How about that I should have started writing all of this months (maybe even years) ago, but I never did? At least I’m doing this now, upon the continual nudging of several others… who I will explain in a moment. I know that ultimately, it’s good for everyone here on 3D Earth, because we’re all getting here – and I say ‘here’ as where I am right now – in our own time, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. That’s something I’m just stating as fact, because I know it as so.
Over the past _______ (week, month, 6 months, year, you name it), have you suddenly had experiences you couldn’t explain via the structured boxes dictated by our “normal” society and structured religions? Have things happened to you that were simply extraordinary and belong on a new episode of Unexplained Mysteries, or have you wondered if someone slipped you a psychotropic drug in one of your drinks – even though you haven’t had a drink for months?
If so, STOP right now and take a breather.You’re NOT alone!
Let me start at (sort of) the beginning – at least as close to it as I can.
Hi. I’m Angela. I was born and raised in New York – LAWNG ISLAND, New York, in fact -and this part of my story starts in the middle of the Blizzard of ’69, when I was born. I know this because I’ve been reminded on every single one of my birthdays for as long back as I can remember by my parents. Have you seen that movie City Slickers, with Billy Crystal? I think it was the second one that had this, but how Billy Crystal’s character’s mom would call every year on his birthday to tell him the story of his birth. Let’s just say I completely cringed at that – because I totally relate!
Anyway, besides my mother being a single mom in the ’70s, from the time I was 2.5, I grew up in a pretty “average” household. No weird seances, ceremonies, or anything of the sort – just a lot of females! My mother, my great-grandmother, my grandmother, my grandfather (Bless his Heart, as they say!), my sister, and I all lived in the same middle class house in a middle class town on central Long Island. Typical ails, I’d say, for most families – nothing too great, nothing to terrible. Cranky, absent mom; rebellious teen years; yadda, yadda, yadda.
As for me, I was tagged “extremely intelligent” from an early age; I did well in school, had a gift for music and the performing arts, and had a wide range of different types of friends.
I went out on my own at 18, and moved away from Long Island a year after that. I worked my way through college at the same time I worked my way up the corporate ladder. Worked hard, played hard… met my husband, moved South, had children, settled down and grew a life in North Carolina. How was that in covering almost 23 years?
I really just needed to let you know that my life was fairly normal, with some spiciness thrown in. I’ve always embraced creativity, uniquity, and independent thinking; when it came to religion, I’ve always known people with a wide variety of different beliefs. Though I was brought up very Episcopalian (which I always call “step-down Catholic” LOL), I learned way too much from all different religions and belief systems from early on to think that one “church” or religion had all the answers. I picked up early on that structured religion was mostly about power and politics, and very little about faith and true belief. I’ve processed a lot over the years about the history of different religions, and have always felt that in reality, most have common themes, with the differences really being in the details. I know that, contrary to what many churches preach, science is not completely separate from religion and spirituality, but actually indistinguishable from it. I’ve also felt – especially in the past decade or so – that a lot of what “fantasy” comes out in our movies and books is not so far from reality in the Universe – maybe not in our 3D reality, but beyond that.
I’ve really always loved debating facts, and though I love creativity, I’ve never been “artsy fartsy,” or anything like that. I love facts and figures in conjunction with creativity. But I’ve ALWAYS REALLY LOVED DEBATING! I did learn at an early age that most people are completely incapable of debating religion and politics in a sane manner, mostly because they couldn’t emotionally separate themselves from the situation. As for me? Not a problem! I have a “gift” of being able to cut myself off emotionally, especially when I need it most.
I also want to let you know that I’m very healthy – no tumors, diseases, etc. to alter my sense of reality (and no drug use – “inhaling” 21 years ago doesn’t count)! In fact, my family and I – as our pediatrician puts it – are “disgustingly healthy” – good variety, organics/naturals, no fast food junk, lots of exercise, lots of intelligent and physical pursuits.
Now, I will say that I’ve had some “extra” little gifts bestowed upon me along the way, but nothing (until today) that was pervasive in every moment of my life.
Luckily, I’ve always had a very open mind. And even luckier that I embrace new experiences… because since November 2009, I’ve suddenly been on the upward tick of the exponential curve in regards to increased spiritual insight and abilities.
It’s easier to show you a timeline of these abilities through my life:
- Early/mid-1970s – as a child, I was pretty empathic; as I’ve now meditated on all of this for awhile since I’ve looked back over all of it, I realize it’s why I intuitively put up a wall against a lot of emotion from an early age – because if I don’t block out what comes in, it’s TOO much. It’s really funny, since as I said above, most of my friends and I joke about the fact that I hardly ever get upset or cry about anything (‘the rock,’ as I’ve been called).
- Late 1980s/Early 1990s (early 20s) – I started getting premonitory dreams; also, being empathic made me very intuitive, because I could feel the strong emotions of others very easily – even if I never acknowledged it consciously. I would know when someone was lying to me, I could pick up the vibes in a crowded room if one person was really upset – even if they were hiding it – etc. I’m sure it has helped how well I’ve naturally done in marketing and psychology over the years.
- Late 1990s through today (late 20s through 40) – I was having random episodes where I’d continuously “dream” (though it wasn’t a dream) a different reality; I would visit people and have a life with them for sometimes up to 3 or 4 days… and it would be like I fell asleep in this world to wake up in the other world, because it was continuous from day to day. It started getting stressful and confusing… especially since I’d always hear from the people within a week after these episodes, no matter how long it had been since we’d spoken. After discussion and research, I’ve come to understand that it was most likely inter-dimensional movement/visits.
- Early 2000s to now (early 30s through 40) – I could suddenly communicate with some who had passed over. First it was only when I was dreaming, but they were yet another “different” kind of dream where I knew it was real (and often they would give me information I would otherwise not have had). However, when my grandmother passed away last year, she was with me – and I could see her peripherally in my line of vision and actually “hear” her talking to me, even correctly telling me where things were when I was helping my mother clear out her belongings – for a few days afterwards (of course, that was after a few nights of me waking up gasping for breath because in my dreams I was “experiencing” her last days in the hospital, in the hospital bed, when due to other complications, her lungs filled with liquid and she basically suffocated slowly – even though I hadn’t seen her for several weeks before this happened). Before, my communication was limited to those who I’d known when they were alive; however, in the past several months, I’ve had a few “dreams” where someone I didn’t know wanted me to pass on a message to someone else I knew (even if I didn’t really know that person all that well).
- Over the past year, I’ve suddenly had clear (though brief) glimpses into past lives. Up until 3 months ago, I only remembered 1; however, in the past 3 months, I’ve been able to remember 7 more (and 5 were purposefully “shown” to me by my guides in the past few weeks).
- Over the past several months, I’ve had experiences in a deep meditative state where I’ve “lived” through a scene, only for it to actually happen hours to days later. These are different than the premonitory dreams (which tend to be clear but more symbolic, and I’ve learned to read them over the years); they’re actually “living” scenes. I suspect that they’re the early ability of experiencing time off the linear continuum.
- In November, when I had the last string of inter-dimensional “dreams,” I woke up and my body was vibrating, which emanated from my 4th (heart) and 5th (neck) chakras. It didn’t stop at all for 4 or 5 days; ever since then, it comes and goes, especially moreso after some meditations… but when it’s strong, it almost tickles and makes me crazy, because it’s my whole body! Also, I get what my friend calls “The Buzz” – typically emanating from the 5th chakra – and whenever some information or occurrence hits me as “true” or “right,” it sends off a jolt from there (similar to hair raising on the neck or goosebumps, but to the 100th power).
- One of my dogs was diagnosed with lymphoma over the holidays; my husband and I took and finished Reiki I so we can administer Reiki to him. The attunement was a spectacular and very psychic experience.
- Over the past few weeks, upon counsel from an enlightened friend, I began communicating with my spirit/Angel guides via auto-typing (which I found works much better for me than auto-writing). Once I was able to quiet my mind (i.e. not freak out!), the communications started becoming very clear – at first, I doubted whether it was really not just me, but then I started getting “snapshots” in my head of things I didn’t or wouldn’t have words for. Then I was given a message to give to my husband – which I did – and even though I didn’t even understand it, he did. I would also remember the “conversation” differently than it was typed – especially the use of words, because I’d remember seeing a snapshot in my head and would describe it one way but when I went back over the typing later, it would be much differently worded. Also, a few times I set intentions to speak with my Angels/guides to find out their names; I have now met all three! Now, THAT’S where fascinating stuff starts coming in, but I think I’m going to save those explanations for tomorrow.
- Since all of this, I’ve had continual epiphanies of “understanding” of the way things are and how they tie together in our Universe… and a lot has just started “falling” together in a multitude of ways, as if to reinforce them.
Needless to say, this is A LOT to assimilate, and it’s still very surreal to me right now!
As you can see by the timelines above, up until 3 months ago, additional “abilities” would present themselves to me pretty well spaced apart, with time for processing and getting used to them. However, since November, it’s like the dam broke, and though I’m thankful and glad to receive the information presented to me, at times it’s very overwhelming – especially because I’m busy running my own business and having a busy life to begin with, and I’ve had to push things around to give myself SOME (though not enough) time to reflect and assimilate the information!
So, I’ve accepted the conclusion that I’m going through an accelerated Spiritual Awakening period. It’s exciting, because I just know it’s not imagination, and it’s positively changing the person I am… very quickly.
If I trust what my Guides have been telling me (and I do – there goes The Buzz), many here will start the process soon, also, or have already started, and those of us on the front end of the bell curve are not only supposed to quickly assimilate and master these abilities for the Greater Good, but we will soon need to teach many others, because all of “this” is nothing that is typically taught to us in day-to-day life or most religions – and that many who will start to experience these different things will not know who to talk to, and as a result internalize it and not talk about it because they’ll think a) they’re crazy, b) everyone else will think they’re crazy, and/or c) it’s the work of “The Devil” or some “unGodly,” malicious identity. I’ve been lucky – at least my husband, who’s known me and my “other” abilities since I’ve known him for the past 17 years – well before this past November – has been very accepting and understanding about it all – once I told him about it.
I’m also grateful that the Universe has provided me with people I could talk to when I needed it most since November – in fact, the first was someone who was first a client of mine; when I was freaking out when I woke up at 4am, vibrating, a voice in my head told me to talk to her about it. Coincidentally, we had a business meeting set up for 2 days afterward already… and we’ve now become fast friends because of how much she understands about all of this!
I’ve also found some of the right people on the Internet with whom to compare notes and get additional guidance… and THAT makes me feel much better, too.
For the past several weeks, I’ve also noticed that people I know – from different backgrounds, different beliefs, and completely different parts of my life – randomly bring up different “things” that have been going on in their lives that are “unexplainable” by average means. It’s weird – in the middle of a business meeting, this will come up! Then I end up sharing a little of what’s gone on with me, and then they open up and want to talk about it… so a lot of my meetings are going way longer than usual (and they’re highly unusual, as far as business meetings go)! But I realize that if this really is the case and will soon become more the rule than the exception, I’d better get a move on figuring all of this out – at least well on my way – so I can have my wits about me when these things come up!
OK, so this really isn’t the most interesting part, but I needed to get it started. Before moving forward with all I want to share with you, I also needed to explain to you where – and who – all I write about comes from. I’ve not shown outrageous “supernatural” gifts since I was a child. True, I’ve been empathic, but that was never really noticed by anyone but me, because I was a small child with a single mom in the 70s, with one sibling who is almost 7 years older than me. With all those people in the house we lived in, I was easily forgotten many times, so I just learned to take care of myself early on. But, I remember the overwhelming feelings I would get from people who had a lot of pain, anger, or even joy, and I hated having feelings that I knew weren’t my own! How can you understand that as a young child, with no one to talk to about such things?
I’ve had several people tell me that I need to WRITE about everything that’s happening, because I need to share all of this information. They’re right – both the 3D individuals and my Guides, who have been adamant to let me know that it’s one of my “jobs” in this! I’m not a writer per se, but most of my career – more than 20 years – has been marketing and communications, and writing/ communicating has always been my forte and a hobby. So I keep on being told to WRITE ABOUT THIS, and I haven’t had the time… but since yesterday afternoon, it seems they’ve finally decided to throw roadblocks in my way to everything I was supposed to do until I sat down and got this started. So here I am, barely keeping my eyes open to get this first post done. My kids and then my husband went to bed awhile ago; twice I’ve closed my eyes and started dozing while I was typing, and both times, I suddenly had loud noise go off in my head to startle me awake – once singing and once a shout. How about THAT subtlety?
So I guess they mean for me to WRITE ABOUT THIS, huh? 🙂
In closing to this start, many, many global challenges are coming – they’ve shown me. They keep telling me again and again the urgency to awaken, learn, and master these abilities (which, by the way, we all have, but simply haven’t yet remembered) so that I can be one to help others; also, to educate others about the problems with our food.
As my 11-year-old says, “easy-peasy,” right? We’ll see.
One more note before I sign off for now: In the right column of this blog, I’ve set up a number of links for you, and will continue to add to the list as I go along. Besides my other interests and contact information, I’ve also included people who have so far been great to have found in my path during this initial learning period…. and coincidentally, they are really good at what they do! I’ve also included a resource links section, to direct you to information I have uncovered while exploring and feeling the ravenous desire to know/remember MORE, even when I’m at the same time overwhelmed. I highly recommend them to anyone (which is obviously why I’m listing them here); there are a few I’m actually still reading, but have been getting nothing but The Buzz since I opened them, which I learned is a kind of validation.
That’s all for today, folks. More tomorrow… maybe I’ll be “allowed” to go to sleep now?
Willow Bodo · January 30, 2010 at 3:14 am
Dear Angela,
Your site is a FANTASTIC start to a great read for all who will soon be following your words of great spiritual evolution and guidance. In regards to your last question to me about getting things done…you have to ‘bend’ time. Ask you guides how, it is a matter of mediation and belief in the illusion of time. You will never be late again! : )
Laura · February 16, 2010 at 6:25 pm
I finally found the slip of paper you gave me.
Your articulation is truly gifted.
Much of my life experience mirrors yours. Thank-you for taking the time to write what I can’t.
I can teach it, smooth the transitions and help myself and others process but not write it.
You weren’t kidding about a lot in common.
Thanks for coming to the tai chi class. I’m so glad we connected.