Looking at What Weighs Us Down… So We Can Continue On WITHOUT the Weight!

After taking the road of active spiritual development for awhile, there’s always a point when we THINK (key word, vs. FEEL) we’ve tackled the most important stuff… however, the more adept we get at clearing and healing ourselves, the more we can mask that which we’re uncomfortable looking at… from the core. I’m just breaking free of some chains I didn’t even want to acknowledge still bound me… my experience with that…

When it gets overwhelming, a little bird will tell you…

Since I’ve discovered all of these Awakened abilities and so much energy work over the past year, it’s become a completely different world – so much more beautiful and poetic, so MUCH MORE, period! But here are times when I just feel like there’s just SO MUCH for us to do, and on the fly, as things speed up faster and faster. It can be overwhelming. On that note, here’s what a little bird told me…