On Coming Out of the Closet (Spiritually)…

For anyone and everyone who is actively exploring a “new” spiritual path, one that is unique to them (as it should be), and not necessarily “in line” with what was “expected” of them in the past… and also for the friends and family of those who are doing so, and who don’t quite know how to take it. Here’s some of my personal account of “coming out of the closet” spiritually…

“Mates vs. Twins,” Part 2 – Twin Flames/Twin Souls

Soul mates and twin flames/twin souls are often incorrectly grouped together as the same. However, though soul mates have vibrations that are very close, very resonant, twin souls have the EXACT SAME core energetic vibration…similar to identical twins, they can have very separate lives, very separate experiences, yet they will still have the “same language” and understand each other down to the very core.

New Webcasts Page for “A Cuppa C”…

Since I really prefer to keep the home page for blogging, I decided to create a page dedicated to “A Cuppa C” Webcasts, which go up on YouTube twice per week. This way, you’ll have all of the Webcasts to refer to in one place; or, you can simply subscribe to my YouTube channel! I put it right into the top navigation of the site; just click on Webcasts to get there.

Introducing “A Cuppa C”…

NEW… 10-minute videos that will be posted every Tuesday and Thursday! The idea is to cover a wide variety of spiritual and metaphysical tidbits to help you in whatever way I can! “A Cuppa C” came to me while working out on the elliptical one day… it’s a keep-it-brief snipit that you can watch while drinking a cuppa coffee, tea, or whatever your preference… and the “C” actually stands for Creator – or Mother/Father God, Spirit, Source, or whatever your preference of name for the Universal Being of All That Is.