Over the past few years, I’ve written a few blog posts on visits to Pilot Mountain, NC (see Take One from Pilot Mountain… and Awakening Energy Center from 10/10 and also Take Two: SHOOTING Through the Door to an Expanded Reality on Pilot Mountain! from 11/10)… and I’ve had multiple other awesome experiences there that never made it as a blog post but are posted elsewhere on the site; particularly about receiving initialization to entrainment to the Trinity Energy Progression I now use and teach.
Suddenly, I’ve noticed a handful of people I know who have suddenly “just needed” to go to Pilot Mountain for a day (it’s a 2-hour drive from where I live)… one person I know just felt the pull one morning and went, on a VERY COLD winter day… I’ve had others ask me multiple times if I would go with them over the past month, and my initial reaction has been, “Um… no… it IS February, you know, sorta cold… let’s just plan for April or so…”
I should’ve known THAT would’ve come back to bite me in the butt!
About a week ago, I was in meditation, and heard, very distinctly, that I needed to go… ALONE (I’ve always had others with me before). I asked when… and understood it to be ASAP. Initially, I laughed, thinking about the recount of the client who went on that very cold day, and asked, “REALLY?” Yes… immediate and absolute, no questions asked. Later that day, I looked at the 7-day forecast for North Carolina, and saw that it would be spiking in temperature on Thursday (yesterday); I understood immediately that it was the day I was to go. So, I rescheduled my appointments/sessions, and cleared that day.
Several days before that came about, I’d been in a very active sleep state (common for me these days), and I knew I was doing some kind of energy work, talking with Guides, etc… when suddenly, I was half awake, and in my mind, saw an angel, very distinct, standing next to my bed. The angel leaned over and whispered loudly in my ear – as loudly as if a person here would have done – “OPEN YOUR EYES!” So, I did… lay there for a moment, adjusting my sight to the darkness, waiting to see something… and when I didn’t, I looked over at the clock… it was 3:33. I’m well aware of the multiple-number phenomena (Doreen Virtue has quite a bit on that, even if you Google it online), and how often non-3D Beings communicate with us here on the 3D via double, triple, and quadruple numbers… but I waited, and when I didn’t hear anything, thought, “Seriously? You WOKE ME UP to look at the clock at 3:33?” Then I rolled over and went back to sleep.
Within 24 hours, I was noticing double and triple digits almost EVERYWHERE… when I was working on something related to the Trinity Energy, I would see 3’s… needing some angelic support, 4’s… and a mix of 1’s, 2’s, and others. It quickly became really obvious that this was another way for me to receive guidance, sort of like the path was being shown to me. I had some rather amazing experiences “in the waking world” of synchronicity and just an amazing accuracy of details that would come in around that. So, I realized that the “Open your eyes” message had to do with SEEING what was being SHOWN to me here… outside of meditation/connecting in or sleep.
So, fast forward to yesterday, and my trek to Pilot Mountain…
Every time I looked at the clock or something with numbers from when I woke up, there were doubles and triples in EVERYTHING. It was REALLY prominent… nothing I could just write off. In fact, I found myself laughing… because I felt completely accompanied! I could almost feel my “travel companions,” egging me on… “Let’s go! Let’s go!” I was gathering some hiking food, looked up at the clock… 9:33. Checked email; my main email account had 1122 messages (cumulatively)… I got on the road, and almost EVERY TIME I noticed the number on a license plate, there was a double or triple digit… I’d look over at a billboard on the side of the road; a phone number or some other number on the sign would have a triple digit. Seriously; by the time I was halfway there, I was laughing out loud in the car, feeling like I was being prompted again and again… playfully, like I could almost hear laughing. I would say, “OK, already! I’m going as fast as I can!”
Though it was due to be in the 70s, all morning and when I left, it had been dark gray, and it actually looked like it was going to rain. I never let if phase me. It stayed that way the entire trip… until I was about 15 minutes away. Then, the sky just parted, and the sun came out… and, just as I came around the curve where I could see Pilot Mountain approaching in the distance, there was one lone cloud left, and it made one of those odd shapes around Big Pinnacle on the mountain… which distinctly reminded me of many pictures I’ve seen of Mount Shasta, CA (a MAJOR energetic power center); I thought, “How odd…” and thought of stopping to take a picture… but I was being prodded on… so, this post has a picture that I created in PhotoShop, so you get the idea…
Anyway, got to the top parking lot, and noticed the temperature: 55 degrees. I pulled into a spot; it was 12:22. Seriously! I hesitated a moment at the temperature, though… I’d just worn jeans and a tank top with a thin button down open as cover. Hardly something for ’50s… but I just trusted I would be fine.
Feeling the welcoming energy of the mountain telling me, “Welcome home,” off I trod towards Big Pinnacle, where I love to climb up on the rocks, whichever way the mountain “shows me the steps”… no preconception in mind; hey, at the very least, I figured I’d get some AWESOME meditation and journaling time on the rocks! Something interested I’d noted: In the past, when I even got near the mountain, my back would “light up,” “go electric” – basically, a zap of energy to alert me to that power source. This time, I hadn’t felt that… however, I’d felt wide open from when I’d awakened that morning. Even as I approached Big Pinnacle, I was feeling pretty “normal”… but I knew there was something… slightly… different about that “normal” feeling.
When I first got to the base of Big Pinnacle, I looked up… it has quite the beautiful rock face, with many faces in the rocks. I was taken aback for a moment; I’d just been there a little more than 3 months ago – on 11-11-11 – and as I stood gazing on the Big Pinncle today, it seemed that there were many, many more faces in view. I noted that and pressed on… waiting for the guidance as to where to stop.
As I walked on, I suddenly started getting BARRAGED… with the presence of multiple Beings. It was so much that it was almost a buzz in my head… and I realized somewhere in there that instead of getting “the buzz,” as I call it, I somehow “changed my reality” there. Does that make sense? It was like I was in a dimensional doorway, and my body just adjusted. So, though I didn’t feel any different than “normal,” I started hearing a LOT… “Welcome back…” “This way…” “We KNOW you can hear us…” “Look over here…” etc. Typically in a state park, I would have thought they were elementals (and I have a blog to write about THAT from about a week ago… first things first)… however, I immediately KNEW that they were Star Beings.
Which, looking back now, makes sense about that weird cloud around the Big Pinnacle, doesn’t it? Many say Star Being ships or whatever cause those weird clouds… but it feels right.
What was interesting was that it wasn’t just ONE kind of Star Being… there were MANY different kinds there… almost an overwhelming many! “Testing the doorway”… something like that. So full of love; so full of happiness that we are finally to be united in THIS consciousness, and able to work together for the Higher Good!
So, I found the first “stopping place” I was guided to stop at… and I climbed all the way up and just sat there. I felt comfortable and at home. Some of the rocks were wet – so obviously it had rained – but it didn’t phase me in the least; every place I was guided to stop was dry (of course, right?). I sat there, on the first rock cropping at which I stopped, and just waited. I sort of marveled at how “normal” I felt… without the extra buzzing… yet I knew it was DIFFERENT. I knew something had changed. So I just waited; and then I heard, “Remember how to physically SEE and HEAR Beings – with your physical eyes and ears – who are focused at dimension higher than the 3rd…” I was like, OK… yes, like DUH… why haven’t I thought of THAT before? I realized I had some fears to clear out related to that, so I did that first, and then I did what was suggested to me… ran through a clearing to remember how to do that without impeding my ability to see and hear at the 3D level simultaneously, and everything else related. When I was done with that, I was told to move on. So I did.
I found the next area at which I was supposed to stop… this was funny, too. I had climbed off the path onto a mini path to the rocks to climb, and I suddenly heard, “SIT DOWN!” And so, I just did, right there, just as I saw a park ranger, walking around the bend on the path. I hadn’t even looked at where I was sitting; I simply had been a little bit startled by that loud kind of command, so I just did it. I landed on a nice pile of pine straw that was warmed by the sun and dry. And apparently, that spot was just perfectly situated so the park ranger was able to just walk by and not see me at all… and I think there was something additional to that… like I wasn’t quite ALL dense, or something like that… but he literally walked right in front of me, about 5 feet away, and though he’d been looking up on the rocks, he never even looked in my direction, never noticed my presence. I was hidden in plain sight.
I was like, “Hmm… interesting…” and wondered why that would matter (and just as quickly remembered all of the signs up there that say NO CLIMBING ON THE ROCKS…). So, I waited until he was gone, and then I continued up.
I got to the ledge where I was supposed to stop next, and THAT’S where I spent a good portion of time; it was there I was guided to simply just BE a part of the mountain, to meditate in Trinity Energy and meld with the mountain, and other meditative exercises. I don’t know how long I was there – probably way longer than the physical time record of it! THAT was absolutely wonderful; even though I was sitting right around the corner to the sun, in the shade, I felt warm and embraced and nurtured… at one point, though, I was deep in meditation, and a stiff, cold breeze whipped up, encircled me, and seemed to go right through me – however, it felt REALLY cleansing, and really good! After that, I just started journaling. And journaling… much of it was a conversation with the Star Beings. Somehow, I understood that it was important for me to have “the signature” of Pilot Mountain energy as the energy that awakened me. I remember that much… and I puzzled over it a little bit, tried to get irritated about it a little bit, but it seemed right, even though I couldn’t figure out WHY it was important.
I hear there are many Star Beings here… they were delighted with me all the way, playing the games with the numbers… all the more delighted that I NOTICED.
I have done the clearings, and have told them to show themselves to me.
I keep on seeing flashes of silver that are liquid in the air, barely there then gone. There was a moment, coming to this spot, when I saw an interesting combination of the sun’s rays… and it looked like the rays had hit the edge of something almost directly in front of me, for a moment making the outline of a shape… and then it was gone. I’ve seen it just off of this ledge a few times, too. So cool!
I also feel like they’re telling/showing me that they’re superimposed on the mountain… the rocks… the trees… the wildlife. As I just wrote that, a raven flew by, close enough to startle me, and it made an interesting sound as it was passing me, as if it were speaking to me.
When I was sitting here with my eyes closed, and I was HEARING them speak to me, I opened my eyes and suddenly saw 3 ladybugs (of course 3!)… just 3. I closed my eyes and opened them again… and the ladybugs were in very different placement, like I had recreated the scene… or they moved so I would NOTICE that they’d moved.
I’m hearing “It won’t be long…” For what? “Before the changes…”
…Somehow, it was important to anchor my heart with the mountain… I heard so all know at which power point I was awakened. ??? Don’t know why that matters. I’m NOT big on “tagging,” but it does feel important somehow…
THIS was a funny comment… and a funnier “answer” I received…
Sometimes I wonder… if all of this is just in my head. The response I get to that, loudly, is “If it were only in your head, you wouldn’t be here…. You know it isn’t.” ??? Somehow that makes sense, but it isn’t quite logical, is it? And as soon as I think and then write that, I hear that quote between Harry (Potter) and Dumbledore: Harry: “Professor Dumbledore… how do I know that this isn’t all just in my head?” Dumbledore: “Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry… but why on Earth should that mean that it is not real?”
It was a wonderful day… so beautiful, so peaceful… and besides everything else, being able to watch vultures, hawks, and ravens play in the current by their mountaintop nests, at eye level, far above the surrounding world was a wonderful respite!
I hadn’t taken my cell phone with me on the walk/hike… and was coming back down to Earth when I returned to my car. As I pulled off of the mountain and onto the highway I looked at the clock.. 2:22… by the clock, I was there EXACTLY 2 hours… though it felt MUCH longer! (Oh, and of course, the temperature? 66 degrees…)
Here’s what was really, really interesting on the way home…
I’m used to seeing tree auras, and it’s most prominent to me when I’m driving on the highway, probably because the trees line the road, and their auras simply meld and make these continuous “bubbles” in the air along the highway. I wasn’t even thinking about anything… I was still just enjoying the awesome weather, opened all the windows and just felt GOOD. Well, about 15 minutes after I left, I noticed… something. Movement in the air, where I would typically see the auras (however, they typically aren’t moving). So I looked up, and I realized that I saw this interesting movement throughout the entire sky… it was circular, and sort of shimmering, almost like I was SEEING a VIBRATION. I didn’t have to really do anything with my eyes – you know, like with the Magic Eye pictures, where you have to really relax the eyes to see the 3D picture – it was easy for me to see with my “normal” vision. I wondered if it had to do with the clearing I did at the mountain…
It feels like it was some part of the “veil” (for lack of a better word) between the overlays of the dimensions that are coming together! I suddenly knew why so many are seeing “scenes” and “pictures” in the clouds, so clearly… because that’s the easiest place for us to SEE through the doorway! When I was on open road (no cars too close to me in case I drifted a little LOL), I looked at the movement thing (whatever it is), into the clouds, and I knew I could… just… about… see… through… it… so interesting!
I’m just amazed at how this journey continues to morph and develop… and the understandings I’ve “remembered” over the past several years are actually starting to happen, here in the physical world! When I was on the mountain yesterday, I suddenly remembered, seemingly out of the blue, how when babies are born, it takes their eyes around three months to focus in on anything more than a few inches in front of their faces. And somehow that’s connected; will it take around three months for my “sight” and “hearing” to fully adjust? Who knows?
What I DO know: Three months takes me to the end of May… and it’s June when I’m being guided to take my trip to visit Mount Shasta… so very, very interesting…and the journey continues… 🙂
If you’d like to receive the downloads so that YOU can see Beings 3D and higher… see the Clearings/Downloads page…
Phran Gacher · February 25, 2012 at 10:30 am
As I read your story, it all rang true for me. I could see it all and was right there with you as I read. The exact time that you were on Pilot Mountain, I was doing a house clearing.
So many items spoke to me to be cleared or refreshed or moved to a different location. This house had no “spooks”. What I felt was negative energy, unhappiness, personal pain and unfulfilled dreams. They were all released to be transformed. As the owner walked through the house afterward he said he felt compassion. He had tears streaming down his face.
What an absolutely great time to be here, taking part in world healing. We’re all in this together, working together, living together, and loving our togetherness.
We have so much help all around us. All we have to do is to be open to receive and ask.
Thank you Angela, for being in my life.
RoadtoAwakening · February 25, 2012 at 12:39 pm
You are so right… it IS such an AMAZING, MAGNIFICENT time to be here… and yes, we have SO MUCH SUPPORT, at so many levels!!!
Thank YOU for being in my life, Phran… you’ve been with me from the very, very beginning of when this journey became apparent to me… LOVE being in this together! <3
The (Pilot Mountain) Portal Called… Time to Activate! – Angela Coulter · November 14, 2023 at 12:18 am
[…] Center-2010; 2) Take Two: SHOOTING Through the Door to an Expanded Reality on Pilot Mountain!-2010; 3) Close Encounters of the Pilot Mountain Kind-2012. They’re definitely worth the read to get “up to speed” on some of my experiences […]