As many would probably agree, things have “sped up” even more… it’s amazing and very exciting to see how many people are Awakening now, step by step! People who don’t even realize it, but whose perspectives and experiences are becoming a lot more wide open because of a various number of reasons.
Three months ago, I’d posted a discussion on a Facebook group discussion board asking about what a person does when in the presence of another spiritually focused person who is unaware of an ego-based response that they emit.
The discussion was somewhat varied, but there was a point made to the “Law of Resonance,” which I find comes up sometimes in spiritual circles.
I’ve found that the “Law of Resonance” isn’t always quite right, because most people who use that use it in the context that “the reason it upsets you is because you have the same issue somewhere deep down.” However, what I’ve really learned and discovered is usually that a trigger is usually due to some sort of BELIEF you have that causes friction with the opinion/reaction of the other person within yourself.
Not quite the same thing.
Being irritated with someone who can’t accept others’ experiences can simply be because you have a belief somewhere deep down that your opinion or experience isn’t as important or valid as that of others… and that can come from a memory in the distant past (or even a past life) of a situation where you yourself were belittled, made fun of, or ridiculed.
Quite different than feeling like someone else’s experiences aren’t as valid as yours (which is typically to what the standard Law of Resonance would infer in this scenario)!
I will say to those just remembering our individual power and capabilities to BE CAUTIONED, as there are some in the spiritual world who have been working in it for many years who – though I believe are well intentioned – don’t realize that they themselves have a need to release some established beliefs and ego issues of their own, which in turn affects those around them. That’s usually because they’re still working from “the way it’s always been” for them, instead of adapting to the way it’s becoming… and that’s changing month by month, week by week, even day by day! That’s a really subtle thing, because once the ego gets inserted, it’s as simple as convincing someone that ONE way is right, and ANOTHER is wrong… which in the widely opening world of metaphysics, is simply incorrect if it’s done for the individual’s highest good and works for the person!
What’s important is to go back, realize where that comes from, and release it. You’ll also find that at some point, you realize that the other person is simply in need of releasing themselves… even though they might not even think they do. So, you might just choose not to be in their company anymore for the time being. Once you’ve released that history, you typically don’t need to be, anyway… because you find it was just a learning experience for you at this juncture.
I’ve found that the more layers you peel away, the more that is buried that can use a variety of different techniques, depending on the situation – because one way doesn’t always do the same job. Once getting down to the much muckier, more protected stuff, you just learn to immediately acknowledge it, and there are also some other ways of simply deprogramming and even reprogramming yourself in a more positive manner without needing to fully relive the buried emotions!
However, I will season that with the caveat that you STILL have to be able to acknowledge it, so you must be able to approach such memories without emotion and ego and be able to recognize the lesson/experience you gained, even from the most awful memory…and it’s not always due to the action of others!
I’ve found that even in just the past few months, I’ve become much more able to immediately recognize a trigger, find the reason for the trigger, release it, and then REPROGRAM it for my and the Divine’s highest good. For me, the reprogramming part is vital, because even when you release something, if it’s deeply ingrained – say, over lifetimes of experiences – it’s difficult for your being to know how to continue on in this experience and know how to exist without that belief!
I’ve had the grace to experience quite a bit of releasing due to several modalities, and use all of them for different circumstances… I actually often use more than one, integrated together!
Here are some recognition, releasing, and healing modalities I’ve learned thus far – and I will say, all the PERFECT time (as it typically is)! Many willy say, “I don’t want to learn to be a healing practitioner; I just want to know how to get rid of all of this gunk!” The important thing to remember is that in learning how to heal others, you first have to learn how to heal yourself, which is a good part of learning these modalities!
- Meditation, in whatever form works for you. It’s always where I tell people to start, because you can’t start knowing yourself until you quiet the mind of chatter;
- Reiki (I’ve only taken I & II thus far, but there’s also Master and Master Teacher) – it’s a great way to be introduced into energy/healing work!
- Crystal work, which doesn’t resonate with some, but I’ve personally felt a kinship with these wonderful beings of consciousness for a long time!
- Lindwall Releasing (which is what was being referred to on the discussion board on that Group page);
- Arcing Radial Light Healing – a very different feeling of energy from Reiki, but it can be very profound, and you gain the immediate presence and assistance of powerful archetypes of the Divine Feminine, Ascended Masters and the archangels in bringing the core issue to light, releasing it, and healing;
- Working with shamanic energies via journeying, connecting in with nature around you to discover the reflection of yourself, as well as many other advantages such work provides;
- Clearing yourself of the attachment of darker energies and entities, so you know when there’s something attached to your being that prevents it from clearing and releasing (and therefore, progressing);
- Theta Healing – for me, THIS modality has been by far the MOST potent and powerful modality I’ve learned thus far, and integrates with EVERYTHING else to make them even more powerful! Theta allows the person to recognize and confirm THE BASE of underlying limiting beliefs (think of the bottom center of a House of Cards), teaches the person how to pull out that base (or as close to the base as possible), resolve clear the memory from all levels (physical, spiritual, genetic, and historical), all lifetimes of your being’s cells, transform it and send it straight back to Creator as Creator’s Light, and then reprogram your being’s cells to know how to exist with the opposite. It’s almost immediate, and it teaches you how to work with all other planes of existence for the Highest Good. The caveat I put in here is, be careful – you will get what you bargained for – meaning, I would recommended this modality only when the person is ready to face and honestly release some really, really old and ingrained beliefs.
- Shamballa Healing – all I can say about this one is WOW. Lots more of opening, opening, opening to conscious awareness and connection to the different dimensions of your self – all the way up to your I AM self – and further connection to many beings of very high White Light. Much more releasing and healing, and multiple dimensions! This is yet another modality I would recommend for someone who has experience and some comfort in working in their own muck, because it’s very powerful (and this, in conjunction with Theta… triple WOW).
There are many others; I’m finding that many overlap. Quantum Touch, Matrix Energetics… I believe they all deal with similarly deep levels as Theta.
Anyway, not everything is good for everyone… which is why it’s AWESOME that there’s such a GREAT variety of different ways of recognizing, healing, and releasing.
The goal is healing ourselves, then healing each other (which ultimately, is healing ourselves, anyway)… and ANYTHING that clears the ego even ONE MORE iota more is good stuff for our development!