was definitely in for the ride!

So. To the point: It was fabulous. Beyond belief. First of all, for all of my neutrality about her beforehand, I will say this: Kiesha Crowther is the most heart-centered person I have met. She is completely, 100% dedicated and authentic to what she’s doing… and she FEELS it completely. As soon as I was in the same room as her, my heart chakra just naturally spread wide open, beyond measure!

Also, what was absolutely amazing: She covered topics that connected the dots to much of the “further out” information I have received and didn’t quite understand previously. The funny thing: I didn’t even realize that was happening until the end of the 2 days; then it was like a barely audible “click, click, click, click…” going on, and I was amazed… because this was information I had barely shared with more than one or two people. Yet it seemed to come out of her mouth so naturally, and confidently. And suddenly, so much I had seen and had previously been puzzling over made sense…. just from her filling in some of the gaps.

In discussing all of this, she felt it important to impress upon us that it’s time to be brave; to overcome your fears about what other people think about you. Let that go; be your authentic self, proudly, 100%… because it is time to spread the news of good tidings and love in contrast to so much of the doom and gloom that’s out there. If your calling is to help others on their spiritual path, then embrace it boldly, fulfill your heart’s purpose… and don’t worry about others; because (as her tribal grandfather would tell her), “It’s none of your business what other people think about you.”

In attendance was somewhere between 80-100 people – it was definitely a full room! What was absolutely amazing, and the ultimate purpose of this post: In talking to those around me, during breaks and during lunch, I found that my co-attendees had traveled from Canada, Europe, Hawaii, Japan and the four corners of the country to attend! Many had the same “pull” as I had – and had allowed the journey to flow, as I had, as well. I met one man who had left his job in Quebec and had been traveling around the country, visiting and exploring, for about a month, figuring out where he was going to settle. I met another woman who packed a tent – like me – and had camped her way from southern California. Yet another had just gotten to the United States from Sweden – by herself – and after the retreat, was going on to spend 2 weeks exploring… and playing it all by ear.

I felt like almost everyone I met was in one form or another a reflection of me.

Another woman I met had been in the same career as me – corporate marketing – for 20 years, and had just quit “that world,” because she’d felt this one pulling at her. Right now, she was looking to move, to start a new life, and move over into the spiritual realm because it had been a growing part of her life. It was funny I had just randomly decided to sit down next to her, in a small circle of people, during lunch one day! Yet another was still coming to grips with her “Awakening,” because she had been a Math teacher, and a very black-and-white person… until she started “knowing things” that just came to her, along with a huge slew of abilities at once. She still had a challenging time talking about it without tears coming to her eyes… she’d tried to ignore it until a car accident put her out of commission for a short period of time, during which she started seeing a psychotherapist… who, after several months of therapy, told her that she was simply going through a spiritual Awakening.

Another woman, from Long Island, NY, was going through a transition period and deciding her direction. Several men I met were still trying to figure all of this out in their lives, too.

Many, many had been getting guidance to move to another location, including specific areas on where to move… coincidentally (though there are no coincidences), Kiesha had mentioned several times during the 2 days that if you learn to put the ego aside and truly listen to your I AM self, that it will always steer you in the highest and best direction… because it’s there for YOU. So, the point she made specifically: All of your answers are within YOU. If you’re guided to move elsewhere, then do it. If you’re guided to change your vocation, do it. Even if it might seem surreal and out there, if you’re sure it’s from your higher self, then TRUST in yourself. You will understand the rest as it plays out. Now is the time… follow your guidance!

See the pattern?

When we talked to each other, we just started blurting out things that many of us had largely kept to ourselves… because we were getting the same messages, seeing the same things. I found by the second day that I was speaking comfortably and openly about topics that I hadn’t been able to even approach with most closest to me.

It reminded me of the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind… with so many people getting the same message, heading in the same direction (though no one I met – to my knowledge – had been sculpting landmarks in their mashed potatoes or sculpting mountains out of mud in their living room… but then, I never did ask! LOL).

I felt more comforted and supported – and felt the most camaraderie – with this group of people I met in 2 days, halfway across the country, than I have with many of those I’ve known and who have been in my life since what I call my “Grand Awakening,” in 2009.

I finally found my footing.

Upon the closure of the retreat, many of us chatted and hugged… and surprisingly few of us shared contact information. You might think it’s strange, with us all having so much in common, but it didn’t feel that way in the least… because it truly felt like we would find each other again, at the right time… and we knew we filled the purpose we were supposed to with each other, for the moment.

Times are changing… more and more quickly. This world is morphing into something even more phenomenal than it is… and now I’m FINALLY in full acceptance of me and how I can help.

If you’re reading this, and have felt uncomfortable with remembrance of your natural abilities, of your Divinity, and your calling during this awesome time in the history of our world, then here’s my message to you: You’re not alone; far from it! In fact, you’re in great company…there are many of us, in rapidly increasing numbers, stepping out, remembering who we are, accepting a “new” reality, a “new” way of doing things, around the world. I promise! I’ve seen it; I now see it happening, all around us.

So, let’s go! Geronimo! 🙂


GINA GALLAGHER · May 12, 2011 at 9:12 am

Sharing your story is a gift I am honored to receive. My own unfolding continues at warp speed. Thank you

Phran · May 13, 2011 at 11:28 am

YESYESYES!!! Welcome home. Welcome back. Welcome forward. Welcome here and now. Tell me more, my friend. I am open to receive.

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