Since my return from my road trip early last month, I’ve had many people ask me, “So, what would you say are the two or three biggest takeaways from your road trip and retreat in New Mexico?”

My answer: “Only two or three?!”


Well, in order of magnitude, I would say my post from 5/12/11, Reminiscent of Close Encounters (NM Road Trip Revelations I) covered the top takeaway – it still feels so overwhelmingly huge when I think about how many people I met there from around the world have been having the same experiences, getting the same “messages” as I’ve been getting, especially since 2009… and though we all had such a broad mix of backgrounds – from corporate professionals, engineers, math teachers, and the like across the spectrum to those who have been doing body and energy work for years –  with just as a broad a mix of timelines, it seems that everything is starting to come together… and we’re all getting to the same place.

That actually seeps right into what I would term “Takeaway #2″… and I’m still a bit more hesitant to talk about it; it’s a little more challenging to explain without going into some really far out stuff…

There are whole stories I’ve “seen” and journaled with fervor, including future occurrences and future existences. In fact, these “visions” have been gifted to me with such clarity, such vividness – and such detail, in some respects – that I’ve repeatedly told the few close enough to me with whom I’ve divulged some of these stories that either my subconscious is so brilliantly putting together the most creative, complex, yet beautiful story I’ve known (putting J.K. Rowling to shame), or there has to be some credence behind them and from where they’re coming.

So, even though I felt like I believed what I saw and what I experienced… there were still many holes, and I think there was still a part of me that questioned. I could see a Before and After – some days, some pretty far forward After – and it is some phenomenal stuff. However, what prevented me from sharing much of it was that I didn’t understand the transition and how we could possibly get there in so relatively short a period of time. It was surreal.

When I sat in that 2-day retreat with Kiesha Crowther (aka Little Grandmother), I just listened to what she had to say for 2 days with an open mind. On the second day, she went into the “further out” topics that they tend not to post on videos online. I can’t even explain what happened, except that I guess I must have simply been soaking it all in like a sponge, saving it all to process for the road afterwards. Because that’s what happened, that evening, on the 2-hour ride to my cousin’s house outside of Taos.

I remember how edgy I felt when I left… in a good way. Like I was on the brink of something… but I had no idea that as soon as I started driving, I would almost hear an audible “click, click, click, click, click, click…” of all of those disparate visions I’d been having, as they connected together into a much more complete story.

If I was ever going to spontaneously combust, it would’ve been that evening!

Here’s what was so huge, so absolutely tremendous: That all of that discussion – the more “woo-woo” stuff she had talked about – perfectly filled in all of the blanks to connect the dots between the pieces and parts that I had already seen from my perspective.

Deep down, I think there was a piece of me that started jumping up and down and yelling, “OMG! OMG! I’m REALLY sane [OK, mostly… LOL]… or there are many others that are part of my psychosis! It all makes sense!”

Soooo… now I know what you’re going to ask: “Exactly WHAT is it we’re talking about here?”

Well, you know, THAT will take a lot of typing… so I’ll just give you something to give you an idea of what I mean without having to provide all the details:

When, at 40, I realized that much of my emotional upheaval when I was a child – and subsequently, the purpose of me purposely shutting out emotional connection (the other extreme) came from overtly empathic causes – I started working to unbind all of that which I had bound for all of those years, and I finally accepted connection with others as part of my reality.

When I was in my early 20s, and started getting periodic prophetic dreams… once I started understanding when I’d had one of those dreams and I began to understand and decipher them, I stopped calling them surreal and just accepted them as part of my reality.

When I was in my early 30s, and started having “visits” from those who had passed over… once I started understanding when that was happening (or had happened in a dream), I stopped calling the experiences surreal and just accepted them as part of my reality.

When I started having visits with the expanded Universe of Beings, including spirits, ascended masters, angels, archangels, and other Beings… I learned the Highest and Best way to commune with them, allowed them to help me to “remember,” then watched as short-term events I was “shown” come to pass…. and I stopped calling the experiences surreal and accepted all of that as part of my reality.

When I started working with herbs and plants and felt their rhythm and how they assimilate so easily with us, then found I could connect in easily with all the creatures in the natural world… and that in their own way, they would provide messages to me, always at the right time and place… I stopped considering that surreal and accepted it as part of my reality.

When I was a child – pretty early on, maybe about 5 or 6 – I remember being sent to Bible study class when my father took my sister and me to church, and I remember thinking to myself – but never saying out loud, for fear of some retribution (after all, I was a mere child) – and being ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that in actuality, Jesus had come to show everyone that we ALL could do what he did, and that we could do ALL of it… including the facilitation of healing with our hands. At 40, that memory came back to me when I learned my first energy healing modality – Reiki – and felt that awesome, golden, powerful energy flow through my body and out through my hands… and I knew the recipient felt it too, I realized that it felt completely natural… hands-on healing facilitation. And I stopped considering that surreal and accepted all of that as part of my reality.

I could also tell you about many instances of instant manifestation that keep occurring more and more… and now that they occur more and more, I no longer consider the experiences as surreal, but accept them as part of my reality.

So what do I mean by this, and how is it relevant to the topic?

Well, if you break down the word surreal – specifically as 2 parts, it literally means to be above or beyond real. When does that happen? When new experiences enter our consciousness – things we have never experienced before, that are completely new. However, once they become commonplace, our perspectives shift (shift happens! LOL), and they become our reality.

I now expect that I am always able to automatically connect heart-to-heart with others; that I can almost immediately see projected timelines or the cause of an issue; I expect to feel the Universal energy connecting through me when utilizing various healing modalities; I am confident that I can help others facilitate healing – all healing – within themselves with simply the direction of energy and love; I love communing and communicating with nature and Light Beings of all kinds, across the board – the more varied, the better – to better understand what my eyes don’t always see… so it has all become an expected part of my reality.

Taking all of those phenomenal pieces into consideration, I’ll tell you that what I’ve “seen” – all that connected together for me via my trip to New Mexico – right now, in this moment, still seems surreal to me (so you know it’s a BIT out of the ordinary!). There are some huge, exciting changes to our existence that are starting to happen right now, and even more yet that are coming our way in the very near future. Much that has been hidden will soon become uncovered; much that has previously caused trepidation and fear will soon be understood, and then joyously accepted.

How do I know? Well… I’m considering the track record thus far, and would say the odds are pretty solid. I’d also say that once I sat and sponged in all of the “missing links” that were as surreal to me as the information I had received myself… well, that was the validation I needed.

What fun!

But you want details, you say? What fun is THAT? Dig deep down; do the work yourself… and you’ll realize that you know, too. Because this is for all of us; more and more things that have been surreal are now becoming more and more commonplace… and will soon be the new real, period.  🙂



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