Over the past number of years, I’ve had repeated glimpses into what we’re creating in this world… and glimpses of what’s to come. I haven’t publicly spoken about it much in terms of the literal picture to more than a few others… because visions can be metaphorical, they can be representations, they can be from other timelines, and most of all, they can distract us from looking at what’s right in front of us, in this moment… because it’s this moment that’s what counts, what exists, what presence is all about.
Until recently, those who’ve asked me what I’ve “seen” of the future, and/or if what I see is the same as ____________ [insert any name here] who has published their own visions, have typically gotten a reply from me about THIS moment instead.
From the beginning of what I call my “Grand Awakening,” when being “reminded” of what I ultimately came here to do, I was shown – or rather, helped to remember – what we have planned here at this time… as we finally complete the cycle of peaking in remembrance without crashing from lessons of the ego (which we’ve done a number of times over the eons).
One of the most challenging things for the ego to allow is the remembrance that our entire existence, all that is around us, is our creation. It’s full self-responsibility – lucid dreaming on a Universal scale, that we are the Dreamer as much as the Dreamed. The Divine Consciousness (or any one of a handful of other names) expressed as who we are. More and more, we’re even creating discoveries in our sciences – particularly quantum physics – that show us this in a way that the analytical mind can better accept, including researched proof (over and over) that intention creates our reality, and that love within is THE healer and true, interminable power of all.*
We just forget that in the exploration of separation… especially when we’ve forgotten that we are the Dreamer, with many, many different dreams, simultaneously running within the larger ones (think about the movie “Inception” to the max!).
We are all One, split up into the innumerable facets of this amazing, Universal gemstone. Here, incarnate on Earth, the part of our individual consciousness that resides in the physical body forgets that… that’s been a part of the game, part of this experiment of extreme separation, of creation via separation.
We’re at the verge of the end of yet another cycle; and so, the question many who are consciously aware of it ask is, How do we do it differently this time, to finish this once and for all?
Some have believed that we wouldn’t need some sort of collective catalyst to help wake us up within the dream; my understanding has been that we would… it just depended on the size of the catalytic event or set of events that had to happen. AND – most of all – that to break the cycle, to complete this and move on, what would be different wouldn’t be to avert the catalyst, but simply to act differently through it.
Yes, some have chosen to “wake up” later on in the game, but we put the catalyst in place to ensure that the hangers on would have quite the loud alarm clock… and still have a chance to adjust and align all consciousness within the whole to move forward.
For the past several years, I’ve received the message, again and again, to remain the calm in the storm. I’ve had trial after trial around me, I’ve taught it (or reminded it) to others who’ve been waking up to who we all are.
That message has repeated itself to me again and again. The purpose? If one stays the calm in the storm, remembering that regardless of what we see around us is a dream, and we are all but one Divine Consciousness… then we can stay in a place of clarity, acceptance, and love… knowing that all is perfect, trusting that we know exactly where we’re to be, and when, to optimize what one would call the ultimate soul’s purpose. Ultimate attainment!
All that I’ve been guided to teach – connecting to one’s own Higher Self via quieting the chatter of the ego (which was created to explore separation and identity) – as simple as it is (meditate, meditate, meditate) is the answer… because it allows us to remember that we already have full access/remembrance to all of the answers within us!
Staying the quiet in the storm means allowing the stillness to remain within, always. Stillness allows us the conscious remembrance and connection to our Higher Consciousness, the Higher Consciousness of the Universe… and the higher in consciousness, the purer the answer comes in love, which in essence, is Truth.
For the past several weeks, the consistent message about staying the calm in the storm shifted slightly, to BE unconditional love, always… all thoughts, words, and deeds. And the only way to truly do that is to fully accept and embrace that each one of us is equally Divine, equally worthy, and equally a message – expressed as who we are and what we do – as a facet of the whole. Each of us has a very different reminder to bring to all of us, as the mirror back to what’s within, as the Dreamer.
The more self-exploration, the more resolution, the more acceptance, peace, and love we can explore and employ within ourselves (some would call that healing, but I simply call it remembrance), the more that is reflected back to us from what’s in the world around us.
Hate doesn’t “cure” hate. Violence doesn’t solve anything; it creates more separation. The glorification and romanticism of militaries going off to kill one people in sacrifice for “protection” of another – because of a belief of what’s “right” and what’s “wrong” (including religious beliefs) – only ultimately grows separation and hate through killing; we’ve proven that again and again. I’ve worked with a number of military and ex-military with PTSD from the internal battle they have within themselves, because even though they’ve at some time bought the excuse and propaganda that killing some to “protect” others is right, there’s a part of them that knows they’re still killing others. So, then… why do we continue to perpetuate it? War will never be the answer to love and peace… we’ve repeated THAT lesson again and again! The way to truly shifting to a peaceful way is to remember that beyond these meat jackets we call physical bodies, we are all the same, that we are all of the Divine Consciousness, the Dreamer of the Dream… and even what the ego judges and considers the most despicable individuals are also a part of our Self. Time to embrace that, too.
Time to turn the tables, release the idea of victimhood, and ask ourselves, “If having is an indication of wanting (meaning I have something in my reality because I created it)… then why would I want to create this in my reality?”
THAT’S what’s for us to do differently!
From the higher perspective, we never just have a Game Plan A, B, and C… we actually have far, far more than that; more like down to and beyond Game Plan WWWW, XXXX, YYYY, and ZZZZ….and every step along the way that we ignore the messages, the bigger the reminder gets. It starts within each individual, then ramps up to groups, communities, and eventually the entire collective of Earth, and beyond. I don’t know about you… but I’d prefer the little reminders, myself, vs. what I call the explosions! Thus, the true importance of looking within to change all that is based in separation and resistance – fear, anger, regret, resentment, anxiety, guilt, doubt, sorrow, pain, judgment, shame, frustration – is vital, if we’d prefer to prevent the “big bang.” And, even though things are getting a bit heated on the collective level in the 3D, there’s always the opportunity to shift its volume and impact via what we do when we stop projecting what’s inside onto others, and instead looking in the mirror at ourselves, first and foremost.
So, many ask, “What you’re saying is that those who have died, those who are considered the perpetrators, volunteered to do this, created this themselves… and they are both the same?” Yes. They’re me; and they’re you. They are the pieces – the individuals – who stepped up and said, “Yes! If we get to Plan ______ and we need to start having collective reminders, I will be one who takes part in that play!” To them, we owe a mountain of gratitude and love… for taking on the role they agreed to take on.
The best way to honor them for their role is to turn our focus back in on ourselves; to shift from a place of separation to a place of perceiving the whole, and of coming from a place of love in knowing that, always. Accepting all as the crucial note in the symphony of this experience that they are, including your Self… and knowing for as many options to play out as there are in response via separation, that the one via unity – that of love – is far stronger, has more true impact, and essentially renders violence, hate, and fear useless, recognizing them as the illusion that they are.

Mari is the basic name of the goddess found throughout the Mediterranean region, and Isis-Mari, or just Isis, is her Egyptian name. Like Mary of the Christian tradition, she is a vast cosmic sky goddess as well as an earth mother goddess. In the Egyptian tradition, she was associated with a star which was the source of love and light radiating from her heart.
In backing up and looking at the much, much larger picture, I actually find it so incredible how we have this message smacking ourselves right in the face. How, you ask? Well… it is the TRUE energy of unification – the Oneness – that is represented by the Universal Divine Mother. It’s that energy within us and of which we exist that reminds us that the true answer is in unity, in looking within and remembering our Oneness and unconditional love. And here on Earth, we are at a point where we have SUCH a literal representation of the reminder of the Divine Mother via the name of the one of the currently prominent terrorist groups – ISIS – when the Ancient Goddess Isis is a representation of the Divine Mother in the form of a reminder (a big, honking mirror to us) of the importance of spiritual development within through the representation of such a lack of that. Could we be more literal???
The world events are just beginning to ramp up, as the alarm clock goes off; I understand this is just the beginning; it will get louder and more intrusive the longer we ignore it… and there’s no snooze button anymore!!! The resounding message: Do it differently; look within instead of projecting without. Remember that if we weren’t a part of this in some way… then it wouldn’t be created. Self responsibility is remembering that as we are the Dreamer as well as the Dreamed… and also that we CAN change the dream, at any time! First and foremost, our biggest priority is finding/remembering self-love, acceptance, and redirecting the ego’s job from that of separation and projection to one of ensuring that all thought, word, and deed support remembering, existing in, creating from, and emanating the Oneness in unconditional love while still maintaining the individuals that we are. Yes, it will take some focus; yes, it will take looking in the mirror at what the ego has formerly perceived as pretty uncomfortable stuff. Ultimately, it’s our quickest path to transcending this experience of such extreme separation, war, and (self-)destruction to take a new path – finally – and see what our new creation can bring in a much higher vibration!
Need assistance? It’s my life’s dedication to help others help themselves, to remember their Divinity, that we are ALL the psychic/intuitive and the healer… that we “heal” ourselves, that we create our own reality… and to help get past blocks based in traditional beliefs that limit our experience. Ready to change, to “get to the next level,” and explore the freedom of limitlessness? See my upcoming Self Development via Divine Consciousness class in January 2016, packages and sessions pages… and get started today; I’d love to work with you!
* There is a LOT of literature and research results around this; one such well-documented and discussed is The Intention Experiment, by Lynne McTaggart, and resulting research via the Institute of Noetic Sciences)