When I first left corporate America in 2006, I did it to start an organically certified herb nursery.
I needed something different after 17 years of climbing the ladder; I’d already started using herbs and alternative therapies, and truly enjoyed growing and drying them for my own use at home. So, when a nice-sized piece of property on the other side of my back fence went up for sale, we purchased it, and I began my expansive yet somewhat brief (five-year) entrepreneurial journey into organic growing.
Though I’d grown my backyard garden organically, it turned out I had a LOT to learn about commercial-sized organic growing!
The true essence of organic growing is completely different from what is called conventional growing; however, I’d been brought up using conventional methods, and really learned the organic practice on the fly. It’s all I knew.
For the first year, I tried to grow and manage my herbs via organic methods, but with the habit of conventional methodology: If bugs showed up that started eating my plants, I found an organic spray with which I could obliterate them. Often that would set off another issue or imbalance of some type… and I would address it the same way: find an “organic version” of the conventional one. I found I was always fighting fires; there was always something off kilter, and I was always chasing after it.
There wasn’t any balance or flow… and I was always treating symptoms, but typically not solving the cause.
At some point, I stepped back, and realized I was using a frame of mind that didn’t work in this environment long term. I found that in circumstances when I couldn’t “react” right away… if I waited – if I allowed – something would come up that would start to balance out the imbalance. And, I also found if I looked at overall health, overall nourishment, overall conditions, and managed them to be optimal all the time, preempting conditions that would breed disease, bugs, etc… then the issues would be smaller, and it seemed that nature would mostly take care of it. The plants would be healthier, there would be less pests eating them… and the natural predators of the plant-eating bugs would move in and be at the ready to assist with natural control. AND… I slept much better at night!
Funny that looking back now on that little side trip of mine was a great metaphor that played out to show me how my future practice in energy healing would work!
Many begin with an approach to energy healing in the same way that I originally approached my nursery: Wanting to employ this kind of therapy in a “conventional” sense, with the mindset of reactivity and/or “putting on the Band-Aid.” Many start pursuing energy healing as a way to quell pain, stress, tension, and very physical issues; one wants to be alleviated, and alleviated NOW! “Put the Band-Aid on, and help the symptom go away!”
Can that work? Absolutely. But why stop there?
When we step back and increase our consciousness and realize how energy works, how our consciousness works, and how we create our reality in this Universe, we recognize that everything in the physical first and foremost comes from the NON-physical! Whether physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual… we energetically create and manifest things into our bodies and surroundings that we hold energetically as blockages (or separation) on our journey. First, it’s important for us to explore that, in a place of transcendent acceptance, considering questions such as, When did this start? What do you feel? What have the limiting patterns that have repeated themselves in your life looked like? Everything that we hold as belief manifests itself into our reality to “tell” or remind us. Most often, it manifests in multiple ways that we see as disparate and different, which is the reason we have a detailed conversation including the questions above.
Everyone’s manifestations are different, based in their individual journey/story. Yes, there are some similarities – but don’t get bogged down in trying to make a rule when we make and change rules all the time!
Sometimes symptoms get worse before they get better, because something deep is coming to the surface to look at and accept (what many would call healing), and the ego, happy to repress something it judges, causes physical symptoms of distraction that cause the person to stop in their tracks and pay attention to the physicality vs. the underlying issue that’s coming up!
I have many examples of how the non-physical has played out in the physical; here are only a few of many, MANY examples I’ve experienced, with myself and with clients:
- I had a man coming to see me for a package of sessions, and we were working on his inconsistency and lack of commitment in his life. We looked at and he accepted and shifted many things, but the behavior came up again and again. He started having some scary physical symptoms: A heart issue came up (this is someone in his 40s), and he started having a LOT of back pain! His heart was holding onto something of deep judgment, and his back held the “burden” of it. Yet, he followed the “home play” I gave him via guidance.Finally, he came to see me, and he limped into my office, bent over, obviously in a lot of pain. We started talking, and he said something that had come up in his life caused him to believe he was pretty sure he knew what all of this was about: When he was a child, he was raped by a male cousin, several times. He’d held on to and repressed that all of his life, and because of how he judged himself and held on to the judgment of the other, he emanated the energy of unworthiness to have a good life, a good marriage, a good job, and a good place to live. Once he started telling me, the tears came right away, in a huge wave… and it all came out in the open, once and for all! We did an energy session, and at the end, he jumped up to hug and thank me… and started walking out of my office before he stopped, turned around, wide eyed, realizing that his back pain was COMPLETELY gone! That remained, and his heart symptoms alleviated shortly after, as well.
– - A woman came to see me because, due to some physical manifestations in her life (cancer, operations, and a subsequent paralyzed vocal cord), she had almost no voice whatsoever. The doctors told her she’d never regain her voice to what it had been, and yet she felt otherwise. In our first session, I had to lean forward to hear her – and she was sitting two feet away from me! Right away, my guidance was that it had to do with the lack of her standing in her Truth and letting others “take her voice away.”In her life, she’d been through a 25+-year marriage of some pretty dark abuse, and other circumstances. She had a quite a number of situations through her life (and others, but that’s a conversation for another day) where she allowed her voice to be stifled… until it physically manifested that way. We did a number of sessions focusing on worthiness, acceptance, and standing in her own power; within six months, her voice was tremendously improved! A year-and-a-half later (as I’ve now taught her how to do energy healing herself), her voice projects easily and normally, and she can easily speak to a room full of people and be heard!
When we focus on helping to energetically create a reality that is flowing, and steeped in worthiness, self-love, and true self-expression, we will naturally be in the flow… and things will be graceful, easy, healthy… and a lot more fun! So many are amazed at how many areas in their lives are positively affected by energy healing (typically far more than they ever anticipated)! When the focus is shifted to what’s core and underlying, looking at the wholistic picture vs. focusing on a symptom, ONE focus area in an energy healing session can free the recipient/participant in many, many ways for an optimal, much healthier and well-balanced experience in their life!
Energy healing, when engaged in its full value – regardless of what type there is (and there are many, many types of energy healing, accessing different purity of frequency, including Trinity Energy Progression, Reiki, Arcing Light, Healing Touch, ThetaHealing, and a variety others), is tapping into the Universal Energy of which we’re a part, and honoring the power we have to change everything within ourselves; it’s the first step to recognizing (remembering) that we alone are responsible for creating our reality. The “energy healer” (as is the same for ALL forms of healing, including doctors and Western medicine) simply facilitates assistance to the client in accessing “frequencies of healing” that the individual doesn’t yet remember how to access themselves, via tools that are optimal for that individual. When such infinitely powerful and effective tools are accessed, and the core situations are addressed and changed, everything is changeable! This is true for everything, from situations such as headaches, a pain in the hip, depression, and injury healing (both physical and emotional/mental) to what many consider chronic (and sometimes terminal) situations including allergies, addiction, fibromyalgia, bipolarity, and cancer. The list is endless! Want a better life? A better job? Are you ready to take the reins and REALLY find your place of well-being, of existing in a flowing, balanced and harmonized manner that’s as truly and wholly effective as what we would consider magical? Try it out!
Angela Coulter
Healing Facilitation and Instruction
Originator, Trinity Energy Progression
Spiritual Alchemy, Ascension Guidance
1 Comment
Ann McKenzie · October 28, 2015 at 4:56 pm
This is so well said. My own experience of energy healing for the physical manifestation has been remarkable. Angela has been a great asset to my healing.