I love the punch-buggy game.
In all reality, I’d completely forgotten about it, until one of my kids picked it up from one of their friends… and it’s been a family-wide “battle to the death” in my family ever since!
So, for those who are un-enlightened on this game, here’s a simple explanation: While in the car, whenever you see a VW Beetle on the road – driving, parked, in a parking lot, etc. – you get to (playfully) punch someone else in the car, while simultaneously yelling, “(The color) punch-buggy… CAN’T PUNCH BACK!” Because, of course… you don’t want to get a punch back from anyone else in the car! We’ve also added some odd nuances… 2 punches for a convertible, 2 punches for a “classic model”… and I’ve actually added in the rule that car dealerships aren’t allowed (so there aren’t 20 punches going around when passing a VW dealership! LOL).
Such an odd game that’s been around for YEARS… but yet, no matter what’s going on in my family – whether someone’s irritated at someone else, or simply in a cranky mood – a simple “punch buggy” passing by sends it all to the wayside, and before you know it, we’re all smiling and/or laughing.
I love humor – jokes, laughter, light-heartedness, playing – and that’s carried over into working in the spiritual world. From the beginning, I’ve communicated with my guides as they are my sisters, brothers, best friends – which they are – and in turn, they’ve communicated in the same manner with me. In fact, it was made clear to me early on in my active spiritual quest that in actuality, humor and playfulness actually opens up the channels even wider… because it provides additional means to receive messages and understandings from “the expanded Universe.”
Humor and playfulness also relaxes us. In its pure form, it comes from love… and if love is the only true Absolute in the Universe (which I’ve been made to understand/remember), then OF COURSE it fits into expanding our connectedness and spirituality! Now, I won’t go into the whole line of “humor” that’s been displayed by my guides and higher self in terms of puns and duplicitous meanings – it’ll be some other time that I’ll tell you more about a 3-week sudden infestation of tiny ants in my house that ended abruptly right after a visit from one of the archangels, who said to me, “About those ants… feeling a bit ‘antsy’ lately?” followed by a burst of laughter that was simply pure love…. and the absolutely amazing and witty banter that I’ve had on occasion with Jeshua and Ezekiel and others (and for those who don’t think that Jeshua would be witty and funny… think again, he’s got THE BEST sense of humor! LOL)… and how much I love, love, LOVE it when I’m talking out loud with a friend, and a witty or snarky comment is made, and I suddenly hear this thunderous laughter by one or more of my (or the other person’s) Guide family. It’s during THOSE moments when I sometimes feel like my heart is going to burst from the love that comes through from that. It’s such a HUGE feeling… there’s no real word for it, but to say it’s MAGNIFICENT and AMAZING is barely touching on the feeling of it.
Now, though my norm is a very laid-back, light, and fun approach to all of this, what I do as part of my “job” is connect with many others and work with them through their blocks, ailments, and other limiting thoughts, words, and actions. And because I care so much about those with whom I’m working, because I’ve come into the habit of connecting with them heart-to-heart, sometimes there are moments – most often, when I’m alone and “in between” activities – that I reach out to seek what it is we haven’t touched upon, what it is that we’ve “missed,” when I’m working with someone (or myself) to get past a particularly stubborn piece that doesn’t want to be released. And, sometimes those are the moments that provide concern and a little stress.
Well, back to my punch-buggies. It was funny; for several weeks, I was consciously noticing that though I might see 1 or 2 punch-buggies while someone was in the car with me, it was during the times when I was alone with my thoughts in the car that I’d suddenly see 3 or 4 in a row. I even commented to my husband about it in jest… asking if I could just make a list and get everyone later on, because it just wasn’t fair! LOL Then, one day, I was driving alone along an open stretch of road, focusing intently on some issues related to a client and a few friends, when I briefly snapped out of my distraction because I saw a bright orange punch-buggy, sitting at the corner of an intersecting road. And I swear, I heard some laughing. It was then, I thought, “Really? It’s the lot of YOU playing punch buggy with me?” I laughed out loud, and then thought, “Well, then… if that IS the case, then… hmm… OK, when I come around this next bend, there will be another one…” A few seconds later, when I got to that bend, wouldn’t you know that there was a black punch-buggy, right there, coming the other way? I laughed again, and thought, “OK, one mo’ time… at the next intersection…” Do you have to wonder at this point? Of course there was one sitting at the light at the next intersection!
At first, I was wondering how the heck playing a form of punch-buggy with my Guides made any sense whatsoever… and I immediately heard, “Lighten up! We’re here with you, you’ve got it covered… no worries!” It was then that I realized that I saved much of that kind of intense “thinking” for driving alone in the car… and it was my Guides’/Higher Self’s playful way of pulling me away from bringing myself down, getting sad or sometimes frustrated, unnerved, or doubtful…
So now, when when I’m driving alone in the car and get lost in thought, and suddenly a bright-colored punch-buggy suddenly pops into view (and really, they don’t typically let it ride with just one punch-buggy; typically I’ll suddenly see several in a span of a few minutes when this happens), I GET IT – I let it go, let it flow, and get back “in the game.”
Because the BEST part of all of this is really knowing how much support and how much love we ALL have in every moment of every day… and that the more we lighten up, the more fun we can have with our journey… and the more we can see things without bringing ourselves and our vibrations down.
So, take note the next time a pattern of “strange humor” pops up in your life… and use that as a nudge to remember, allow it to flow, allow it to be joyful, fun, and adventurous… and you’ll be helped to keep it there, all the way!
1 Comment
Judi Eckes · February 9, 2012 at 12:07 pm
I get it!