I’ve been working on another post about where so many are, in feeling like they’re going through their version, in some way, shape, or form, of “the dark night of the soul”… and other activities have precluded me from finishing it thus far.  However… this morning, ONE of my Facebook friends posted this quote that just sums it up right now; I can’t remember who posted it, and I can’t remember whose quote it was, either; however, I’d highlighted the text and copied it, walked away from the computer, and came back; luckily, it was in memory on my computer, so I at least have that… AND with the help of this, a short post that I can publish, because it’s obviously VERY IMPORTANT for as many of us to get this message out as possible right now!

The meaning is JUST PERFECT in so many ways, in terms of what’s going on:

“[I]f you know the wisdom of the dark night, then you are looking out for protection. You’re aware that through this terror, protection will be given. This is the universal testimony. They mystics have gone through this process. It’s the testimony of Rumi. It’s the testimony of the great shamans. You are given tremendous divine protection, because as the human is being destroyed, the divine consciousness comes up. So one side of you is being annihilated, but the other side is stronger than ever in the ashes. So great dreams will come and light will become more and more vibrant. The divinity of life will become more and more naked to you. Miracles will take place to protect you. To anybody who comes to this path, the divine is both extremely ferocious and extremely tender. Ferocious to destroy the illusions, but tender to give the human being the courage to hang in there and do the work.”

Now, that being said… some clarity from my perspective; words, no matter how well written, are simply filters of the understandings. So, as I infuse this post with the understanding behind the words, here are some words to clarify, too!

How we see what’s typically used as negative terms are only perceived that way because of the ego. For example, “ferocious” is a relative term, and the ego often perceives it with negative connotations. However, if you see the word as meaning “with incredible gusto”… LOL… this is how I see it, especially in this context!

The reason so many of us are going through some very, very trying times is because that which doesn’t serve us is falling away… whether the ego kicks and screams about it (and thus, the “terror” of the ego), or whether we surrender to it with grace and ease. What is meant by “that which doesn’t serve us is falling away”?  Just that… relationships, home situations, jobs, institutions, governments… you name it! Not only everything that limits us, but also everything that feels comfortable… and prevents us from pressing ahead, from stepping into the Divine greatness each and every one of us has to offer. So many are entrenched and love the drama addiction of the 3D world; the ego-driven part of us, individually and collectively, would rather just continue putting one Band-Aid on top of another because it’s a “known evil” – and the ego rationalizes that a known evil is far more “safe” than the unknown! However, we’ve completed these lessons in separation – and the Band-Aid tower is falling – because we’re done with this level of duality, and so it just doesn’t serve us anymore. So the Higher Selves of all are saying, “YAY! We’re finishing this up! Time to really clean house…”

Ultimately, we can experience/process lessons in terror and suffering, OR grace and ease. Yep, ALL of them. It’s a personal choice; we’re just remembering that! Personally, I prefer the latter (I’ve had my fill of suffering throughout this existence, and I’m GLAD to be DONE with it! LOL); however, I accept and honor that some prefer the former; though I also recognize that many don’t yet remember that we CAN change that; so I’m going to tell you here that it REALLY IS our CHOICE… I PROMISE!

When we go through a LOT of our old, comfortable reality falling away – as we are doing now – it can feel terrible and draining if we choose see/experience it that way. Why? Well, it depends on how hard the ego wants to hang on to what’s falling away… because if we hang on, it will get more and more and more traumatic until the situation just explodes/crumbles so we have no choice but to release it, once and for all. It’s important to remember that when we’re holding on to something, to some situation, and it tries harder and harder to slip away, and we try harder and harder to hold on… that we’re expending far more energy in holding on to it (and/or putting a Band-Aid on it) than if we’d just clear/heal what’s preventing us from letting go (because often we just forget that we CAN let go, and that it’s OK to do so!). Once we do… most of the time we look back and wonder why we held on for so long, why we wasted so much energy… because we’re exhilarated by SOARING in the freedom of releasing those burdens that were holding us down!

In the context of this quote, as I understand it, “Divine protection” is the realization that it’s ALL an illusion… and that actually, there’s nothing to be protected from; all we see, experience, is a play we have created to play out the lessons we’ve desired to play out. When we let the illusion fall away, and remember that we’ve not only been the puppets in the play, but also the Creator, writer, producer, AND stage director… we ultimately remember that we’ve ALWAYS been the Divine, we ALWAYS will be… and that everything else is simply a facade. Thus, “protection” is not as the ego perceives it – which is the need to put up a shield, only perpetuating the perception of separation – rather, it is simply realization of the Truth, which is that there is only unconditional love, and that we are One and always have been… and ALL OF THE REST is simply a dream. The “side that comes out of the ashes”… is simply full remembrance of all of this, in all-powerful, unconditional love of the Divine, AS the Divine expressed as who we are. SO beautiful!

So, on that, as we progress so exponentially through all of this shifting and evolving, here’s my love note to you:

I want you to know that no matter how lonely you may feel, no matter how solitary your journey may seem, that you’re not alone. We’re here to ALL BE IN THIS TOGETHER. There’s so, so, SO much love supporting you, at all levels, at all times… you’ve just forgotten how to feel it! You ARE worthy, deserving, and able to free yourself of the chains that bind you – regardless of what the ego perceives in the 3D reality – and we’re all here to support each other in this process of letting go of the illusion of separation.

We’re at the climax of this magnificent symphony… which we ALL ORCHESTRATED TOGETHER, as One. It’s the most beautiful, complex, phenomenal symphony imaginable… and we ALL have a very individual, VERY important role to play as a part of the whole. When you remember it, as I have, the beauty and enormity of it – of us – will bring freely flowing tears of  explosive joy and love!

I love you… yes, of course I do… as you are me, and I am you! As the Mayans say in greeting, “In lak’ech ala k’in”… or “I am another you.” It’s SO IMPORTANT for us to remember that!

Let go, accept all with love, and step forward, into your Truth, into the love of your Being… I am there with you, every step of the way. We are ALWAYS together, never apart; just open your heart, and you’ll know I am there. That’s where we ALL are.


P.S. I guess I got my blog done after all…

1 Comment

Lisa · September 15, 2013 at 8:50 am

Thank you Angela. This is exactly what I needed. I have shared this with a few friends.

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