I find this article really interesting… I’ve been watching this for the past 5 years, and so fascinating how things are playing out… 40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, and 34 of Them Are Along the Ring of Fire
First of all, before any of my comments, I want to preface with THERE IS NOTHING TO BE FEARFUL about. This is just observation… and we ARE in the midst of great change and shifting at ALL levels – yes, even our planet. The shifting itself and what manifests isn’t “wrong”; how we deal with it energetically is key – if we act with fear, then what we fear will manifest. If we continue to focus on raising our vibration and helping that of the planet’s, this will be as graceful and easy as possible… and regardless of what appears to be happening in the 3D, it will all flow.. if we let it.
Shortly after I first began REALLY “seeing” (in 2009), and my lines of connection really opened up to my/the Higher Consciousness, Archangel Ezekiel (Archangel of Transformation and Death) – one of my closest buds along this part of the journey, who’s been there from day one – “reminded me” what was to come. He was showing me in context to helping to “nudge” me (aka “the etheric 12×12 upside the head” LOL) into action, to “get it together” and get to a place of doing what I’m doing today, and FAST… because it was important for a number of us who had signed up to do so to “be in place” as this all started to accelerate. When I asked what “this” meant, he showed me… many visions of stuff like this picture, and told me, “There is a dramatic shift already started… and it will be fast, intense, and only as smooth as every individual decides to allow… on the physical plane, there will be many earthquakes and fires…”
Earthquakes and fires.
I remember asking how long this total transformation would take in this timeline; he told me that a majority of it would be over the next 10 years… and then continue on to be complete within 100 (which, by the way, is a VERY short time in terms of the “old” physical 3D plane).
I remember that was about a week before the Haiti earthquake in 2010; that seemed to really, really get the ball rolling.
All of this came back to me as I read this article… and it’s pretty cool how things have really, REALLY accelerated in the past several years, and how many of the visions/precognitive remembrances I’ve had have come to pass… although there are a number that are still “out there.” Is it bad? Absolutely not! However, it’s more important than EVER BEFORE to get in touch with inner guidance, with connection to your HIgher Self/Higher Consciousness… because my understanding is that the further we go, the more it’s important to depend on what’s WITHIN, vs. what the physical eyes see around us. Important to integrate all levels of consciousness (including the ego) for optimal experience. Shifting our experience this way with absolute grace and ease… and fun!
Yes, the Earth is shifting, too… and thus, she’s only doing what SHE needs to do. We perceive it as “bad” when we live in the path of that… but that’s our individual choice of experience, and simple the intertwined lesson plans that can be shifted for the more graceful, easy, and fun, too! We can simply honor her shifting – as part of the physical organism here – and focus on raising our own individual vibration as high as possible to help support the collective, the oversouls, the organism.
If you tend to use a lot of tools in your intuitive work, I will tell you that what I’ve seen consistently is the Tower card in the tarot deck… which is symbolic of the crumbling of that doesn’t serve us (the tower falling down around us). Many have fear of this, yet it’s truly cleansing and liberating… and it’s AWESOME… as long as we LET GO of that which doesn’t serve us!
So, if nothing has prompted you before… maybe this will… it’s time to LOOK WITHIN. Time to find peace within ourselves, to remember that the Divine Consciousness is just as fully INSIDE of us as outside of us… and to remember that WE are the Light; WE are the ones who volunteered to be here through this very unique, very powerful time… to be a part of the party through this experience!
This is really the core of what I do… I help others clear the way and then remember that all of the Divine Ability is within… and we are ALL psychics, healers… and we are ALL the Divine, expressed as who we are for the very individual, PERFECT purpose we have!
If you’d like assistance with this… contact me!
I also did a half-hour Living the Shift episode based on this on May 19, 2015; watch it now!