DreamBigWhat would you do if you knew you could not fail? What would you do if you knew you would be leaving this life or this existence next week? What would help you to live in THIS moment, and make the ABSOLUTE BEST of it as possible? What’s preventing you from doing that NOW?

As part of the Divine, we are limitless; yet part of the game we’ve created and played brilliantly in the 3D incarnation is the creation of and adherence to perceived limitations. Beliefs, soul agreements, disempowerment, you name it! Often, when one allows themselves to dream… they do so with limitations around it. WHAT IF you could surpass even your wildest dreams? (You can.) What would you do… do you even consciously know?

Start today! Here’s an exercise to try: With a journal and a pen, find a place where you feel unbound and you can sit uninterrupted for at least 30 minutes; nature is a great place to do so; especially an established old tree… the bigger the better (I’ve had some of the most awesome BEing lessons from huge, aged trees)! Close your eyes… clear your mind… take a few deep breaths… and just allow yourself to be for a bit. Become one with everything… feel/expand the light from your heart, then spread it out to encompass all around you, like a big etheric hug. Feel the ISness of everything. Just sit there for a few minutes; can you feel the peace? Can you feel the expansion?

After you’ve done this for a little bit (ideally at least 15 minutes or so), come back to yourself while keeping the connection. Ask yourself, if I could do ANYTHING, BE anything, unlimited by anything or anyone else (and without dependency on anyone else)… what would I do? What would I be? And note the FIRST THING that comes to your mind. DON’T filter it; don’t allow the ego to shoot it down… but WRITE IT DOWN. This is for you and you only… no one else needs to see it, so no holding back. Then ask yourself, if I were to entertain that, what would be very first step? Most often, it’s releasing beliefs that you can’t do that; sometimes it’s releasing fears that you’ll fail, that you’ll succeed (far more common than you might think), that you’ll be a “bad person” for some reason like changing your family/friends’ lives by you changing or doing something different. However… know that you CAN attain your passion… and know that ultimately, the only one holding yourself back is YOU! It’s acknowledging this, and then DOING something about it to step in that direction. YOU CAN DO IT!

If you don’t even know how to start… find someone outside of your existing circle to help you, ESPECIALLY to help you to release those beliefs, fears, etc. that are holding you back! Many don’t even KNOW what it is that ignites their passion and makes their own heart sing BECAUSE of all the beliefs in place that cause them to box themselves in to roles they were taught to fill, that they were told are their obligations, that “content is enough”… and in the process, they’ve forgotten what would make them wildly happy, in a place of love EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY.

I worked with a client in her mid-40s to help her release the multitude of tethers that caused her unhappiness, dis-ease, and limitations in her every day life; she had been tethered to filling the role of supportive mother and wife for years first and foremost; though she loved her family, she was literally withering away, like an unfed flower, because everyone else’s wants and needs came first. As we worked on releasing the beliefs, fears, and agreements around all of that… she started to see her own spark again. Finally, one day, I asked her, “If you could do ANYTHING with your life, what would you do? What would make your heart sing?” She hesitated… and I asked her to tell me what had come to mind BEFORE the ego had intervened (and thus the hesitation). She said that when she was younger, she’d wanted to dance; that dancing had been her dream, because she never felt as much in her element, as much herself, as when she would dance.

So I told her to dance.

At first, she balked, “How can I do that? I don’t have the right body; I’m not in good enough shape; I can’t ______________…” I explained to her that if that’s truly her passion, she could – and SHOULD find a way! I continued working with her to help her release all that kept her from that (including the fear that it would destroy her family/marriage).

And she started dancing.

This woman has become a dear, dear friend of mine… and I want you to know that only 3 years later, she has a successful business teaching Zumba and a variety of other dance workouts! She’s also practicing and teaching energy work, and hopes to incorporate both next… to teach a meditative dance class! She’s released her physical limitations (including a number of food allergies), she’s processed through shifting the dynamics of her relationship with her family to one that is far more integrative and supportive of herself … and she’s BLOSSOMED into her full, effervescent, beautiful self by stepping into her shoes and ALLOWING herself to do it! She DOES dream big now… expecting international visibility for wherever her passion brings her. Once we allow ourselves to do so, the doors just open wide and the awesomeness really begins to FLOW!

So, the first step is to start with looking at yourself; start with asking yourself, outside of your every day surroundings, and LISTENING to yourself in remembering your answer. KNOW you can DO IT… dare to dream BIG… and take the first step forward! You can do it!

This is my specialty; if you’d like assistance… as always, I’m here to help!

(P.S. This card drew me in in a tiny, beautiful store called Kizmit on Orcas Island, WA… because this woman felt like me… love such synchronicities! ♥)


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