So, I started my regular meditation again. As is usual for me, I looked into all kinds of it, and was still looking for some insight on what was going on. I was seeing some interesting stuff in my meditations, too (more on that later).
My client – who has since become a good friend – told me I should try autowriting or autotyping, to start “a conversation” with my “spirit guides.”
It felt a bit surreal to me. Autowriting? Are you kidding me? I’d seen it on TV, and always wondered how real it could be… and thought it a bit bizarre. It was always a little creepy to me, too, because it seemed that whenever I saw it shown, it was shown on some scratchy old film or with an air of the mysterious and ghostly. Like the pen would write of its own accord? Really?
So, when this was first brought up – and it turned out that several others I found online suggested it, too – I guess you could say I was a bit, um, skeptical, hesitant, doubtful… and a little nervous about it. Here’s why: When I was in my mid- to late-teen years, a few friends of mine and I played around a little bit with a Ouija board – yep, run-of-the-mill Ouija board, by Hasbro, maybe even from Toys R Us (I’m not kidding… you can get them there!). Anyway, we had no problem with it… what fun! Something a little creepy! Plus, since I was always a bit of a skeptic, I wanted to see if they really worked; surely you’d feel if someone else were pushing on it, wouldn’t you?
Well, we started using it, and it was odd… the hand piece didn’t feel pushed (after a couple of tries), and it did provide some information we might not otherwise have had. Anyway, it wasn’t long before any time we sat down to play with it (which was the typical sleepover entertainment), the hand piece would almost be flying over the board, anxious to spell out words for us. Really! One time, it told us it was the spirit of some boy who had just gotten hit by a car a few states away, and it gave us all the information about the accident – including the boy’s name. It gave us some message, too, but I can’t remember what it was. We actually checked it out over the next week (via the library – this was way before the Internet)… and the accident had actually happened in exactly the same way the boy had described, on the day we did the Ouija board… and the name and place were dead on (no pun intended). I have to say, we were a little creeped out!
We had a couple more goes at it, but soon stopped using it altogether, because we found that the messages became increasingly belligerent. So that was that.
So, you see what I’m saying here, about being hesitant about the autowriting thing? I was skeptical… but I think I was just as wary of it actually working!
However, the information just came to me, via article, Internet research, someone telling me – I’m not quite sure – but it was also something covered with me when talking about meditation – the basics:
- Always protect yourself with The White Light (here’s a great article with the basics about it);
- Always set a specific intention in the beginning of the meditation (such as “My intention is to communicate directly with my spirit guide via autowriting/autotyping about….”)
- When directly communicating with the other dimensions and other realms, make sure to be very specific about the “level” of entity with whom you wish to speak, along the lines of “My intention is to communicate directly with my spirit guide of the highest level of light possible, who would only have the intention of communicating with me for my highest good, via autowriting/autotyping about….”
Why is all of this ceremony important? Well, let’s see – even scientists have proven the existence of multiple dimensions. When you go into meditation, you expand your awareness, quite possibly expanding the ability to communicate more freely with other dimensions. The way I look at it is, if you count the spirit world/afterlife as a dimension, as well as dimensions with other, more advanced forms of life that might not quite have your best interests at heart, well… you’re probably not going to connect to your target entity! Apparently (so I found out), this is an unwaverable law of the Universe, and if you specifically state these type of intentions, then they cannot be disobeyed or misrepresented. Here’s another one I’ve learned: If you don’t want to communicate with an entity, and you tell it to go away, it will do so. Period. So, does that take the fear and anxiety out of trying this out for you? It did for me. I thought, “What’s the worst that can happen – nothing?”
SO…. After researching quite a bit and finding new online communities and friends “in the know” on this stuff, I decided to try it early one morning during meditation. I figured I’d go with the writing thing first and see if that did anything; if not, I’d try autotyping, which to me just seemed easier and more efficient!
Early one morning, I started my meditation with a pen and pad, did everything I was supposed to do, kept my eyes closed, purposely turned off the brain, stayed far off, and this is what I got:
A bunch of scribble.
Now, to be fair, I should really preface that with a few things:
- My hand did actually sort of take off. OK, sorta weird, right? I felt a little bit like Thing from the Addams Family!
- After a page or two of jibberish, it started writing random words with scribbles in it. I was told that would happen
- I stopped at that point, because that’s when my brain engaged, and I freaked out a little bit.
So, the next day, I tried autotyping on my laptop. Now, you want to feel something bizarre? Try that. The first time, I lasted all of several minutes, because I was so weirded out that my fingers started flying over the keys – without my even being engaged at all. However, when I opened my eyes and looked at the typing, I had a page full of an extended version of this:
Riwoess;dlkl ri hgt4u3969wor tgjgiy4ie9epq[e gj4ri496yurotig hj3qr[olergi40egt4r56y7rgewk tyugbrogy95g gj40rgjhhjt5lrlwld,49tu rorkg r gyuig rhjtjfkeolyt95nveitiyepoirpoimge9n4ieofkd’;lk rohjhyq’s;doigj trlkd gioirjldfioermlekjgioer fl;kg a;ewiojg
After that, I wrote it off for about a week. I couldn’t deny the weirdness of my fingers just flying over the keys, but unless I was typing some decipherable code, it was sort of a waste of my time!
However, I kept on feeling a compulsion to get back to it, and when I did allow myself to consider it, I’d get THE BUZZ, and this nagging feeling.
So I tried it again. This time, in my intention, I made sure to include that I would not be afraid, and I would not freak out in consciously connecting with my spirit guide. I also decided that I would see if I could “see” any thoughts moving in the direction of my fingers. OK, that sounds weird, right? If you’re going to be reading this, get used to it! It’s difficult to describe stuff like this when it’s not mainstream in vocabulary!!!
This time, I stayed distant, but it was like in my head I was keeping one eye squinted and open to peek….but just a little bit! And here was the funny thing: when I did that, while still in a meditative state, it was like I felt someone talking to my brain, and I was watching words feed through my brain as I typed them, for lack of a better explanation. Like I was transcribing something. I stayed meditative, didn’t allow myself to freak out – which would essentially pull me out of it. I guess you’d say I let it flow. This time, here’s what came through:
You must be awake and conscious for me to give you messages. I do not [need to] know your [written] language to write it myself. So I translate through you.
This is your path. You know it now. You will not understand all now, but in time you will. Your body will feel different as will your soul. The light is your work… Be patient, there is much to learn, much to teach… We love all, as we are one… Your hands know. Use them. Remember. We will help you. This existence is beautiful, the next will be indescribable to you as you understand now.
I am done today… Much love.
How cool! Boy, that was like the first hit of a very addictive drug. I was hooked!