Many have constant complaints about lack of ________ – whether it’s money, love, happiness, peace, you name it – and yet, hold beliefs, agreements, and patterns that cause them to continuously live in lack.
Often I’m guided to ask, “Do you allow yourself to receive?” How many times does it happen that one complains that they don’t have this, they don’t have that… and yet, they won’t ask for it, and if someone else offers assistance to gain whatever it is, they won’t accept?
Here’s an easy affirmation for you to help start your day and remind you about ALLOWING; clear your mind and say to yourself (or out loud): “I invite, allow, accept, and embrace continuous, limitless and infinitely expansive benevolent abundance in my existence, in all ways, shapes, and forms with grace, ease, balance, harmony, and joy.” Then, close your eyes and envision yourself in a scene like this… I often see and feel golden, light/love waterfalls just streaming in toward me, flowing through me, being one with me… and sit with that for a few minutes. Lovely!