This was the viewpoint from the Little Pinnacle… the lower high point of the mountain. The pics we took from this vantage all have lots of varying orbs in them, and different in every picture (we made sure it wasn’t dirt on the camera); we caught some violet rays, too!
When my Dad was still alive, I used to drive up US52 on the way to visit him in West Virginia. The landscape is generally pretty, but there’s nothing that particularly draws the attention… until you see Pilot Mountain. An odd-looking mountain, like it has it’s very own “Easy” button to press – that anomaly would always afford me a few minutes of thinking about it as it quietly sat, patiently, in my line of vision, as I drove by.
That was years ago. My father died in 2003; until this year, I never knew anything about it, other than the odd way it always temporarily drew my attention when I passed it while on the road to somewhere.
For the past 7 years, I’d forgotten about it, as it was filed away with the memories of my trips to West Virginia… until it came up in conversation in one of my spiritual circles, in passing.
The conversation had something to do with landmarks that are strong energy points – often called vortexes (or actually, vortices would be the proper term, I believe), though there are actually different kinds all over – and I was talking about my pull to visit Mount Shasta in California. Someone said, “Well, you know we have a sacred site only a couple of hours away, right? Intense energy there… at Pilot Mountain.”
Immediately, my mind’s snapshot of the landmark with the memorable profile popped into my head. When I admitted that I hadn’t heard about that, several others in the group jumped in with agreement that it was an awesome spot to visit for the same reason. Over several months after this initial conversation, I noticed that Pilot Mountain came up several times in the same context… and others I asked assented that there was some great energy to experience there.
So, eventually, I did a little research.
There isn’t a LOT out there discussing Pilot Mountain as any kind of vortex, but over the past several months, there seems to be more and more. What does seem to be a growing topic of discussion are the “Reawakening” of old ley points – of which Pilot Mountain is one – as the energy grid of our planet changes and evolves. I came across an awesome Website, Forgotten Ages Research (Website has since disappeared), that focuses on the current state of many, many topics in our Awakening world, and found a fascinating report that included Pilot Mountain. It’s definitely worth the read, if you get the chance!
Anyway, it worked out that my family and I decided to spend a weekend admiring the beautiful Fall scenery in October; we planned a day in Hiddenite, doing some gem mining, and I included a day hiking on Pilot Mountain… on 10-10-10.
We pulled into Pilot Mountain (the town) to the hotel the evening before, exhausted from a full day at the gem mines. I remember that about 15 minutes out of town, my spine started to tingle, from my neck down to in between my shoulder blades (as it does right now, as I’m typing this). It’s something I’m used to – usually a signal that I need to take a meditation and see what messages are trying to come through – so I thought, “I know, I know,” but I just accepted the buzz while we wearily finished our trek for the evening.
I didn’t give it another thought that evening, because all I could think about was SLEEP! However, what I did find fascinating were the communications that persisted in coming to me throughout the night, in the hotel:
- one very clear, vivid dream visit/message from my deceased grandfather, and
- one very clear, vivid dream visit/message from my deceased great aunt.
And, since that apparently wasn’t enough, I barely woke up sometime in the middle of the night to roll over and see a young Indian brave sitting at the foot of the other bed – where my 14-year-old daughter and her best friend were sleeping. He was just sitting there, on the edge of the bed, looking away from it, as if he were guarding them. I felt no unease at this – he “felt” like a positive energy – so I just went back to sleep. Twice more I woke up and picked my head up to “check” and see if the Brave was still there… and yep, there he sat, motionless, guarding the girls as they slept.
Side note: A week-and-a-half later, when I was having lunch with a good friend of mine, Phran (incidentally, also the Reiki Master under whom Scott and I have studied) – who is a practiced sensitive and who has been communicating with others in the ethers for years – she burst out laughing when I told her about the Brave, and that I’d just rolled over and gone back to sleep all three times. She asked if I’d even thought of asking him what he wanted, or what his intentions were, since I’d seen him THREE times over the course of the night. I looked at her, surprised, shrugged, and just said, “No. I just knew he was there, and that there was nothing threatening about him – like I said, I distinctly felt like he was guarding the girls. A very safe feeling. So I just went back to sleep.” Once I thought about it, I realized she was right; how interesting that I hadn’t really been more concerned beyond that! My friend reinforced that thought by telling me how that alone was testament on how much I’ve changed and how much my world has changed over the past year!
The next morning, we had an early breakfast and headed up to the mountain.
The day itself was just simply a phenomenal day for the outdoors… we drove 2/3 of the way up the mountain, and then proceeded to walk the minor trip to Little Pinnacle and then Big Pinnacle – where we all found ledges to climb up to and just sit for awhile.
Something I found amazing was the difference between the look and feel of the mountain from the distance vs. close up. The rocks forming the Little and Big Pinnacles changed completely when I was face-to-face with them – I was buzzing as it seemed that every time we came around another bend in circling them, I saw faces, faces, and more faces in the rock… old, time-worn, wise faces looking out from the center of Pinnacle, and the heart of the mountain. Scott saw them, too – though not as many as I did – and the feeling of visiting something that was ancient but sweet pervaded our senses.
At 10:10am (10-10-10 and 10:10)… I was sitting on a ledge, just about 100 feet from the top of Big Pinnacle. The air was sweet, vibrant, and a perfect place for my husband and me to take part in the world meditation on welcoming in the energies of the Divine Feminine. I closed my eyes, emptied my head, and waited to see what came to me.
It took a few minutes, and then I saw the landscape before me on my eyelids with a strong, wide, golden column of light coming straight down from the sky. Soon after, I saw other beams off in the distance, both to my right and my left, coming down at regular points with the same strength. Next, I saw golden beams “connecting the dots” – connecting the vertical beams with horizontal ones.
It was fantastic!
I felt a wave of calm run through me; the softness and beauty of… everything… pervaded my senses. I felt at peace, and that point, I could “see” the energy grid connecting us all, pushing us into a new place; and during that meditation, I also felt like it was the perfect time to do an Arcing Radial Light session for our planet; what better modality to use than one with the loving and healing power of the archangels and the Divine Feminine?
When I felt I was done, I felt the energy of the mountain, like it was pulling back a little… and I knew I was done there for the day.
However, I knew I was supposed to return. Like I was being pushed on… but with the whisper in my ear that I would be back, soon.

I loved this particular tree… and wished I could get over to that slab of rock right in its shade (I might have tried, had we not had the children with us). What a personality! “I just AM, rooted in between two rocks, enjoying the view.”
Fast forward: A week-and-a-half later, I was sitting at lunch, with the friend mentioned in the Side Note above. I was telling her about the experience, and she was interested, as she hadn’t previously heard of the metaphysical energy of Pilot Mountain (I decided that it must be mostly local knowledge that passes the information along, since both of us are originally from the Northeast). Suddenly, in the middle of the conversation, I noticed she got “that look” on her face (I’ve learned that when she gets “that look,” she’s listening to something coming in to her). Then she looked at me, and asked, “How far away is it?” When I answered, “Just over 2 hours,” she just said, “I’m getting the buzz about this. Let’s plan a road trip to go there.”
And so we did, for this past Monday… THAT visit was phenomenal, and has now completely pushed me to yet another level of consciousness!
Stay tuned for Part 2, coming within a day or two…
Chasity · August 24, 2022 at 7:03 am
I can’t believe I just found out about this?! Blessed to live 30 minutes away from there! I will be planning a trip there asap!
Take Two: SHOOTING Through the Door to an Expanded Reality on Pilot Mountain! – Angela Coulter · November 13, 2023 at 10:14 pm
[…] second trip to Pilot Mountain was scheduled (read about the first trip in my previous post) right on the heels of finishing a 3-day class in Advanced Theta Healing. Needless to say, I was […]
The (Pilot Mountain) Portal Called… Time to Activate! – Angela Coulter · November 14, 2023 at 12:13 am
[…] there they were. (Note: I’ve now moved them over to this site, and you can read them here: 1) Take One from Pilot Mountain, An Awakening Energy Center-2010; 2) Take Two: SHOOTING Through the Door to an Expanded Reality on Pilot Mountain!-2010; 3) Close […]
Close Encounters… of the Pilot Mountain Kind… – Angela Coulter · November 14, 2023 at 3:23 pm
[…] the past few years, I’ve written a few blog posts on visits to Pilot Mountain, NC (see Take One from Pilot Mountain… and Awakening Energy Center from 10/10 and also Take Two: SHOOTING Through the Door to an Expanded Reality on Pilot Mountain! […]