Twice in the past month, when doing an “energetic share” (where a practitioner and I will swap a session with each other), I’ve had two different spiritual practitioners tell me they’ve seen lightning bolts coming out of my hands. In one session, the practitioner saw me flying a Pegasus and then actually BECOME the one flying… and I was shooting firebolts at the masses, to help them heal in a very powerful way. I was told, at first, many looked scared, because it was so unusual, so “out-of-the-ordinary,” and so powerful… but then as they realized it was HELPING them, they embraced it. For the second session, the other practitioner told me he saw me pulling energy like lightning through my body, and out of my hands, and it was very powerful and very healing.

How cool is THAT?

Not too long ago, I was gifted with remembrance of a beautiful, powerful progression and healing energy to bring forward to as many as possible (see more about Trinity Energy). How much more powerful can you get than tapping into energy of the Divine Mother, Divine Father, and Divine Child – the Christ Consciousness – that’s within all of us?

So, some might ask, “What makes YOU so special? Why would YOU get that energy to share?”

And my answer is, “I am the Divine; why WOULDN’T I get that energy to share?”

OF COURSE I can do that… OF COURSE I can BE that… OF COURSE I deserve that…

The point is, we ALL can.

Throughout this existence, we’ve done such an awesome job convincing ourselves that we’re not “special”… we’ve disempowered ourselves to believe that power comes from outside of us, that the Divine is outside of us, that OTHERS are far more gifted than us, far more special, that there can only be “a few” special ones… and that it’s only a very, very, very special someone who can do certain “magical” things. So, we’ve pretty much decided that the glass is half empty as a human, and that being human is being “merely human”… and we’ve created the word “imperfect” in reflection of that. Look around you: Even supposedly inspirational quotes say, “I embrace my imperfections…” or “I accept that I’m ONLY human…” and other similar wording.  So, though that fills the glass a little more – with the positive intention – it still comes up a bit short.

It’s time for us to remember that we are all part of the Oneness; and in being part of the Oneness – whatever you call it, the Divine, God, Spirit, Creator, Universal Life Force, or about a dozen other names – we are all a part of the Divine.

Here’s how I understand it, in an extremely abbreviated Cliff Notes (or Wiki) version:

The Divine – Divine, Unconditional Love – is all-encompassing, eternal, and everlasting. And, just as part of BEING, we decided we wanted to EXPERIENCE. And so, we created the illusion of separating from the Divine. In doing that, we set up the concept of the individual soul – simply a partitioned part of the Divine – to pretend that we’re NOT the Divine (although there is no real possibility of NOT being the Divine, because we just ARE).  We set up the concept of splitting up even further – into “more parts within a soul” – forming soul families – and we decided what we wanted to experience, created the Laws to rule the concept of experience and how to experience (including, among a bazillion others, the concept of the Law of Duality and the Laws of Time), and then each “partition” – each soul, regardless of what  – decided on which experiences it wanted in this existence. In doing so, we created the “packages” and forms that we would take to be able to have certain experiences… then we created a whole bunch of different ways to pretend to break apart even further – into gender, into Twins – and even more ways to package ourselves differently to have the experiences we created.

It’s absolutely the most complex, multi-dimensional, holographic game of chess EVER! Only, we all “win”… we all get all the experiences we choose!

So, in setting out on our paths to experience, to create this existence, to create this dimension, this world, and our “Universe,” we – as whatever individuals and whatever parts of individuals and parts of soul families we’re pretending to be – decided all of the “packages” we’d have to create for ourselves to have all of those experiences. This brings about the concept of multiple lifetimes… being packaged EXACTLY the way we desire so we could have EXACTLY the experiences and lessons we desire to have. If we were packaged one way, in one situation, ever, how much would we ever really learn, as Divine Beings? Very little.

And, once we’re all done with our experiences, we start to remember who we are, we remember that we’ve never left, that we’ve ALWAYS been the Divine… that we are ALWAYS all-powerful and all-love, and we come back together in consciousness, each level in itself and then all of us together as One, to compare notes, to understand the experiences… and to create a NEW existence with NEW experiences (except, oh, yeah, there really IS no time, so we’re actually sort of doing ALL of it, ever, simultaneously, from the perspective of the Divine that we are).

Pretty big, hunh?

Don’t spend too much time (LOL) thinking too much about the details here… the point to considering this is simply to maybe provide a slightly different perspective on the way we look at things. Simply put: We are ALWAYS the Divine… we have never left, we have never separated… we’ve done this perfectly, as the Divine does. EXACTLY in the bazillion ways we planned. We’re starting to flex our muscles again, to wake up and realize, “Oh, YEAH… I AM all of this; I have it ALL inside of me, all the time… and it’s all mine to be accessed!”

And when you start to see things that way, you realize… well, the glass isn’t HALF full; it’s actually BRIMMING OVER THE TOP full, all the time, always… and we CHOOSE to be who we are, what we are, to do what we do, to experience and learn lessons the way we do, to SEE things through the filter of the experiences and lessons we’ve chosen… and then, as we resolve and finalize all of that, we can remember all that we’ve forgotten… and that every single one of us – EVERY SINGLE ONE – is just another part of ourselves.

If every single one of us is a part of ourselves, and we’re all a part of the Divine – well, we’re all Divine. It’s not that none of us are special… it’s that ALL of us are special, ALL of us are perfect… because we’re “doing” this existence exactly in the way we’ve chosen, as our part of the consciousness of the Divine. But, also, the more we remember our Divinity is within, the more we can realize that we all can do ALL of it… and better yet, we can access and use it in our very unique, exquisitely beautiful ways.

And then, the realization comes that we’re ALL perfect… just the way we are. Right now, this second. We’re taking the paths we planned to take, in the way we’ve planned to take them. All of a bazillion… or so. How incredible is THAT?

You might say, “If I’m perfect, then what motivation do I have to improve myself, to change, or to change directions/paths?”

Because we built ourselves to be that way, too! That’s a huge part of the ego’s role…  to keep us moving in one way or another through our lessons; plus, it’s a huge part of the “Laws” that we’ve created as part of this “game.” Don’t get me wrong: If you want to just be, you can just be… and, if your soul is completely done with its lessons in this existence, that might be all you need to do. If not, you’ll just be back around again in another package, in a different way. Your Higher Self is all about that!

So, the next time you say, “I’m only human…” or “I’m imperfect…” just remember that you’re only seeing the glass half empty because it’s been your CHOICE in the lessons you’re learning to see it that way. But that’s really the illusion… and if you brought that glass to your lips and took a drink of the Universe… you’d absolutely realize that the glass is completely full. Not only that, but you can change what kind of liquid is in there, as well as its color, its taste… well, you get what I mean.

Now…you can just repeat after me:


In lak’ech ala k’in.  🙂



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