OK, I know I’m still going to have to go back and fill in some blanks, but here’s a primer on the overview of the past 6 months…
Angel/Spirit Guides
Energy, Healing, and Spiritual Work (thus far)
A Note About People, Animals, and Beings I’ve Encountered – and Who You Will, Too (I PROMISE)!
Angel/Spirit Guides
My Guides, with whom I have become acquainted:
My Unnamed Elohim
Ascended Master Mary Magdalene
Ascended Master St. Germain
My Unnamed Elohim
My Elohim (which is what I call it – I want to say “him,” but I don’t think the elohim are either) is the first “voice” that came through to me, and is probably who I would say has always been my primary guide, because now that I’m aware and have reflected back, it’s the “outside voice” I’ve heard for a long time.
It’s the voice that came through in my first autotyping sessions (see the post about my first autotyping experiences), and was the first “constant presence” I felt over my shoulder. There are no facial features I can distinguish; mostly because I just see a figure with wings and a golden glow around it that is simply there. Sort of floating, very soothing. Just very there.
I’d never even HEARD of the term Elohim before I was told, when I’d already gotten Ezekiel and Maia’s names. I asked, and was told, “I have no name.” Before I could focus in on that, in that particular meditation (which was part of a worldwide teleconference meditation on January 15th, 2010 with a channeler named Selacia – she channels what she calls “The Council of 12”; I’ve found that the guided meditations she holds through those teleconferences are particularly powerful; here’s her Website: http://www.selacia.com/), my Elohim took me through the memory of 5 different past lives; when I said I didn’t understand at first, I was shown that it was lives in which I’d been with my husband, in one form or another (sometimes I was the woman, sometimes he – in fact, I joked with him about what a beautiful woman he was! LOL). In asking about it, I was told we were together this time because we had one more thing to work out with each other – and I got the feeling it was a biggie.
And when I was told about it, Elohim took me to Lemuria/Mu, and told me it had to do with that life.
Anyway, the next morning, I woke up and had a strange word repeating itself over the over in my head. Elohim, elohim, elohim, elohim…and I knew it was from that Guide. I remember asking my husband if he knew the word, and he didn’t.
So again, I did some research, and found out several meanings of Elohim… the one that most resonated with this Guide being was one of the higher level angels who don’t have a name that we would understand.
The day after this meditation I mention, I asked as part of the next day’s meditation:
Is Elohim your name?
It is what I am called. I have no no formal name, but I am your Guide, of that be sure.You are getting better at focusing your energy and meditation. That is good.
Were those past lives you were showing me last night?
Yes. You have many more. You have have much experience on this plane. You will begin to remember more soon. Be patient…You will continue to get a lot very quickly. You will have to sort a lot out. The …[animals?] are starting to get sick. There is a lot more wrong with your food than you realize. It will be harder and harder to find the REAL truth. But you must! The people will start to get sick next. Really sick; not like now. This is just a precursor. It needs to be cleansed. Pyramids cleanse. You must remember how to use their energy to do so.
How many dimensions are there?
There are many; many more than you’d think. But they’re just layers that make up the holistic picture. When you remember, you will understand naturally.You have been around for a long time; we know you can be trusted to carry out the help that needs to be given. Learn, remember, and teach. There will soon be many others who are [Awakening]…you will all awaken the fastest because we need you to.Won’t many followers of some churches think this is of the Devil?
Love and light could never be a devil; the devil is in their hearts, and it is called fear. There is none otherwise. One at a time, if you must. They are more ready than you think, just not aware.
I have a “secret signal” set up with my Elohim, as with the others… this way, if I get “a message” along with the signal, I know where it’s coming from.
My 41st birthday present to myself was a tattoo with complex meaning that I designed myself; watching over the rest of the tattoo is the upper half of my Elohim, because I know my Guides are always with me.
Yep, that’s right. He was the first one to pop up and introduce himself face-to-face in one of my meditations, when I specifically asked for my guide to introduce themselves. Then *POP* – there he was.I believe I explained in an earlier post that though I’m really good at recalling stories, I really stink at recalling names. SO, when he said his name, I knew the name, but not what he was attached to.So, before I even knew any relational history/mythology specific to him (meaning, connect his name with the stories I knew), our initial direct discussion went like this (via autotyping; see my earlier post):
[I saw him sitting in a European courtyard, on a stone bench around a water fountain. Very laid back in attitude – kind, wise, happy to “see” me face-to-face – but yet a little sad. Longish black hair, VERY ANCIENT WORLD kind of clothing, and yes, wings.]
It’s Ezekiel; we have been friends for a long time. [Note: Though there was no “memory” of this, I knew it to be true when he said it… we have known each other]….
..There will be much unrest. The world has been through this before; everyone must know how to take care of themselves, because nothing bought [meaning food and medicine] will be trusted soon. There’s less than 100 years until this all goes to rubble again. Many earthquakes and floods, and much else. There is a good chance this time, part of the world will evolve; the others, well… yes, it is true…but not the same as literally depicted [meaning in the Bible]…I say 100 years, but for many, it’s less.
Some will deny until the very last moment; those Awakening will understand all the beings. Those who fight it won’t; they will be too scared, and will follow anyone who can help them believe it’s not real, or that of a “false devil.” HA! It [the “false devil”] is within themselves… Help them open up to what is really real; this is just the beginning. There is much yet to learn [meaning “remember”] in very little time.
[In the interim, while he was talking, this is where he showed me what I equate to snapshots in my head: towns in rubble, floods, cities in a mess.]. It will be very ugly in their eyes; they won’t see the real beauty of the Universe and all of us in all our forms. A great many, though, will be ready. If we could only get everyone there and lock down this dimension, there will be only higher ones from there that are much, much better…
I am with you always. Go friend; we will talk again later. Much love and light.
Follow-up research. So, in doing Google research afterwards, had to chuckle to find that Ezekiel is the Archangel of Death and Transformation – how fitting, I thought, considering the conversation and the imagery! There are many, many stories about Ezekiel throughout many of the world’s major religions.
Something else that I found fascinating doing this research – and it gave me THE BUZZ when I found out – was the story of Ezekiel and the Merkabah in the Bible. This was a story I actually hadn’t known (or had missed somewhere along the line)!
Anyway, previous to this first meeting, and previous to my research – in fact, for several months beforehand – I had suddenly become purely entranced by sacred geometry; even more specifically, the star tetrahedron, or Merkabah. In fact, as I did the research, I had been absent-mindedly playing with the clear quartz crystal merkabah I had bought and wore around my neck.
Also, what was really interesting: This introduction was on January 10th; the Haiti earthquake: January 13th. And how many have there been ever since? Food for thought…
It wasn’t more than a week or so after Ezekiel introduced himself to me when I was meditating one morning and I met Maia.I was actually working on astral projection – something I know I’d done “by accident” a few times over the years – and I was having problems lifting myself out of my body. My base chakra wouldn’t detach, and in my meditative state, I was trying to pull myself out, when I looked up and there was this hole in the ceiling……. and a woman was reaching down to offer me an arm up.That particular effort was unsuccessful. However, this woman was offering me encouragement, telling me it was alright – that it would probably take a little work – but still offering me help during my effort.When I’d put that effort to rest for that day, and she realized that I had stopped, she soon appeared in front of me.
She was an average build, had wavy, shoulder length, strawberry blonde hair – and she was dressed in a thin armor metal of sorts (yet she looked comfortable wearing it).
At that point, I had my laptop at the ready. Here’s part of the first autotype session I had with her:
I am Maya. I am of the light; some of the highest light in the center of us One.
You will remember; we will get better at this. What’s most important right now is that you remember to call for me when you meditate, and I will be the one to show you how to use your awakening abilities. You have much to learn, and not much time! There are many who will need you to teach them; you and the others awakening now will lead. You will show them the ways I show you, along with their guides! However, they will trust a human in the flesh more… The early Awakened listen to us, but many others will ignore our voices as a thought or fleeting idea …
You still have some to learn to fulfill your final contract in this dimension, but you will achieve your goals much more easily now. They will seem petty to you in comparison to what we’re doing…
We will talk much shortly! My love and light.
Maia had me stumped. When she’d told me she was from “some of the highest light in the center of us one,” in my mind, she’d showed me an infinitely bright glowing ball in layers of sorts – like the petals of a flower. And when apparently showing me where she was, it was definitely close to protecting the core.
Yet I’d never heard the name in Biblical discussion, nor did I specifically recall the name in other mythologies I’d encountered. Yet I knew about the Mayan civilization, and I knew the month of May had to do with a Maia/Maya, so I figured there was something Roman, Greek, or Pagan associated with it. And, since the Maia/Maya I saw was fair-skinned and fair-haired, I figured Roman, Greek, of Pagan would be the closest relation.
And so, I set to Google yet again, and I had to dig a bit.
In the meantime, while I had been puzzling over this, I had shot off an email to an acquaintance I had made via the Internet, and who had proven to be knowledgeable in these matters. She was the first site I came across when I was having my odd Awakening symptoms, and was looking for people to talk to about it; she’s a clairvoyant in Australia (see Willow Bodo) who had early on posted a section to her Website offering “Lightworker Discussion” – for people who needed some place to talk about new abilities that were arising. I went to her board and posted about the Guides I had been meeting, including my puzzle about Maia, hoping that Willow would have some insight to steer me the right way.
Somehow, I’d missed that Maya or Maia was the name for a goddess or central figure of sorts in many ancient societies; my efforts brought up a variety of different histories, obviously the ancient civilization of Maya, but also Maya, the Virgin mother of Buddha; Hindu, as the Goddess of the mystical; Pagan, as the Goddess of Fertility and Spring (thus, May); and also Greek, as the Goddess Maia, mother of Hermes and eldest daughter of Pleiades.
The last one seemed close (even some pictures I saw weren’t far off from who I’d seen in the meditation); plus, the tie-in to Pleiades gave me THE BUZZ, even though I wasn’t sure why.
About a day later, I received a response from Willow, which was VERY confirming, and came through to me just as I was really spending my time looking into Maia/Maya. This isn’t verbatim (Willow has since taken down her posting board), but this is close to the response she posted:
I was given specific information to share with you; I’ve been told to guide you to a book called The Pleiadian Agenda, the author is Barbara Crow. Funny, I’ve had the book on a stack for years, so when I got this message, I picked it up, dusted it off, and now I’m plowing right through it, and don’t want to put it down!
I remember when I read that message; it was late at night on a Saturday, and everyone else in my house had gone to bed. First of all, the Pleiadian connection confirmed my earlier thoughts. But EVEN FUNNIER was a FLASHBACK that occurred right after I read it…
… to about a year before, prior to these experiences (back to when I guess life just seemed “normal,” whatever that was). I had gone with my husband and children to Barnes & Noble bookstore – a huge toy store for me! I was randomly browsing through different section of books by myself, and had come across the New Age section. After browsing a little more individually through that section, I completely randomly picked up two books on topics in which I’d never even really had more than a passing interest – a book on the Mayan prophecies regarding 2012, and a book on what was being claimed to be a “sister” race with whom those of us on Earth had some supposedly ancient connections – the Pleiadians. The funny thing: I brought those books home, sifted through them a little, then put them on the bookshelf and forgot about them…
As I thought about it, I couldn’t remember what the specific name of the book about the Pleiadians had been. As I looked up to think about it, I glanced straight across the livingroom from where I was sitting – to a bookshelf. As I was wondering if I should even get up to look on the bookshelf (and whether that was the bookshelf where I would have had that book), my eyes rested on the book I was wondering about…
The Pleiadian Agenda, by Barbara Crow.
I laughed!
The more I “connect in” to our collective Universe, the more I realize that having someone clear on the other side of the planet get a message relayed back to me (since I apparently wasn’t open enough to receive it without question at the time) that the information I was looking for was sitting right in my living room – about 15 feet away from me – is far from bizarre. Because to the Universe in it’s vastness, it was like Willow was just sitting in my livingroom, got up, walked over to the bookshelf, and handed me the book… “Here you go, Dummy! Right here!”
Anyway, though I’ve really never figured her out in entirety (good grief, look up Maya/Maia online sometime, the name really has been revered through different societies through the ages); in fact, the picture I used above is a painting of Joan of Arc (associated with Ascended Lady Master Lotus… though there’s never a mention of connection to her), because she really looks a lot like the way Joan is depicted in this picture! I guess I’ll just have to piece that one together (also that the lotus symbolizes Ascended Lady Master Lotus, and before I ever knew that, I’d in a spur of the moment thing incorporated a blue lotus into a tattoo I recently got). Regardless, she is a constant, supportive, Guide who is always there when I call on her, and she has opened my consciousness to quite mind-expanding information when I’ve needed it.
See my page on Maia/Maya to read more about our interactions, as well as some of the other autotyped conversations we’ve had.
Ascended Master Mary Magdalene
One day, I was actually in on another of those world teleconference guided meditations. I was going one way with it, when *POP*! There stood a woman, stately, and in ancient garb. Though for awhile she said nothing, I could “feel” her right away – kind, but emanating power. She kept her distance, and just… observed me. It was a little distracting, but at the same time comforting.
I had no idea who she was, so I asked her. She moved forward a took over the meditation (but in a good way)!
I am Mary Magdalene. I am your Guide.
It is important to spread the word about the truth. Most people really need to learn what it is to live in a higher frequency and do not. They blindly shut it out. But this must be taught. You can teach; you are a good teacher. You must be patient, innovative. The world is going to crash; no one looks in the mirror and sees themselves anymore. No one – almost no one – takes care of themselves, their sacred vessel. How can you ascend if you don’t know how to care for yourself, your body, the vessel you’ve chosen to have in this plane? Many are going through life unaware of themselves. When you do that, you learn nothing. Learning is why we embody ourselves in this form experiencing.
I know you worry about the connection – about helping them make the connection – but little pieces will help with the big puzzle. You can help wake them up a little at a time; it’s much less of a fight than throwing water on them. You must also be true. There is much healing to go on. Much to learn about, to remember. Ascension is not a right; it’s a graduation. The time for this experience is over. Time for the next, but many have become lazy; bound themselves into a box, into a duty. Bathing in their pain and sorrows, how sad!
Bathe in the light; in love, and in our One. That is true existence. We can be One yet still be our one; that is the lesson here. It’s not either/or – not just collective or just me. It’s both. Ego has become too important. So much so that instead of being able to experience, many are without and cannot even get past their focus on basic physical survival. What a waste! There’s so much to do, yet little time. There’s been a lot of time on this wasted.
Humans must kill the ego and experience the One. It is so much more fulfilling, you’re just starting to understand that. You will understand a lot more in a short time. You’re learning, remembering very quickly. The interdependence is being ignored around the planet, on this level. Such potential for extreme beauty, yet so much time spent on ego and greed without regards to the big picture. Misuse of natural laws. Think of what better things we could do; civilization has toppled more than once before because of this idiocy. There’s so much more potential because you lose so much time worrying about what is unimportant.
Create the world. Don’t let it dictate you or who you are and what you do. Create, I mean remember your abilities to better it, and you will better yourself and not have to worry about the things you think are so important right now but are not in the big picture. The earth provides you with what you need; yet the earth is being killed. People cannot wait until it’s too late, or it will happen yet again. Enough is enough; the ascended levels are much, much more and better than the dimension n which you live. Focus. Ascend above limitations. They are not limitations, you will soon discover, they help you be creative, and they help you remember how to do the real things. Listen; we will help you. And then you must help others…Balance is something the humans have forgotten in this form. It must be reattained. So, think on that, we will show you much, so you must listen, and you must do. We are always here with you, you can always ask. We are all but one, and we are all love.
More on my Mary Magdalene page.
I discovered Saint Germain awhile back, and have been interested in him for various reasons. However, I never had any “direct contact” with him until several weeks back, and now I’ve seen/spoken with him several times.
There are three lives that I have been told (by my Guides) I need to remember to fulfill my purpose (and what I signed up to do). Two were easily remembered via directed meditation by myself. However, the 3rd – the one that I felt was MOST important (from the Guides pressing me to remember it over the past several months) – was one I had intentionally blocked from myself; I could tell it was a painful one to recover… the first time I attempted to get there on my own, I had a big red encasement around it (like a womb) – I tried to break a hole in several places, but the hole would just close back up quickly. So I edged around it piece by piece, until I felt I had somewhat of a grip on it that I could possibly handle the rest. I know now I also had a lot of other things I needed to learn first, too.
SOOO… with everything else going on, I’d dropped the effort for a couple of months, until a few weeks ago, when St. Germain interrupted a perfectly good meditation to take me back there and show me more. Funny, too – he still allowed what I called “purple outs” (like whiteout) still hiding some things from me. Very important was his message. Very important to remember this life. (FYI, I finally did go through a past life regression with a trusted colleague, Rev. Phran Gacher, who did a phenominal job; I’ll be covering that story soon enough!)
Also, there have been things that have started popping up with my husband’s path that has to do with St. Germain. Though it’s my husband’s story to tell, right now I’m the one who is much more comfortable simply appealing to an Ascended Master to get an answer to a question. So I did; and he answered. Like I said, that’s my husband’s story to tell, but it does involve me, so I’m sure I’ll share it later on – especially when I talk about that past life regression to Lemuria!!!
For more information about my involvement with St. Germain, see the St. Germain page.
Energy, Healing, and Other Spiritual Work
I could try to explain my point of view as to why learning energy and healing work is so important; however, Ascended Master Mary Magdalene did a perfect job of it when she stood over my left shoulder and spoke to me during my Reiki II attunement!
To open to our Oneness, we must all become healers to begin to tap into our existence. The more you heal yourself and others, the more you will be able to access it.
This is how we learned; every study is another step of the way.
After I realized how to follow the “pull” of my higher self, guides, or whatever (aka “The Buzz”), it became quite easy for me to distinguish what bouncing ball I was supposed to follow. Therefore, I embarked on a series of different types of healing, energy, and spiritual work, following my natural abilities to enhance my awareness and hone my capabilities.
A little note I’d like to make: A relation listens about some of the work I’ve been doing; I’m of the opinion that everyone has to decide their path and development, and if they want to know about it, they’ll talk about it! So, this particular person wants to hear what I’ve been doing every now and then, but then has said to me – unprompted – on multiple occasions, “You know, a psychic told me once that I was a natural shaman, and I was supposed to be one this time around, but I chose not to.” Yet, every time I’ve asked her to come with me to something related, I either get a no, or – worse yet – she comes with me, and then has something negative to comment about it the entire time! For example, once she came with me at a gem and crystal show, and the whole time we were there, she kept on saying – in a condescending manner – “You know, I just never ‘felt’ anything with most crystals. I guess they’re just not for me.” My response: “I guess not.” My unspoken response: “So, then why did you come with me – just to remind me a hundred times that the crystals do nothing for you?”
I love this person, and understand how she is and her motivations. However, I do want to make one thing clear: By nature, we’re all shamans. We’re all magicians. We’re all healers. However, because we’ve put in so many veils over ourselves to dampen our knowledge and to limit our power via Separateness, right now, we’re just all at different levels of Awakening. Some of us have volunteered to do it on the early side, so we can go through “our stuff” and be prepared to help everyone else as their veils are torn away, because (take it from me – and I’ve always been on the liberal spiritual side, that’s for sure) it’s a lot of stuff. A lot of awesome, powerful, positive stuff… but to get to that, first we all must clear out the closets, air out the house, and get rid of the muck that’s built up inside of us!
Because we’re all a part of God/Spirit/whatever you want to call the Supreme Being of All, and we have the full power of that Supreme Being in every one of us. It’s really who we are! We’ve just decided to perceive that we’ve separated ourselves from that Being; we’ve done so again and again and again, layer after layer after layer – down the pyramid – so we THINK we’ve forgotten it. We THINK we’re somehow separate, and that God/Spirit/Grand Puba of Grand Pubas is outside of us, instead of within.
I assure you, the Supreme Being? It’s Me. It’s Us. Because we all are One. THE One.
But we – the ego – thinks way too much. We most often use thinking as a mask, instead of a possibility. We don’t feel enough… and that’s what’s gotten us into our predicament again and again throughout our Feeling of Separation… what we call our existence. But we’ve always existed, and we always will.
Once you realize that (and believe me, my Spirit Guides remind me again and again about these very same things), you begin to remember and Awaken… realizing how fun, exciting, and magical we all are while also realizing that much of what we call “supernatural” is actually “natural” – we’ve just been denying it for a very long time!
Anyway, this is what types of spiritual, healing, and energy work I’ve done thus far – whether in classes, naturally/on my own, or any combination of both. Oh, and then there are about a THOUSAND books (which I’ll list later on)! I feel like a sponge, and can’t absorb enough!!! There’s much, much more to come – I’m sure of it! 🙂
- Reiki (I and II)
(from Rev. Phran Gacher, an AWESOME Reiki Master/Teacher!) - Crystal Work
(experiential, from books, plus I’ve also taken classes from Shaman Vicki Penninger, multi-modality instructor extraordinaire, as well as attend an occasional local Crystal Meetup Group – run by Vicki P. and William Young – when I can!) - Intuitive Development
(experiential, TONS of books, plus lectures and classes such as this Spiritual Awakenings Meetup, run by the awesome Clairvoyant/Spiritual Coach Jeannie Whyte) - Martial Arts – Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, and Tai Chi
(multiple Masters) - Munay-Ki Rites
(via Shaman Vicki Penninger) - Arcing Radial Light Healing
(OK, I’m cheating on this one… I’m taking the weekend class in 1 week from posting from Shaman Vickie Penninger!) - Collective/Group Guided Meditations
(experiential; various) - Past Life Regressions
(experiential, both self and via Rev. Phran Gacher) - Spiritual Journeys/Trips
To start, I’m skipping extended explanation of what I’ve gotten from these – I’ve actually had draft pages sitting in here for quite awhile on Reiki and Munay-Ki themselves (they might make to get published here… we’ll see)! I really just wanted to start sharing my day-to-day experiences, and without some of this as a background, instead being a bit baffling, a reader would be completely lost.
Same goes for serendipitous events that happen more and more. I’d never get to today if I spent all the time trying to recount everything over the past six months that I’ve even gotten so used to that I usually just shrug and laugh at how easy it can be for us to take control of our own realities!
A Note About People, Animals, and Beings I’ve Encountered – and Who You Will, Too (I PROMISE)!
OK, I keep on saying “I’M DONE with this post, already!” …and then I think of something else that’s really important to point out!!! But I promise, this is it… because it’s midday on a Saturday, I’ve spent the past FIVE HOURS trying to get this site to where I can at least start here and continue on this journey with you, and I DO still have plenty of work and wordly things I have to do… 🙂
I remember, years ago, feeling so separated from people who had heightened abilities. They were somebody different – and special (and maybe a little weird, spooky, or crazy?). Yet, really, deep down, I wanted to know how to BE like them. Little did I know that I already was (see my About Me section for more details)! Back then, there WAS quite the separatist – almost elitist – attitude about it all, from both ends of the spectrum.
Not anymore… or at least, those who are pure are completely open and accepting of everyone else. I think as we go along, this will become even more mainstream and accepted. Because the time is now for us to start waking up, being who we are, and remembering that we all are One. This transcends race, gender, culture, religion, class, and anything material in our world. We created our barriers; it’s up to us to eliminate them, because it’s only when we’ve eliminated them that we will ALL be the most powerful.
The more you practice your development with courage, a pure heart, an open mind, and positive intentions, the sooner everyone will transcend all of that junk. It’s contagious! Also, I’ve found that the more you ask questions and the more you seek out the answers to those questions with the above, the more you will find the right people, the right animals, and the right beings in your path for you at the right time – no, scratch that – at the PERFECT time.
When we find that the source for All is within us and not separate from us, it’s easy to understand that it’s not even a matter of faith; it’s expectation. Like when my knee has an itch, it can depend on my hand to scratch it (or if either hand cannot, the body will find a way to get rid of the itch, whether it’s by rubbing up against something or simply the brain/heart willing the itch to go away). If you have a need, and you expect it, with no self limitations – truly expect it in your heart and NOT your ego – it will happen. Simple as that.
It’s all a matter of remembering our connectedness.
OK, enough blahdy blahdy blah! My point here is this: The more you become comfortable exploring all of this within you, the more you will reach out, and the more there will be someone or something there to take your hand to boost you up. I PROMISE!! Today, our innate Universal abilities are no longer what’s considered the dark, mysterious powers of a gypsy storyteller in a dark room in a back alley! “Supernatural” is really “natural,” and no matter how much you might doubt yourself right this second, my goal with this Website is to plant this seed for you, and even help you germinate it and let this reality grow – you are far from alone! We’re all here together, with you.
Stay aware; every single thing you encounter along the way will have some tidbit of information or another that you need to help on your journey. Are some of them wacky? Crazy? Plain out bizarre? Absolutely! But you’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll start to perceive things differently – and the more you press ahead, how someone or something’s appearance becomes more and more irrelevant, and what’s in their heart becomes so much more apparent (and how much more easily you’ll be able to identify the differences between ego-based and heart-based communications)!
We’re all going to teach each other something, regardless of the amount of training, schooling, or practice we have. I have intentionally gathered (and continue to gather) quite a growing network of others at various levels of Awareness – throughout the world (thanks in part to the Internet and social media)! Was I a little intimidated when I actively started exploring this level of reality? Definitely! However, the more I interacted with the right people who had the right intentions, too, the more I realized that as much as I learn from them, in one way or another, they usually learn from me, too.
This might just seem like a kum-ba-yah, rah, rah, type of thing, but it’s just something I wanted to share, because I’ve been really active in this arena for 8-9 months… and I’ve advanced in ability on a breathtaking rollercoaster journey! So, look at that: 8-9 months! Even if you’re just starting on this path today, you’ll be amazed that soon you too will be telling others right behind you about how crazy and wonderful it is, and how everyone will discover their own THING.
Just food for thought…
More to come, but :::phew::: at least I’ve started here… NOW I can start writing about the REALLY fun thoughts, feelings, and experiences that have been going on… buckle your seatbelt, because we’re ALL going for the ride! 🙂