As we go along on this amazing journey of awakening, at the individual through the Earth (and actually, universal) levels, more and more is opening up: more understandings, more and more synchronicities… and the need for more and more trust and faith that the higher self, and that when we do so, we are guided toward the most amazing and magnificent experiences!
On that, I’m jumping right into writing about such an experience I had this 4th of July holiday in the United States. Earlier on, around April and early May, my family and I were working on planning a 4th of July excursion. We hadn’t been to the beach for awhile for the 4th; for years, we had visited Myrtle Beach, SC, and hadn’t been back for just as many. So, feeling the pull to South Carolina (mere hours from where I live), I began the effort to set up our vacation.
After coming across dead end upon dead end in terms of hotels by Myrtle Beach – all within the more reasonable price range were pretty much booked solid – I was suddenly inspired to look into Charleston, South Carolina. I’ve had a number of friends who are from Charleston and/or who have lived or visited… all have raved about it. For me, until this point, I’d never had any pull to go. But suddenly, something had me start exploring the possibility. Of course – because that’s where we were SUPPOSED to go – everything fell into place easily, and we found some great deals, and a great place to stay, midway between downtown Historic Charleston and Kiawah (the beachfront).
A few days after we’d made our decision to make the trip, my husband told me that someone with whom he works had mentioned something called the Angel Oak Tree – the oldest known oak tree in the country – and that we should put it on our itinerary. As soon as he said it, it felt right, I got a little excited… and even without knowing anything about it, I agreed that we should put it on the list of things to do.
The BIGGEST Step: LISTENING, and Getting There!
The day we were planning to see the Angel Oak was part of our plans for a day at the ocean. OF COURSE, the tree was situated perfectly… in between our hotel and the beach! We went to the beach first, with plans to stop and see the tree on our way back.
This is the wholly amusing part of the story… and one I’ve already told a number of times, because it’s a PERFECT example of the purpose of listening to the voice of the Higher Self, even when the ego finds it inconvenient to do so!
When I’m at the beach, I’m completely in my element; I grew up at the water, and the ocean is still my favorite place to be. (On the more woo-woo side, I know I’ve had quite the extensive experience as part of the water world for an extended period of time… and have greatly favored it throughout this existence…but that’s a whole set of stories for another day!) Since I live several hours inland now, I cherish every moment I get to spend at/on/in the ocean. So, needless to say, once I’m there… I’m PARKED for awhile!
And so, there we were, at the beach on a PERFECT day; we had our pop-up tent, chairs and towels in the sun… the weather was a perfect 85 degrees with a light breeze, not a cloud in the sky, the beach was beautiful… and the water was WARM. The cycle quickly became playing in the water and swimming, sitting in the sun for a bit to dry off, sometimes a snack, and then back in the water again, etc. I could’ve stayed forever!
About 3 o’clock, I was laying on a lounge chair, getting a little bit of sun and meditation/snoozing in the bliss of it all. Suddenly, I got a nudge that it was time to go. I’m very accustomed to listening to the voice of the Higher Self (I would say that I trust it at a 9 on a scale of 1 to 10); however, at the beach that day… I just wanted to STAY. I’d felt that nudge and thought (ego), “In a little while… right now, I’m BASKING… and don’t feel like leaving yet…”
After that, I turned over onto my stomach on my lounge chair… and while doing that, it felt like I was BITTEN by the hinge of the chair. I made a comment of the sort to my husband… yet just let it go; I was too comfortable.
And so, I snoozed a little bit.
A few minutes later, my two teenagers (who are fish themselves) came back from the water and commented, “How weird is THAT? Where did THAT come from?” I picked my head up and twisted around… to see one single rain cloud in the middle of the sky, off shore. I shrugged and said, “It’ll pass…” and turned back around and put my head back down… back to my bliss.
I felt it again… that nudge. And again, I thought, “But I’m SO COMFORTABLE right now, everything is SO PERFECT…”
About 15 minutes later, my husband – who was sitting in a chair next to me, reading a book – suddenly got a pull, and said, “You know, I think it’s time for us to go.”
I mumbled, “Not yet… in a little while, maybe around 4:30 or so…”
At that point, the girls came back up from the water, while my husband really, really felt the nudge himself (if SHE won’t listen… maybe HE will… LOL), and said, “Well… look at the sky…” A little irritated, I turned around on the chair… to see a spread of cloud (like that single cloud had popped and oozed across the sky in such a short period of time). As I looked out onto the water, I could see a wall of rain coming toward us. And yet… I was still unwilling to go. I said, “Why now? We’re wet anyway, and it’s summertime… you know it will pass in a few minutes…” Yet, this time, he ignored me… apparently, this was one situation where he was listening much more closely than I was!
He just got up and started taking everything down, putting everything away, as the rain came in and pelted us. The whole time, I was grumbling and getting increasingly irritated… why were we leaving RIGHT THEN? Everything would be wet and covered with sand (like it wouldn’t, anyway)… what a waste to be doing all of this in the rain! And yet… my husband persisted… and kept on packing up, enlisting our kids to help, too. I begrudgingly joined in.
The moment we finished packing up, you guessed it… the sun came back out. At this point, we were committed… and my husband and 2 daughters were up ahead; I’d let myself lag a little behind, carrying some of our stuff, but mostly because I didn’t want to go. I’d become grumpy, trudging slowly on the sand… until I felt the equivalent of a thump upside the back of my head, and heard – LOUDLY – “You KNOW that if you’re being pushed to do something, to just TRUST that it’s for a purpose…”
I sighed heavily… and surrendered. I thought, “OK… I’ll go with it.” And I let go of the irritation (well, most of it, anyway!).
By the time we got to the car, my husband was trying to cheer me up; I told him not to bother – I was fine – and I told him what I’d heard on the way up from the beach.
As we pulled out, he said, “Next stop… the Angel Oak…”

Me in communion with the Angel Oak Tree, outside of Charleston, SC… connecting in to this magnificent portal ( Look closely… can you see the faces within the tree? Can’t you feel its amazing energy just looking at this picture?
Also funny to note: When we got there (and through most of when I was “merged” with the tree), there were quite a number of others there, as well… funny that my husband got a picture of me, all by myself, in the expanse of that area!)
Meeting The Angel Oak Tree Magnificence and Seeing the Doorways Within
When we pulled up to the gated area where the Angel Oak Tree resides – shortly after 4pm – all irritation from the beach was immediately forgotten. Even as we were walking along the gate to go inside, I could feel quite an amazing shift in energy… such openness, such peace, such beauty! When we walked in, and the fullness of this incredible tree saturate my being… my heart just opened WIDE! I was amazed that the lightness this tree exuded, regardless of it’s considerable size; the energy the tree exudes immediately reminded of the hometree from the movie Avatar, as if it would be real in this world. In fact, as that thought was passing through my mind, while I stood there and simply took the sight and feeling of this huge regal beauty, one of my daughters walked by and commented about the exact same thing!
It was only moments before I felt the intense pull to commune energetically with the tree… and in doing so, I knew that THIS was the MAIN REASON why we’d ended up in the Charleston area altogether!
As soon as I connected with the tree, I heard, “Welcome, Gatekeeper…” (a term I’ve had several Beings at higher levels of consciousness call me over the past several years, without conscious understanding or remembrance of why, yet) “… you’ve been expected.”
Simultaneously, I was seeing and experiencing the Universe via the tree… and I could feel multiple personas within; as I was considering that understanding, suddenly, something in the center of me and the tree opened up energetically… and I realized it was a portal; a HUGE one! I immediately knew that this was a portal doorway between at least 7 or 8 different worlds… and something else.
As I continued in this state of connectedness, I felt the consciousness of this portal reach down into me, and begin receiving the light codes I’d received while in Kauai this past February (see my post On Rebuilding the Earth and Rebuilding Ourselves). I could feel the transfer, and then I saw/felt something extraordinary happen: A doorway opened up not just between the tree and Kauai, but also to Mt. Shasta, CA (see my post Journey Reflections from the Mountain, Part Two), Pilot Mountain (see my post Stepping Through the Doorway at Pilot Mountain on 12-12-12)… and number of other “energy points” around our physical, 3D world.
They all overlaid each other energetically – while I was in the center of all of it – and while I did what I was guided to do, all fuzziness between the connections cleared and the openings/connections became crystalline, the doorway shifted into something new… and I was in all of those places at once!
Then, just as quickly as it had begun, I knew what I came here to do was done. Fait accompli.
I opened my eyes and disconnected… though I still felt the loving connection to the consciousness of the tree. While I was beginning to move away from it, my husband walked by me, with a smirk on his face. He asked me, “Did you see the sign?”
I shrugged and asked, “What sign?”
His reply: “The one over there… it says that they close the gate at 4:30pm.”
It was 4:20… and all PERFECT (of course)!
I looked at him and smiled… because in that moment, I realized all of that nudging and PUSHING to leave the beach had everything to do with us GETTING THERE “in time,” for whatever it was that just happened. I responded, “Of course they do…” as we walked to the little adjacent gift shop on our way out.
AJ · August 13, 2013 at 10:28 am
I loved reading this blog post! I’ve been drawn towards photos of this same tree recently, which is how I came upon your blog! That was such a fascinating experience you had with the tree…. I got goosebumps reading about it. Thank you! <3 <3 <3
shanti north · August 13, 2013 at 11:35 am
I live in the low country, and I have been to that oak several times. It is indeed magical. Portals, dimension aside. These trees are living beings who contribute their essence to the world. Energy in various forms,negative ions etc. I am blessed to live in Savannah,Ga, where we now protect and revere our live oaks. Indeed they speak to us,if you listen you will hear their language.
Anna Greenflame · August 13, 2013 at 4:48 pm
On the coast of NC, we still have a few of the grand old Live Oaks; they are such … profound Beings. One is beside a restaurant and I call it the Goddess tree: some dirt has accumulated in the top, and several small shrubs and a little cedar tree are growing out of Her.
20 years I stepped off a plane into the greater Charleston area and immediately felt at home and uplifted; and have wondered since if there was a portal or vortex there because nothing else explains it. This article goes a long way toward answering that! What an interesting and inspiring experience!