There are multiple mythologies that state the Universe was created with sound; in metaphysics, there is also the mathematical concept of the Music of the Spheres… a representation that all of energy – which includes all of our Universe – has a tone related to it: matter itself, creation, expansion, existence, interaction, etc. There’s been plenty of research also showing how sound affects our energy in an infinite number of ways, including healing!

Throughout my life, music has been instrumental (literally LOL) to me… from an early age, I danced, played multiple musical instruments… and when I was a teenager, the music I played was how I expressed myself. Angry? Heavy metal. Content? Upbeat music. Contemplative? Something entirely different. The list went on, including all different kind of music, all different eras, all different beats, tones, and lyrics.

That hasn’t changed in my adulthood. In fact, in my house, from the time when my kids were just past toddlerhood, we got into the practice of never even having the TV on during the day. The only time it gets turned on is later in the evening, typically about an hour or two before bed. But music? I have it playing ALL THE TIME… when I work out at home, I have music playing. My office is at home, and as I’m working, I’m almost always playing music. When I’m in a session with a client… yep. In the car… etc., etc., etc.

Have you ever had a day when something – some sadness, anger, whatever – welled up and wanted to come to the surface, but you just couldn’t find a way to do that? And, in a moment of reflection, you found the song to play (or the song gets played on the radio, funny how the Universe will do that for you) that brought it RIGHT UP THERE… and allowed you in some way or another to release it?

Do you think that’s coincidental?

This weekend, I watched the movie, “Rock of Ages,” which was a Glee-ish type of rock musical about the 80’s… exactly when I was first coming into myself, through teenage years and early adulthood. Needless to say, I have a lot of memories tied up in the music of that decade! The entire movie was a montage of memories for me… through so many variants of the music that I listened to during that period. I sang along through the entire movie, loved its campy-ness, its accuracy of the campy-ness of the time… and I noticed how easily memories popped up throughout – yes, some of it was related to the characters, but MOST of it was related to the music!

Yesterday, I hosted a class at my house on sacred tantric dance for women; I had seen this on the instructor’s Website  awhile back, and knew immediately it was something I wanted to try! To me, it felt like the perfect combination and a different way to “connect in” using music and the body. However, I really had no idea in what to expect (“Is it bellydancing? something else? ???”)…. and WOW. How amazing!

The best part: No need to be a dancer; no need to even have the FIRST IDEA of how to dance to do this!

We spent the day learning how to apply techniques to open ourselves up energetically… via music and the movement of our bodies. We all adorned beautiful coin scarves (dancing is SO much more fun when you can HEAR all of the movements!)… and we MOVED. Without any better words to describe it, by the end of the class, we learned how to allow the Divine express itself through our Self in the dance. It was truly fun AND profound… later in the day, we did “individual dances,” which translates to about 7-9 minutes of allowing the Divine to dance each of us, one at a time,  in the center of the room, eyes closed, while the others in the class held space for the dancer and watched. I know what you’re saying: “Dancing alone – freestyle – in the middle of a group of people as they watched?” – but you know what? We had bonded with each other through the day, we had left any judgment – for others and ESPECIALLY for the Self – at the door, and we all saw the absolute beauty and power – and Divine – in each other, and in our Oneness. In holding space and watching when it wasn’t our turn, we all BECAME the dancer, we all experienced the dance through each other as well as through ourselves… and we released and healed just as much by being the observer as in being the participant.

When it was my turn, as soon as I closed my eyes and allowed the music to take me… I was truly outside of space and time, and the illusion of the room and others there just melted away; I was in my completion, pulling through bits and pieces of other lifetimes, of certain energetic patterns, of what it was that was ready to be brought to the surface, melded, and/or released through that dance. It was freeing, expansive, and beautiful in ways that are challenging to explain in words… except that I knew ALL of me, in completion, in those minutes. And when it was done… I had no concept of how long it had been, because time wasn’t even a part of it!

I didn’t truly realize just how the class had shifted me until I woke up this morning, in the aftereffects of a day of such amazing grace, beauty, power… our eternal presence. Not only did we find parts of ourselves in the dance; we truly experienced our wholeness and our Divinity in ways that words could never describe.

As I’ve written this I’ve been playing one of the soundtracks that was played in class, now added to my already extensive collection of music… and my entire body is lit up, my chakras wide open in joyful anticipation, having recognized another open pathway to tap in… and thus, it wants to MOVE… and allow it through.

And so, my new coin scarf beckons to me from my meditation room…  😉



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