QuoteoftheDayPart of the resolution of our existence of duality is remembering and recognizing that the Divine Light comes from within us, vs. “someplace out there” (the practice and use of this is the powerful basis of Trinity Energy Progression). This also translates to the remembrance that we have access to everything – all knowledge/wisdom – inside; it’s simply a matter of remembering that we can (which, of course, is part of the game).

The more we connect with our Divine Self and complete/release the lessons of duality via the ego, the more we remember in Oneness and Love…and the more we release that which no longer serves us, which is all based in the energy of separation – fear, anxiety, anger, regret, resentment, guilt, doubt, sorrow, and pain, which in turn affect all of the physical, mental, emotional, and environmental in our realities.

This is the journey of Awakening; and it’s the underlying principle of the purest energy healing. Time to release all duality – the energy of disempowerment, that there could be anything outside of us, and/or anything we are NOT.

Essentially… it’s the remembrance and recognition that we are the Light – EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US – and we are ALL our perfect expressions of the Divine in the form and lessons that we have chosen.

The more we release around the energies and emotions of separation, the more we raise our vibration, the more we remember the Light is within… and the stronger our Light shines! This is one of our PRIMARY purposes now: to circle back around to such Remembrance, and remember how to live in love and honor ALL in this existence as equally a part of the Divine. We need to do nothing else but shine our Light more brightly; the more we do that, the more we help others around us do the same… and the more of a domino effect it becomes.

So, step one is to remember your Light within! Here’s a simple, quick way of “tapping in” every morning that takes 5 minutes or less (so no excuses about no time for meditation!): Sit comfortably and centered so you can sit up straight. Close your eyes and take a few deep, slow breaths. Start to see if you can feel your heartbeat… and start to see if you can HEAR it, inside your body. Breathe into your heartbeat, as if it’s your heart that’s breathing. Breathe in, expand… breathe out, release. In, out… in, out. As you breathe in to your heart, start seeing and/or feeling a beautiful, brilliant light coming from the center of your heart. This is your light of Divinity and unconditional love. As you breathe in, the light expands; as you breathe out, release all negativity, all toxicity. In, out… in, out. Breathe in… expand that light to encompass your chest, saturating every cell and in between every cell. See and feel that light getting more and more brilliant! Breathe in, out…. in out… now expand that light to your entire torso… to your arms, fingers, and head… feel this light of your Divinity and unconditional love saturate every cell, in between every cell. E-X-P-A-N-D…. breathe out. Breathe in again… expand this brilliant light to your legs, your feet, your toes… now this light is saturating your entire body, every cell and in between every cell. Feel it fill your entire body… brilliant, beautiful light of Divinity and unconditional love. Now, expand the light beyond your body, into your auric field… feel yourself and know yourself as a beacon of this light of Divinity and unconditional love. Breathe deeply into expanding this light… keep it there, then open your eyes… take a deep breath, and move on with your day!

Here’s a recording of a similar meditation (I think it’s 5-7 minutes), if you’d rather be guided the first few times. 


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